
The meeting

Making his way through a long route, Lovin finally come upon a rundown western-style mansion that covers in roots: Polar Star Dormitory.

Opening the door, it was empty, then a voice suddenly yelled out, "Let go of me, old lady!"

Following the noise and entering the kitchen, he found the caretaker, trying to kiss Soma while he desperately tries to keep her away.


Notice someone was in the room, Fumio got out her trance and give Soma a breath of relief.

"You must be Lovin, the other transfer student who was going to stay here. I'm Daimido Fumio, the caretaker of this dormitory."

"Oh, Lovin. I didn't think you'll be staying here also since I didn't see you on my way here, that awesome!" Some said after getting over the kissing experience.

"Not so fast, all people who want to stay here have to cook to pass" Fumio interrupting their little reunion.

"Can't you just let me through since you already got something to eat?" Lovin asked, pointing at the burger steak.

"No, those are the rule here. If you can't do it, camp outside."

"Oh, very well. I'm hungry anyway, may as well make something to eat" Lovin said and walk around, picking ingredients.

Like Soma, Lovin uses the canned mackerel since it the only thing that can be used as meats. He mixes it with onions, peppers, and other vegetables, then shapes into small patty and fry. He then starts making the sauce while the patty was cooking.

"Here snacks for you since you already having a meal."

Lovin presented his dish to the dorms keeper, a bite-size fish cake with yellow sauce for dipping.

"Let see what you got, new kid," Fumio said and give the patty try.

At once, the hot flavor of the patty strikes her like a whip in a sensual, pleasant way.

Want to experience it again, she takes another bite. The savory of the patty struck her like a sharp whip every time she bites into it.

"Yes, more!"

Fumio dope to her knee with an ecstasy expression, freaking Soma out, "What?!..."

She turns to Lovin after getting control of herself with a still flustered face,

"You! How could you do that to an old lady like me!"

"Sorry, I didn't think you would react that way. Try it with the sauce, it made with egg, milk, and sugar," said Lovin.

Doing as Lovin said, Fumio eat the petty together with the sauce.

The patty takes a completely 180. With the sweet sauce mellowing the spiciness, it was like relaxing in a hot spring bath after the excitement the fourplay.

When she turns around to face Soma and Lovin. She suddenly looks younger, all her wrinkles were gone and she looks like she was almost glowing.

"Whoo...that was good" she gives a long sigh, feeling like she got a makeover.

"Wha-how did you do that?" Soma asked in confusion.

"Anyway, you both pass" Fumio point at two boys and take out two key and throw at them, "here you go"

"Thank, Fumio-san," said Lovin, taking a bite of the extra patty, he makes for himself and walks out of the kitchen, follows by Soma.

"Want some?"

"I wouldn't become like her, right?" Soma asked. The kissing for the old lady was already bad enough, he doesn't need another traumatizing experience.

"Hmm, who knows" he shrugs.


"Why is my room every time, go have your party somewhere else. I need to study!" complain Marui.

Everyone decides to gather in his room for the welcome party for the new dorm member.

'Why?...' Megumi was sitting between the two most hated, new student with an air of depression.

Why did both of them have to be in the same dorm as her and worse of all; one of them has seen her naked.

"What your name?" hearing someone talking to her Megumi snip out her depression and see it was the black hair transfer student.

"Ah, Tadokoro Megumi..."

Lovin smiles and put his hand on her shoulder, "I'm Lovin, you can also call me: Prince."

She drops her head and went back to her sorrow, 'This one is just as back as Soma-kun'

After a bit of talking and Soma asking about the Totsuki Elite Ten Council, the door was open and enter, Isshiki with Shoji and Daijo carrying the food.

Isshiki step in front of the two transfer and hold out his hand,

"Hi there, Yukihira Soma-kun and Lovin-kun. Welcome to the Polar Star Dormitory! I'm Isshiki, a second-year, call me Isshiki-senpai."

After the interdiction, everyone starts to party.


Everyone was asleep except for the few that was awake, eating Soma's dish; rice and fish with soup over it.

"That was a beautiful thaw, Soma-kun," said Isshiki and put the bowl down.

"Yeah, it was good. Your cooking is almost better than everyone here" the others join in and praise him.

"Thank but I don't' think I'm better than Lovin," said Soma and glanced at him, sleeping form.S

"Why you said that?" asked Yuki.

Soma sits down and everyone attention was on him.

"Because the dish he makes using canned mackerel for Fumio test was better than this dish... "

He then points at Isshiki, "That includes your, Isshiki-senpai."

That answer surprises everyone, Lovin look like someone who never holds a knife before and all he got is his look.

"Whoa, really? He don't see to radiance the aura of a chef like you," stated Ryoko.

Ibusaki speak up and asked what been on his mind since they start talking about Lovin,

"I've been wondering, why didn't he has a surname."

"Oh that, he an orphan" Soma replied casually.

That statement shocked them, someone without a cooking background was able to enter Totsuki.

"That just to show you how big the world is" Isshiki stated with a nod.

Powerful, powerful stuff.

PS. Do I keep missing little or words?

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts