
Primordial World

The adventure of Eris, a young woman that will uncover the secrets of the newly-born universe. World peace has started to crumble, malefic energy is hovering in the air, and Eris is going to travel the world to find out how to solve everything that is happening

EverlastEternity · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


After a long night of sleep, Eris woke up fully ready, practically jumping out of her bed, but surprised that in doing so, there was a man who will never come before, he was a short person for men, hair starting to turn gray, a strange goatee and had a very invasive look.

- Good Morning? Who are you? - Said surprised to have someone in the room before she woke up.

- I came to help you with clothing; you hardly had decent clothes where you lived. - Said the sir, going in the direction of Eris.

- Okay, fine, I think. What do I have to do? – Said as she rubs her head, a little confused.

- Just stand up and spread your legs a little, and raise your arms forming a T.

Eris does as you asked, as soon as she finished entering, the pose determined by the mysterious man, a wind started to envelop her whole body, she seemed to analyze it, she felt almost as if it were a hug.

- This is strange; it seems to be squeezing me. You're not trying to be funny, are you? – Looking at him distrustfully.

- Of course not, I am a serious man. - Said the sir, but with a silly smile on his face.

Sensing that the wind was tightening her hips and her abdomen, she saw that the sir seemed to gain something from it, so she wanted to teach him a lesson, she started to advance on him, but before he could do anything, he made a face, as if he had been frightened.

- Ow ow ow ow, this is too cold!! - Shouted the sir as he ran in circles.

- You never learn, your way is disgusting. – Said a voice in a low woman's tone, until it turned out to be Eris's trainer

- Trainer! - Said Eris, surprised to see her again.

- Hi Eris, how long we haven't seen each other. - Greeting Eris, with a smile as she seemed to be moving something in the sir.

- Do you know him? - She points to the man already seated, panting from running in circles.

- Yes, he is responsible for making the uniform of our people, but I think you have seen that he is a bit of a pervert. - She said while making a gesture with her hand, taking an ice stone from the man's back.

- How could such a man help me with my uniform? – Said Eris, with a hopeless face.

- Of course I can help, I'm the best in this business. - He said, already standing up. - My name is Rony SilkHand, the best clothing designer ever.

- Rony ... SilkHand ... Wait, are you that guy who created that dress for the queen? Asked Eris, pointing at him with a surprised face.

- Yes, exactly! - He said, with a proud countenance on his face.

- Noooo, I don't want a trainer, that dress is horrible, he will make a ridiculous outfit like that for me too. - Eris whined as she went to meet the trainer, leaning on her.

- But what? How dare you say that about a work of art like that? - He spoke clenching his fists, clearly indignant.

- Eris, don't worry, he won't make a dress like that for you. He has a very good talent for figuring out what we want to wear. - Said the trainer, resting her hand on Eris' shoulders, trying to comfort her.

- Do not fear, miss, I, Rony SilkHand, am unmatched, you will have an equipment according to your purest desires.

- Hm, this one I pay to see. - Said Eris, with a mischievous face, almost laughing at Rony.

- Okay Rony, do your job, the right way this time, I'm here watching.

- Cut the trainer, speaking in a harsh tone, looking very serious.

- Alright Liss, alright. - He agreed while sitting on the chair again.

After sitting down, the winds started to circle Eris again, but the feeling was different, they seemed to be talking to her, whispers and whistles were clearly audible to Eris. She ended up getting a little confused and nervous, because she didn't quite understand how it was going to help.

- Wow, I didn't know you would taste so ... different. - He said, with a slightly disappointed face.

- Are you done, Ron? We have others to evaluate. - Said the trainer, placing her hand on his shoulder.

- Yes Liss, let's go. - He agreed, getting up and leaving Eris alone in the room. - More at the end of the day, I deliver your new outfit, sweet Eris. - He said, finishing leaving the room, while sending a wink to Eris.

- Get out, weird. - She raged, closing the door.

It was a strange experience, she had never seen magic running so freely everywhere like that before, and she was also afraid, which is what Ron saw to use the word 'different' for their tastes. Everything was starting very differently from his old routine, but the day was just beginning.

After the event as soon as she woke up, Eris got ready to go to the main hall, as they were meeting there to welcome the new members of the initiative. While she was getting ready, she noticed that the walls of Lazuolite were bluer than she had seen yesterday, she looked at the window and saw other people doing some tricks with their magic, she admired each trick, it still seemed like a dream to her. As soon as she finished getting ready and left her room, she started to go to the main hall, seeing that each one there was always doing something with his magic gifts, either just using as an object holder, in the case of those who use earth magic. As to make them go faster to places, like the ones that use the wind, the Lazuolite corridors danced in blue and gray, due to the magic that was constantly used by those who were there.

Arriving at the main hall, Eris was amazed, it was a huge pavilion with few pillars, walls of a material she did not know, but it was white and emits a comfortable warmth, and the entire floor looked like diamond, but reflected like a mirror. She gaped in, ever saw nothing so exuberant before, not even when the trainer showed her technique the first time, from there she looked for a place to sit.

- Welcome, noble knights, it is an honor to have you all here today! - Shouted a man. He was an adult around 35-45 years old, he was very tall and had a well-defined body, a square face with a determined look, Eris felt a strong energy emanating from him.

- I think most of you know me, I am Dreighor DawnBreaker, the conqueror of tomorrow, it is a pleasure to welcome all of you at the initiative of the knights.

Hearing those words, Eris was euphoric inside, before her eyes was a living legend, Dreighor was able to, even with his worn and weak magic, slay a tyrant God who cruelly reigned an entire country. Knowing that there was someone of that kind in the initiative, left Eris excited and challenged, because if someone like him is here to teach anything, she will have a chance to learn what he knows, and this possibility, even if remote, don't get out of Eris's head.

- The world is a mess, in this era of gods, many things began to happen, the world began to enter into severe ethical decline, gods that before served the people and valued for their safety, now succumbed to the evil energy, which thanks to them , and only to them, now permeates our world. So, my great warriors, I count on you, I hope that your journeys will bring you the glory you crave for. - Said Dreighor, with a firm and constant tone throughout his speech, ending with a simple gesture, spreading a little of his magic of light over those present in the hall.

The words were clear, the world was beginning to go into chaos, nothing had ever happened like this before, and as far as Eris knew, nothing had happened since the beginning of this world, there was something wrong, and Dreighor invited her to solve this mystery that permeated the whole world, but something worried her, how could he be so sure? Did he have any information he was omitting? Why did he blame the gods so abruptly? Questions that she had pertinent at the moment after Dreighor's speech, but that she certainly would not have the easy answer.

As all the authorities followed Dreighor and left the Hall, everyone was sitting at the tables, but there was nothing else to do there, she did not know why they were sitting.

- Newbie here? - Said a young man beside her, poking her arm.

- Yes ... - Said Eris, looking crooked because of the surprise.

- My name is Davhin, and yours? - He said as he held out his hand to greet Eris.

- Eris, pleasure Davhin. - She said as she shake his hand firmly.

- Pleasure is all mine Eris. - Davhin confirmed, as he smiled softly and shake Eris's hand subtly.

Eris blushed slightly, the black-haired boy was looking overjoyed to meet her, but she was not used to dealing with anyone other than her family or friends, so after a few seconds letting the young boy shake her hand, the she pulled abruptly, nervous about all that.

- So Eris, where are you from? - He said, looking with a fixed stare, making Eris even more nervous.

-Eeeeer, I'm from a small village far away ... I think ... - she said with a slightly shaky voice, but her body was totally static.

- Hmmm I see, I came from the city close by, StoneGrid, you know? - He asked her as she straightened up on the bench.

- I think I do, isn't that famous city known for its deposits of all kinds of ore? - She replied, her voice trembling a little more.

- Yes, there the initiative invests a lot, I was one of the many approved there ... Oops! It's going to start, I suggest getting ready. - Point to Eris, as if indicating something.

- But why? - She said it while gesturing confused.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Eris heard a noise coming from all directions in the hall, as soon as he stopped paying attention to Davhin to see where the noises were coming from. She saw a lot of people entering through the windows of the hall, enveloped in bubbles of elemental magic of water, land, nature, fire and air. Eris put the shame aside and began to admire the whole show with a wide smile on her face.

- What are they doing? - Eris asked Davhin, but without taking his eye off for 1 second of the magic show going on.

- It is the initiative's welcome banquet; whenever there is a new wave of newbies, they make this banquet. - Said while looking at Eris's face, smiling for seeing her so happy with that.

She continued to watch the show, as the magicians went down and juggled orbs with their spells, which came and went making kaleidoscopes with the elements, and after a certain course, they gathered in the center, where a large orb was more and wider and brighter. As soon as the whole juggling show was over, the orb began to stir, mixing all elements smoothly, after a few seconds the orb exploded, filling the hall with a blinding glow. As soon as the glare had ceased, all the tables were filled with visually succulent food, Eris saw the warm smoke and everything and was stunned.

- Is this food real?! Like this?! Is this possible? She asked, still amazed at everything that had just happened.

- Yes, everything is as real as it is delicious. - Davhin replied to Eris, taking a piece of bread, eating and watching Eris, with a little smile on his face.

- It actually tastes... Wonderful!! - Practically screaming, while eating a simple cheese sandwich.

Eris was a pure and innocent young woman for this world, as she had not seen even a fraction of it, and it seems that after she joined the initiative, all she learned was kind of in vain, seeing it all happen so suddenly and majestic, which always kept her off guard.

- Damn, you really are a hillbilly. - He whispered close to Eris's face, who was distracted while she eats heartily.

- Aaaa don't scare me like that!! - She said, taking a slight jump on the bench. - But I was showing off that much? - She asked, looking embarrassed that she couldn't contain herself.

- A little, but I thought it was cute, sorry I didn't alert you earlier. - He whispered again, with a smile from the corner of her mouth.

Davhin said all the words in a soft tone, which prompted Eris to analyze him, since she had met him and many things already occur right after. Looking more calmly now, he was a little older than she was, he had a shallow beard, but because he was shaved, he had an even athletic body, and was probably a few inches taller than Eris. Making her more ashamed now than she was before, who after stopping to pay attention to his appearance, saw that he was a very handsome man.

- That ... hehe you had no obligation to do that. - She said, very flushed and thinking that he thought she was crazy.

- you've never seen anything like that before, right? - He sat closer to her, so that they could speak in a lower tone while eating.

- Nothing in that proportion, in my village there were about 2 elders who used aquatic magic, but it was only to catch a few fish in the stream, almost imperceptibly - She said while slowly and calmly eating her sandwich, with a distant look, she seemed to remember the scenes, smiling.

- So it's practically your first time seeing high-level magic like this at the banquet?" - He asked, taking a piece of bread. - What is your element? If I may know.

- Beautiful spells like that, it's the first time, yes. And why do you want to know? - She asked, finding it strange that the subject came out of nowhere.

- It's just that everyone here came using some of their magic, but from what I saw, you didn't even use it a bit, not at all. - He commented in a softer tone, wanting to demonstrate that he is trying to be nice.

- I have my reasons, I can hurt someone ... - she replied thoughtfully, for fear that it was the answer I wanted to give.

- Jeez, your element ... hmm if you can hurt that bad ... I bet it must be something related to pure energy. - He blinked while aiming at the time of the hint.

- Yeah, you could say that. - She replied, and went back to eating her bread quietly.

- Look, my element is fire! - He said, seemed to try to cheer her up somehow. - Want to know how I woke up?

- How did you wake up? Tell me. - She feigned him, and began to pay attention to how he manipulated the spherical fire in his right hand.

- Hmm, interested huh? Fine. - He nodded, sitting across from Eris, causing the flame in her hand to begin to take shape as she told the story.

- It was a winter week, everything was very inaccessible due to the excess of snow, so we were all always indoors. I had a dog, Lupe was the name, and one of these days, he left the house, how I don't know, during a snowstorm. I was very worried and everything, he would die of cold if he stayed out of the house for a long time. So as soon as I realized I went after him, after a few hours of searching, I found him lying under rags thrown near a tree, but it was too late to save him. Then, there at that moment with my cold dog in my arms, I I ended up having my magical awakening, in an attempt to warm up and make him return to, in vain ... - Davhin said, the flames that he used to illustrate the scenes, perfectly manipulated, began to look like they were crying.

- So you mean that the feeling that triggered your magical awakening was the pain of loss? - Asked Eris, slightly reluctant and saddened by his story.

- Yes. The magic in us does not allow us to lie Eris, as much as I seem calm here for you; the flame I am manipulating is directly linked to what I felt at that time. - As he explained, the flame intensified and started to change color, becoming a color more turned to purple, with its center, right in Davhin's palm, black.

- And that black part? What it means? - Looking at Davhin with a zealous look, putting her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him

- To be direct, it was basically the depression I felt when I lost him, because I really loved him, I spent a few months in reclusion after he left. - As soon as he said that, the flames in his hand changed to a bright red tone, with orange tones around it.

- And this is my tribute to him, as I grew up and spent a good part of my life with him, I refuse to let him just disappear, so the good feelings and moments that I spent with him, I use them to always have my best friend by my side. - Davhin explained, while the living flame in his hand took the real shape of his dog and stood beside him, waiting while wagging his flaming tail.

- Damn... This is ... Incredible, can I pet him? - She asked, already approaching the hand of the dog, with a face of fear and amazement, with all that technique with fire.

- Yes, you do. - Waving that she could do while he answer.

Eris moves her hand closer to the dog made purely from fire, but instead of burning her hand, she feels a friendly and very captivating warmth. The fire had a perfect coat texture, it looked like a dog's hair, and even more than the drops of fire, of which they were the dog's saliva, when they fell on Eris' clothes, the clothes did not catch fire, but were absorbed by the clothes, thus making her warm and comfortable. Eris felt all the affection and love that Davhin had for his dog while petting, and began to have slight glimpses of the moments they spent together, the happy and sad moments being passed by the feelings imposed on that magic, she felt that she knew the dog, even never having seen him in person, and started crying while caressing.

- But what is it? Are you burning your hand? - Asks Davhin, worried after seeing that Eris was crying, her tears falling on the firedog's saliva.

- No ... it's okay, just ... I'm sorry for making you show me. - Eris answers, crying a lot, she gets up and runs out of the hall, going to the shiny pavilion.

As she ran, passing through the hall portal, arriving at the pavilion, she sat half hidden on a bench that was leaning against a short wall of the corridors. The tree that always near each bank began to emit its cool breeze, which in a way calmed down Eris, and keeping her eyes closed. She just leaned her back on the seat and dropped her head on her knees, continuing to feel all those strong emotions when she caressed the dog. That was too surreal for her, she thought that magic was just a way to demonstrate superiority, but magic helps Davhin to keep the dog for which he created such an incredible bond, this pure friendship, forever. For her this naivety was unacceptable, because the dog somehow made her think of her parents, and how she was very focused on getting into the initiative to get a better life, but she didn't even stop to reflect on her parents' feelings for her, and hers for them.

Davhin went after Eris shortly after seeing her go through the hall gates, he was confused, he thought he had done something cool to relax her, feel more comfortable, but not being able to get it out of his head that he did everything wrong. As soon as he arrives at the pavilion, he sees a blue spot on the floor, on the stool Eris sat; he went calmly towards her and sat down gently beside her.

- Everything better now? He asked in a super soft tone, placing his hand on Eris's back in an attempt to calm her down.

- How did you find me? I kind of tried to hide here. - She asked, still whimpering.

- Because of that. - He pointed to the floor, it had a slightly darkened blue stain with a red background behind, about the width of her.

-I realized that, but I didn't do anything and it appeared there ... - SHe spoke the sentence while sounding sadder than it appeared.

- It's normal, the floor is made of a material called sentilyn, and it will react if any magic is used, showing the color of the strongest feeling present. - He finished his explanation with a friendly smile for her.

- But how? I don't even know how to use magic properly, and it wasn't even that feeling that I activated the first time. - She lifted his head already looking less sad.

- Hey, I thought that this gentle breeze, but that conveyed a certain loneliness, was you, so you don't use wind? - He asked, already scratching his head.

- No, my element is thunder. - She replied, as she watched the blue spot on her feet gradually disappear.

- Gee, lightning? Really? How different, I still haven't seen lightning users around here. And could you tell me about your magical awakening? - While he asked, he tried to show that he was calm and happy, but he was still worried about why she ran like that.

- I can, I think. - She sat upright, took a deep breath and calmly told, from her training to the admission test, how she disintegrated the whole test doll and part of the floor.

- So it was anger and frustration. Yes, they are powerful emotions indeed. However, why are you afraid to use them? It's bullshit. - He said while showing confidence in her words.

- But my instructor said it could be very dangerous for me to use it in the state I know now. - She replied with a certain firmness.

- Yes, it is dangerous, but my fire is also dangerous, regardless of the feeling I use, the fire when it touched the animal was to have burned you, even though the magic was provided with a positive feeling. - He explained. Eris started to pay more attention to him, he was explaining her vision in a sweet way.

- I think I understand, even if I have to use anger, can I make the rays that come out not to be fatal? This is it? She asked, already calmer, but now kind of mesmerized by the way he explained it.

- Exactly, it is your power, as much as a huge burst of lightning is coming out, it is you who decides what this explosion will do. - He smiled, giving her a thumbs up.

When she heard that, she had a slight crash, an idea of ​​what to do in order to evolve, but he needed another light, a way to make it happen, maybe his trainer could help, Eris felt that she was.

- Thank you Davhin! - Thanking him as she got up from the bench, with a happy smile on her face. - It helped me to have an idea of ​​what to do, I'm going for it. Bye-bye! - He said goodbye with a slight wave and a sweet smile.

As she moved away, Davhin felt a twinge in his heart, he will think he did something good after making her cry, then he nodded in the same way and returned the same sweet smile.

Eris was in her room, looking for his reliable sword, she wanted to train something that came to his mind as soon as Davhin made his explanation. However, when she got to her room, she didn't find her weapon anywhere, but she saw a paper package with a red ribbon on top of her bed, and it had a note:

'' Sweet Eris, your outfit was not that hard to make, since in your desires you don't want to look fabulous or shiny, but you still want to be stylish, so I think this will make you more like it, I hope you like it and learn how to use too.

'' With love, Rony SilkHand ''

Reading that made Eris curious about what he did with the outfit, but afraid she would end up being ridiculous, but when she opened the package and saw that it was even a simple and practical outfit, she was more relieved. As she put on her clothes, she felt more confident, it seems that that grayish purple bodysuit read her feelings, getting more comfortable as she wore it, she felt around for a while, until she found another note in her belly pocket.

'' I hope you thought it was good, I did it with all the care and talent I have, but that's not all we have as a gift for you, as soon as you finish dressing I suggest you go to the blacksmith, he has a surprise for you. Ps: I hope the outfit enhances your qualities and curves, hehehe.

'' With love, Rony SilkHand ''

The second letter made her apprehensive of what he meant, but she just decided to let it go and run straight to the blacksmith, if only one outfit made by one of the people who stay here was able to make her feel so different, she kept imagining the weapon she would use. She darted towards the armorer, the lazuolite walls danced with their blue light as Eris passed by, she was in a pile of emotions, she wanted to start soon and become an incredible knight and discover every corner of the world.

Arriving at the armory, she came across a peculiar scene, the man who was there was strangely tall, Eris assumed he was about 2.5 meters, was bald on the top of his head, but he had a funny mustache, and however much a bull bearing, muscular and defined, his face was friendly. And all that big man didn't match the tool he used, they were hammers and other very small tools, he had a hammer which he used constantly while Eris watched that it was just manipulable if you used your fingertips.

- Hiii, good morning sir! - She greeted, waving and awkwardly talking to a man that big.

- Good morning, beautiful lady, how can I help you? - She greeted the man back, in a tone so soft and friendly that Eris was surprised, because she doesn't fit him at all.

- Is that Rony asked me to come here, I think it has to do with my sword. - She said, hunting for the forge if she found something like her.

- What's your name, sweet young lady? - Asks the blacksmith, in a soft tone as he lowered himself a little to pay more attention to her face.

- E-Eris, and yours? - Responds stuttering, not only because he is looking at her carefully, but also because she is finding him very cute.

- My name? Damn, it's been a while since they asked, my name is Drean Skyforger, nice to meet you, beautiful Eris. - Said the big man, with an engaging laugh.

- I remember what Rony said, I think she's around ... The great man rummaged through the chests that were there. Until he found a small cloth, from which when he opened her sword came out, split into several pieces and all with some step of disintegration, as soon as he dropped the sword on the forge table, Eris recognized immediately it was uses sword.

- Gee, I think I did some damage to her, hehehe. - She laughed while she spoke nervously. – Is it fixable?

- Everything can be fixed, my sweet Eris, even the most irreparable of wounds. Ready to start? - He held out his hand to her, looking pointedly at her.

- For what? How can I help you? - She asked a little flushed with the look he was doing.

- This is the sword you used on the day of the test, right? If so, follow me, let's do the bonding ritual. - He waved her the way, while wrapping the sword in the cloth again.

- Yes, she is. But bonding ritual? I've never heard of it before, what is it? - She asked, following the blacksmith to a farther corner.

Upon arriving in this space, Eris came across a lot of symbols and books, thought that he studied hard to know how to be a good blacksmith. The place Drean pointed to was a seemingly simple table, carved out of dark wood, circularly low as he sat. You sat down first and invited her to sit in the back, leaning against the wall.

- The bonding ritual is something that should be done with great caution, young lady, listen carefully. - As he alerted Eris, he opened the cloth with the sword under the table, throwing only the pieces of it under the table. - Assemble the sword as you want it to be, or as it was for her to be adaptable, the choice is yours.

- Adaptable? What do you mean to be adaptable? Asked Eris, as she fiddled with the pieces of the sword, piecing together as she remembered.

- Often, when the magical awakening occurs, normal weapons cannot take the stride and shatter, as happened with yours, then we do the bonding ritual. Everyone prefers to assemble a new weapon, with the shape they want, to look like unique and imposing swords, and there are the adaptive ones, which are shaped according to how the magic is being used, but it requires a greater sacrifice. - He explained in a calm and succinct tone, while concentrating energy on the table.

- Sacrifice? What kind of sacrifice? - She asked with slightly wide eyes, finishing assembling the sword as it originally was.

- To connect the sword to you, I will have to use something from you. I would be very sad to use your beautiful hair, so there are some options like saliva, skin, a part of the body or blood, the blood that besides being faster in the ritual, it had also made the connection stronger. - He explained with that same succinct look, but his tone was calm and friendly.

- If I don't pass out, I don't mind using blood, I think. - She replied, offering his hand to the blacksmith. - You can start, I'm ready. - She finished, slightly afraid about the ritual.

Drean nodded, took Eris's hand calmly and started the bonding ritual, while he concentrated, the table began to shine brightly in a whitish blue light, the sword began to float, and the pieces gradually came together. They started to stop grouping, waiting for something to complete, so Drean with his thumb on Eris' wrist used magic that gently cut a cut on Eris' wrist. The blood instead of running down, as he normally does, he started to rise to the sword, forming an aura around it, which then gradually completed the sword, forming the material in one only again. As soon as the ritual was over, Drean gently put his thumb back on Eris's wrist, healing the wound she had caused, leaving it as if it had never occurred.

-Geez ... - sighed Eris, taking and hitting the sword. - What do you mean my blood turned to metal...

- Hehe, you are incredibly cute, sweet Eris, let me explain a little more. - Picking up the sword, he started using his magic on it.

- Now she will channel the magic imposed on her, anyone can do it with any sword that has undergone a bonding ritual, but only the user who was connected to the sword can use it freely, as if it were an extension of his body, because it is that's what she is now, you're on the sword, so she's you. - While explaining, he showed Eris her sword changing shape, using his water magic on the sword, he kept the blade soft, going into a super thin shape and then returning to normal shape. - The blade is the manifestation of your desire, and your emotions make them fatal or not, use with care, beautiful Eris. He gave Eris a wink, handing her the sword.

- Got it, Drean, thanks. She took the sword with a kind smile, for some reason after all; Eris started to feel confident and comfortable with him around. - Do you know where I can find my trainer? She is Liss BladeFury.

- Miss Liss is always in the forest, she really likes to train there, just go behind the main hall, sure that you found her there. - Explains it while he gestures, and goes back to the main counter.

Eris says goodbye to Drean with a smile and starts running towards the forest, on the way there she takes her sword, starts to analyze, there was a very unique feeling when holding her now, but at the same time very familiar, making her remember everything Drean said. With all this new information in her head, she felt a new challenge, to expand her horizons beyond what she thought possible, but first, she needed to find the help needed to use her magic freely.

As soon as he started to enter the forest, he felt windstorms coming in random ways and heard the sound of water, she assumed she would be her tutor, training. As she followed the noises, she saw the tops of the trees disappear and give way to the stumps, which seemed to be cut by a huge blade or something very fast. As soon as she saw a clearing, she saw her trainer there, fighting two people at the same time. She was able to fight easily, even in numerical disadvantage; Eris realized that she was enveloped in a wind current, so she didn't touch her feet on the ground, never having to worry about her posture. Both ceaselessly attacked her, making her reaction difficult, she defended with grace and precision, she parrying the blows with ease, but whenever she went to strike, the other forced her to return to a defensive position. She didn't know whether to help or keep watching, she didn't know how to use her magic properly yet, and her trainer seemed to be managing to deal with both opponents.

Until after exchanging a few blows, one of the opponents fighting with the trainer turned to Eris, as soon as he saw her, he ran towards her. Eris, seeing the person coming at an impressive speed, went to draw her weapon to prepare for the battle, but her reaction was very slow and she did not get a firm stance, and then when she received the blow, she was thrown away, falling to some 4 meters from there.

- Eris ?! What are you doing here? - Shouted the trainer, while she voraciously attacked her opponent.

Eris didn't even hear what they said to her, he was buzzing because of the thud he had received, and even with that momentary deafness, he took her sword to stand firm and fight what was in front. Now that he was closer, she was able to see what it was, it looked human, but it was all black with brown stripes, the blade he used was the same color as the body, it even looked the same. Had no expression and much less any trace distinguishable, no matter how much she studied about some creatures, she never saw anything like it. After this brief analysis, Eris went advanced, prepared to use her technique, started to spin and hit, but there was something different, it was very slow and very weak, the thing easily deflected, it even seemed to mock her. Eris did not know what was happening, she had never hesitated before, and she certainly wasn't sorry, she started to make a more defensive posture, since her opponent was faster than her hits. As soon as she realized, the humanoid went over to Eris, attacking with quick consecutive blows, she was barely able to defend, and some even passed her defense and hit her arm and leg 3 times.

However, when everything started to look bad for Eris, the humanoid started to fly away from her; it was Liss pulling him with her magic. She was watching that breathless, Liss was making him float in front of her without any defense, her expression, however distant, Eris sensed cruelty and death, and so Liss dug his blade slowly into the humanoid's chest, and smiled as she watched the humanoid in agony as the blade entered.

It was a strong blow for Eris, to see her trainer with that expression while killing whatever was in front of her, for her, Liss was always calm and even very maternal; she didn't know she would do that with anything without even understanding why.

- And then Eris? Why are you here? Asked Liss, as she tossed the humanoid aside.

- I ... But what just happened here? She asked, standing up as she put her hand on her wounds.

- It was a simple training section, which you entered and hindered. - She replied sharply, Eris felt that she was really irritated by that. - But say it already, what do you want?

- It's just that I wanted help ... I don't know how to release my magic... - Eris replied with her head down, not out of shame, but out of fear and respect.

- A, was that all? Pathetic. - I laugh with scorn. - You just feel angry and try to do something, didn't they tell you?

- But I couldn't even perform the sword technique you taught me.

- That one? It was funny, but you were never able to use that normally, it was me helping you move, so you were very quick with the sword, but after you broke the sword that was with my magic, and did the ritual on it, now she doesn't have that little help you needed so much back then. - Liss explained, with a sarcastic tone, but clearly showed some disgust.

When Eris heard that, she was heartbroken, because she thought she had reached it on her own, by effort, but if what she said was true, it was by sheer luck that she managed to reach it, luckily she, in her outbreak of anger, woke up lightning and passed the test. So she, without caring about the trainer there, started running back to the forest, in the direction of the initiative, but before she managed to get out of the clearing, Liss blocked her way and, in addition, drew her weapon.

- Come Eris; show me what you can do without my help. - Teased Liss, already in an offensive instance.

- I thought you cared ... - She replied, her voice trembling.

As soon as she finished speaking, Eris went forward with everything, trying to repeat the techniques she knew, but they were all too slow, disordered, weak, she even shortly considered that her body did not want to fight.

- Very difficult to get it right when it's not a training dummy, right? No matter how old you are, you never grew up, you were always naive, since you were a child, always innocent. - Teased Liss, expressing loudly the disgust she was feeling.

It was dull to hear it from her, the tone of disgust, Eris was already thinking that she hated her, but what doesn't make sense, if she hated her, why help her get that far? Eris started to feel angry about the situation, she hated feeling useless, and even more being put down like that, she made her even more indignant about everything.

- Why help me then? Why did you help me get here? - She asked, already practically screaming.

- Huhuhu, as much as I hate that silly way you have, i cannot deny that you are dedicated and obstinate, you work hard to learn, your problem is that you refuse to believe the things that are in your face, it is that's why you haven't used your magic so far. - Starting with a smile, but ended with an expression of disappointment, Liss was really trying to provoke Eris.

Her words reminded Vio and Davhin, as much as Eris saw the magic and enjoyed the moment, she was always more skeptical, thinking that everything was related to strength, and she understood that now, it was not a question of using her it would hurt someone, it was a matter of believing that you can do what you want.

Then, when wielding her sword, Eris assumed a new pose, which Liss never taught, seeing that the trainer was encouraged; she thought that now the part that she wanted would come, a real fight.

Eris then advanced with everything, now she was faster, more accurate, but Liss had not yet seen her magic manifesting in the sword, they started exchanging blows, both fighting with a certain grace, but Eris did not hit any blows, sometimes to Liss deflects without even having to defend with the sword.

However, in one of her attacks, she deflected the blow on purpose, causing Liss to dodge where she wanted, thus surprising her, punching her with a lightning bolt right in her rib, which only retreated, putting her hand on the rib.

- Look at! Who knew, I didn't expect her to be creative to use a punch. - She spoke excitedly, almost as if she liked to take the punch. - But enough for today. Now you know how to release your magic, leave me alone.

- You didn't let me go in the first place. - Eris replied in an irritated tone.

- Okay, okay, but I'm still a trainer, and I have to teach anyone who wants to learn to use their skills, and that's what I did with you, now go away. - Cut Liss, going towards the 2 humanoids that she had wound up earlier.

Coming close to them, she just put her hand under her head and her body dissipated, turning into a small stone that fit in the palm of her hand. Eris didn't want to leave like that, not until she had more answers, but she just agreed and left, she was hungry and it had been a long time, the forest was vast, it would take a few hours to get back. As she headed towards the forest, she turned towards Liss one last time.

- Was it true? What did you say ... - she asked, in an apprehensive tone.

- For you, unfortunately yes. - Liss replied, turning his face away so she wouldn't have to look.

Eris had understood what she meant, felt the anger flowing again, because she was inspired by her, and to see that her inspiration was not what she always thought, it was quite a shock. It was already afternoon, she just wanted to go back to headquarters and reflect on everything. It was more than clear that for Eris, she needed to change, to improve, and the main thing, to grow.

After arriving back at the knights' facilities, she finished checking out what was there, he had only been there for 3 days, he was not aware of everything that was there yet, so she went to the armory, to see if Drean could help her.

Upon arriving at her destination, she realizes that Drean is talking further down the armory, at the table where they performed the ritual; she is reluctant at first but decides to go to the bottom to make Drean aware of her presence.

Reaching the bottom, she sees that Davhin is talking to him, they both notice Eris right after she passes the counter.

- Hello, welcome back, beautiful Eris. - Greets Drean, with the kind smile that Eris expected.

- Hey, what's up? - Greet Davhin. - You look worried, did something happen?

- Hi you two. - She nods to both, then turns to Davhin. - No, it's nothing. Drean, could you help me?

- If it's within my reach, of course, cuteness. What do you need? - Asks Drean, standing up and standing with his arms crossed.

- It's just that I arrived only about 3 days ago, I don't know everything that is here yet, I want to know everything I can do, so I need someone who knows the places to show me, then I remembered you. - She spoke to Drean in a determined tone.

- A guide, so you're in luck, Davhin knows the place very well, he can show you everything. - Said while pointing to the young man.

- Me? But she's asking you Drean. - Davhin replies with revolt

- Stop being boring, accompany the noble lady and present the place. - Said while pulling Davhin from where he was sitting.

- Okay, okay. Ready? - He turned to Eris, giving way to the exit.

Eris nods and leaves the armory, both start strolling through the initiative's facilities, Davhin presents everything he knows, from the library, main hall, main square, workshops, which includes the armorer and clothing, the training field and requisitions for jobs and explains everything. Eris thought the knights' initiative was a training ground for the soldiers of the kingdoms, but Davhin explained that it was more like a mercenary base, but that what she thought was not entirely wrong, and explained further, the initiative is basically a hotel, you can enter whenever you want, but the training to improve magic skills, whether with sword or not, happens via the test that Eris did, which surprised her, she didn't know she could enter without using magic.

They spent the middle of the afternoon, into the night, talking and seeing the things that exist in the initiative. Eris was afraid if she should trust Davhin anytime soon, she met him today and knew just a little about him, but she asked for his help to train and become better, stronger. He gladly accepted it, said it would help whenever she needed it, Eris was happy to hear that, no matter how little she knew him, she would think they would be good friends, and besides, she would need it a lot, Liss will be a challenge , Eris feels that they will surely cross paths again, and when that happens, nothing good will come of it.

After a good night's sleep, she got ready with her equipment and went to the training ground, kept practicing blows with the sword until Davhin arrived, since the techniques she had learned were of no use. A few hours later Davhin arrives at the training grounds, she at first does not realize that he arrived until he called her name.

- Eris! Good morning and sorry for the delay. - Waving, as soon as he gets close to her.

- It took only a little while, I was able to get a sense of how I want to fight. - She stopped hitting the doll, turning to Davhin, who was wearing a very cool costume, in her view. - Gee, what a cool outfit, you did it?

- No, it was Ron, why?

- Damn, Ron makes a cool outfit for someone, but so simple for me. Complained Eris, sinking his sword into the ground.

- Hey, don't you know? Just spread your magic around your body so that you want to affect your clothes, like that. - Davhin spoke to her.

He undid his magic under his clothes, his parts and particularities were burning and getting back to being like Eris, a brown bodysuit with light shades of gray, then showed how it would look if it spread like he did, so the bodysuit caught fire and the armor and details are back.

Eris started doing as he showed, although he found it difficult, he succeeded after a few minutes of trying. As Eris managed to make his magic flow through his clothing, all the clothing began to reverberate, sparks and sparks completely surrounded Eris, and then the leggings of the overalls turned into pants with a pair of black metallic boots, which went up to protect the knee , there were certain metal plates on the sides of the thigh, joining with 2 leather belts came the torso of Eris, it was a black metal armor with a purple tone at the bottom, all made in layers, looking like dragon scales, so that it would not have problem with moving his body, on his right shoulder there was a jamb slightly larger than normal for her size, continuing with an armguard mixed with glove, which protected from the beginning of the forearm to the tips of the fingers, it was just the size of his arm, but it had sharp details with a blade that came out over the handle, and also the appearance of scales. There was no jamb on his left arm, only a glove that caught up to his forearm, which was large, but it didn't weigh on Eris to use it, the glove was spherical with a tip, almost like a drop of water looking out, but for inside it looked like a glove with a small shield nailed to the glove, all detailed with stripes and the whole glove would reverberate if she used the lightning bolt on it. And finally, around Eris's neck was a hooded scarf, which didn't fully cover her face, but gave her a mysterious look.

Eris, seeing how that simple coverall turned into a suit of armor, was impressed, but saw Davhin pointing at the sword. She remembered the ritual and that the sword was part of her body now.

Then after Eris took and channeled his magic into the sword, it changed from a simple smooth long sword to a slightly smaller sword, but with the whole handle with lightning details, the blade had its tip looking like the head of an arrow, and the beginning of the blade there were two half-moons that crossed the blade.

Eris liked it, thought that the sword even deserved a name, but as it was very inexperienced, the thought remained for that very reason.

- Damn, you talked about my clothes, but your armor is much more beautiful than mine. - Davhin said, almost gaping. - And I'm not even going to talk about the sword, it even deserved a name.

- Haha, I thought the same thing, but leave it when it deserves to be remembered. - Eris replied a little flushed for being praised.

- But then Eris, what do you need now? - Asked Davhin, crossing his arms, now with a more serious expression.

- We will train together with duels; I need to improve my new fighting style. - She replied with an animated expression.

Davhin could not deny that request; he also liked to duel, so he drew his sword. Both dueled all day, stopping only when it started to get dark, they even forgot to eat, but they didn't even care about it, both were enjoying it a lot and also very focused on improving. And as much as Eris didn't say anything to Davhin about what was going on with her, he felt that she was not 100%, and he wanted to help her get where she wanted to, even if that was against the will of certain people.

So from that day, they both started training in combat every day in the morning, after a break during lunchtime, Eris would go to the library to study the world, see what was out of the initiative and far beyond the village which he lived. She discovered things that she would never have imagined, that there were other races besides humans in the world, that the human kingdom was not unified, but was on a wave of peace, which started in a strange way, in her vision. She also found an interesting book, about the countries that fell into the tyranny of gods, and they were many, many pages, it was almost like a catalog, and in this same book, she had possible theories for the gods to have turned against humans, about the malevolent energy from the bad that began to plague the world.

As scary as it was to read that wherever you went it was often beautiful and peaceful, some days of travel you already saw destruction and suffering. Eris was a pile of curiosity; she wanted to see the whole world, because everything she read only showed that the world was incredible and majestic and dangerous, which only made her more and more inspired.

During the time she took to train, she went on some missions, because all she needed to do was using gold, but to combine the useful with the pleasant, Eris always took the most difficult missions she could, like hunt a group of human-sized hyenas alone , huge boars. But the mission she most liked to do was to hunt and fish for eels, she felt powerful giving shock to the eels to fish them.

With all that she did to earn money, Eris took the opportunity to visit her family a few times, giving a little of what was left over to help them. She always calmed them down, because her parents were worried that Eris always showed up with injuries from her training and missions, but she said it was nothing, so they could only trust her. Moreover, with all this study and training, Eris ended up managing to use her element with another form of feeling, joy.

She realized this when she was on a hunting mission, close to the village where she was born. In the middle of the hunt she called her parents to see, she was eager to show them that she has evolved, was more confident and stronger now, and with them watching she hunted with impressive speed, she was happy to show them all that. Her parents were happy to see their daughter so different; she no longer looked like their little girl, but rather a beautiful woman who was able to explore the world alone. Eris was very happy during her training, it was a peaceful life, but very rewarding, she helped her parents, had a good friend, got money to live well, she was fine. However, she wanted to travel the world, and that meant practically abandoning all that she ended up building.