
Prince Of Fire

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As Zuko watched the sunset and the stars emerge one by one, he had second thoughts. 

"Dude, if we find the avatar what should we do?" Zuko couldn't help but comment to Iroh, who was standing next to him. 

"Capturing the avatar won't necessarily solve your problems and doubts, but I don't think you'll let it go either, right?" Iroh answered him. 

During these days, Iroh could see a real change in his nephew, he seemed a completely different person; change from an angry and resentful child to a kind young man who cares about the future and the world. Iroh was both happy and worried about this change, he didn't know what had caused it and if this path would lead him down a good path but at least now his nephew had let go a little of that distant past and that it would not return. 

"My problems and doubts?...maybe you are right, maybe the avatar is not the solution or the key, but it is still important and indispensable for my future" said Zuko looking at the moon in the sky. 

Zuko knows that his uncle belongs to the order of the "white Lotus" and his mission is to help and take care of the avatar, Therefore, he opposes the avatar's capture but still supports him and Zuko appreciates this.

The original Zuko was a person who only thought about how to recover his lost honor and love, but he did not understand how to do it and could only cling to the idea of capturing the avatar; the avatar was Zuko's only hope and his obsession, although now he has changed his place, but he still cannot get rid of all the emotions of the original soul. 

This was the longest night the prince had had since he transmigrated and took this body as his own, Zuko was lying on his bed looking at the flag of the Fire Nation. If he captured the avatar he could return to the fire nation again, but he also knew that it was fraught with danger, In the fire nation are his sister Azula and his father Ozai, and neither of them are trustworthy. 

"Do I really want to follow the original plot?" The prince muttered to himself. 

Following the original play, in Zuko's opinion, was the easiest and had the highest probability of working and ending the war. Although some might be of the opinion that he could also capture the avatar and help the fire nation, the current Zuko did not want to do that. He was never a violent person in his previous life and does not like the concept of war, and the current Fire Nation sees war as a way to share their glory with the world, but what they have succeeded in doing is earning the hatred of the rest of the world.

Besides, ruling the world and ruling a country are different, and there were still great deficiencies in the government of the Fire Nation. Therefore, he preferred to follow the original plot, At least he would have an ally like the avatar, The avatar is a practically religious figure and if he had their support, it would not be difficult to win the favor of the masses. Although this was if he managed to win the friendship of Aang and the others, after all, he really had no allies besides his uncle. 

In the past Zuko always lived trapped under Azula's control and therefore had no allies or a reputation with which he could win over people in power, and since Ozai hated him he wouldn't allow it either, In the end, he could only rely on his uncle, the avatar group and he had to join the white lotus order, the white lotus group is composed of people from all nations and several really powerful masters; Zuko is really tempted to this idea, plus he was curious about this organization that didn't come up much in the original play. 

"Tomorrow will be an important day." said Zuko while thinking that he had a lot of monologues lately.

 The last day had been quite different for the small southern water tribe, especially for a pair of brown-haired, blue-eyed siblings. The day before, Katara and Sokka had found a child and a beast frozen in an iceberg, and the most surprising thing was that the child was an airbender, airbenders had not been seen in years according to the tribal elders. 

The boy's name was Aang and he seemed to have an attitude that did not match the current era, The boy was cheerful and had a natural trust with strangers, In the 100 years of war, what has changed the most is the people, It is normal to be wary of strangers and especially those from outside. 

Aang and Katara had finished playing with the penguins when they came to an old fire army ship.

"Aang we shouldn't go near it, it could be a fire nation trap." Katara reminded Aang who had intentions of exploring the vessel. 

"Katara if you want to be a waterbender, you must learn to master fear first" Aang told her in his usual happy and cheerful tone. 

Seeing Aang enter the ship, Katara had no choice but to follow him, so she ventured in as well. The two continued to enter until they reached a room with several weapons of all kinds, There Katara told him that this ship was one of the first fleets of the Fire Nation, but Aang did not understand how there could be a war and not know, having friends in all nations and the Fire Nation. 

"Aang I don't think you've been frozen for over 100 years." Katara told him in amazement.