
Primordial World

The adventure of Eris, a young woman that will uncover the secrets of the newly-born universe. World peace has started to crumble, malefic energy is hovering in the air, and Eris is going to travel the world to find out how to solve everything that is happening

EverlastEternity · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

The beggining of the Journey

As soon as she woke up, Eris found herself in a very tidy room, of a pattern far above which she was used to attending, and still bewildered, tried to get up to search the place she was in. Arriving at the window she came across a unique landscape, a pavilion huge, all sparkling with magic of light, as well as the trees complementing the landscape, forming a kind of little square of the village where he lived, only 100x bigger and 100x cleaner and chic.

- Ah, you woke up! She worried us. - Said a lady, that Eris did not recognize until she turned her face and saw that she was the instructor.

- Instructor? Like what...? Where I am? - Eris said, getting even more confused than she already was.

- It is not obvious? You are where you trained hard to get.

- So is this the initiative of the Knights? Strange, it looks more like a citadel she heard about, or even a royal palace.

The instructor gets up with a smile, giving a light laugh.

- Normal, but you'll understand soon. Will you accompany me on a walk around the area while I explain? - Said the instructor, extending her hand to Eris.

- Sure, I want to understand why I'm here. - Said Eris, groping and standing next to the instructor

Both come out of the room, which in Eris's view, was already bigger than her house, but the corridor they entered was about 4 of her houses, all in Lazuolite stone, a gray stone with a slight bluish tone, giving the impression that emits a weak blue light, originated from extreme water magic. The corridors were all meticulously designed, it really looked like a high-level palace, or even royalty, there were no pictures or vases with plants, but their decorations were encrusted on the wall, like a mark, by the magical artists.

- Is that ... Lazuolite? - Asks Eris, astonished to have so much.

- Yes, exactly. How did you know?

-The trainer who was going to train the knights of our village had a pendant of the same color, she explained what it was, she didn't know it was so beautiful. – Said Eris, feeling the walls with the hand while, with her eyes closed, remembering the pendant on her mind.

- I'm glad you liked it, Lazuolite has special properties to contain and store magic. - she said while pointing to the walls, as if to start an explanation

- Yes, they are shining more and more brightly in the sea blue tone, coming out of the gray, which is its dry state of magic to complete. -

- Apparently you did more than 1 homework, very good, I won't need to explain the function that the stones have then.

- Yes, because I want to know why I am here, I did not pass the test. - She said with his head down, remembering his failure.

- Maybe it didn't pass at that specific time, but it lacked the right incentive for you to release the magic through your body. - Said the instructor, placing her hand on Eris' shoulders, in an attempt to ease the pain that her heart was carrying.

- Incentive? As well? - She said, scratching her head slightly, trying to remember what happened.

- I'm not sure how, but after a conversation with a friend of yours, you burst out of feelings, thus releasing the thunder element. - The instructor said while stroking Eris's hair.

- Thunder? Meeee?! What aooo !!! - She shouted very excited by her discovery.

- I wouldn't be so excited ... sit down. - She pointed to a stool in the center of the bright pavilion, under a leafy tree that created an invigorating shadow.

- What's so bad about it? I've always been quick with my blades, thunder suits me. - She nodded, still excited, but sitting and paying firm attention to the instructor.

- Yes, thunder suits you well, the problem is the thunder from which you awoke in your magical awakening. Your trainer never explained what was necessary, to awaken the magic in us, right?

- Basically, she seemed to have no idea what magic really was. - Said Eris now with the most worried face.

- Yes, I know your trainer well, your technique is very similar to hers, except that she carries the wind with her. Do you know the name of your trainer? - Asked the instructor with a smile on her face.

- I know she used a codename, Sail.

- She is very cautious, even too much, and very famous too, have you heard of the legend of Liss BladeFury? It's your trainer. – Pointing and smiling at Eris.

- Wait .... My trainer is Liss BladeFury ?! Lie right? She is hugely famous all over the world! - says Eris, eyes shining at her instructor.

-Sure, she has already performed incredible exploits, worthy of acquiring the surname she carries. But back to the main subject, you and your thunder, Liss never told you how to awaken magic, because natural awakening is much more potent and pure than one forcing, because the magic in this world comes from the feelings that we cultivate in our hearts. – Said the trainer, passing her hand over her chest.

- Oh really? How cheesy, I thought it would be something to do with a strong and prepared body. - Said Eris relaxing on the bench, letting the cool breeze sway her light brown hair.

- Maybe, maybe not, but remember that it was a feeling, anger, that awoke your magic, and that is what you should be concerned about. – Poking Eris forehead.

- But why? She asked, straightening up on the bench to pay more attention to the next words.

- There are several ways to awaken the thunder like magic, the lightest and kindest would be love. The feeling of love is strong, because it changes how we act, think and decide things. And the most destructive and malevolent is anger, which was your case. - She explained while rotating her finger, making some circles.

- Got it, I think ... So it means that if I want to use my magic more from now on, do I have to feel angry about things? - Said, while sweating cold, fearing the answer.

- Correct, but everything can change, your primary element is thunder, but you can discover other ways to use thunder, and develop your style of fighting and acting based on your favorite form. Remember, the aura your magic gives off will never let you lie, so always try to be honest with yourself. - Warned the instructor, poking Eris in the forehead.

-Ok, Ok. - She agreed, placing her hand on her forehead. - But you didn't tell me your name.

- For now just call me Vio.- Getting up from the bench. - See you Eris. - Leaving walking slowly.

- Okay, Vio...

Eris had a whirlwind of doubts and feelings in her head now, things happened so fast for her, at first she didn't even know that she could really awaken magic before joining the initiative, but with a twist she awakens her magic, but in a bad. Wrapped in her doubts Eris gets up walking from the stool she was on, going back to her room, and always looking at that huge pavilion, despite all the revelations, she couldn't contain her emotion, she was very happy to have fulfilled her dream, getting into the knights' initiative was what she most wanted. She went around that huge pavilion, looking at the structures, every detail, turning and while her dress turned slower than her body, the winds hitting her hair, forcing her to take them out of his eyes at all times, so that he can always see the houses, all sculpted in Lazuolite, there begins a new phase in Eris's life.