
2.) Fuck. Things aren’t as simple as they seem

An: hey, going to start with the end of season 1. Sorry, I don't have time to rewatch season 1 to remember what exactly happens.

I'm just gonna get through until I decide to go to NOLA for the originals storyline. Maybe I can have him build a pack in season one of TO preparing for the war. Let me know. Be sure to read the abilities list to see what's happening.


Zach Pov

I've walked all day. Literally from sunup to sundown. The craziest thing was I wasn't tired though. Again this is more evidence I'm different.

Along my way through the woods I noticed my usually soft and slim body had become packed with dense muscle. It looked like I'd been a triathlete.

I finally reach the road I've been hearing forever. Unfortunately, it's taken too long to get here so all the cars have slowly moved on. I look over my right shoulder when I hear an engine in the distance.

I thank whatever higher power is looking out for me and stick my thumb out.

I'm ready to go to the police and talk about the murder scene I saw when I see the blue 69 Chevy Camaro pull to a stop. I vaguely feel danger when I see it but push it to the side while I approach the window.

I should've listened to that feeling, because the passenger window rolls down to reveal…. Damon Salvatore. Fuck.

"Hey kid, you need some help?" He says with a smile that pisses me off for no reason.

I smother the anger and speak, "yea man, had some guys rob me a few miles back."

He nods, "okay, I'll take you where I'm going. A small town but one where they should help if you ask. Hop in."

I take all but a second to decide to get in the car. Whether or not I want to the person before me could rip my heart out without thinking, better to stay on his good side.

He sees my only socked feet and raises an eyebrow again that anger comes up, what the hell? I'm not an overall angry person? Maybe it's the fact I've just figured out I'm somehow sitting beside a fictional character.

I speak, "hey, I told you they robbed me. Zachary Steel by the way." I say looking out the window at the passing wilderness.

He chuckles and replies, "Damon Salvatore. Are you new around here?"

I nod, "yea, to be honest I don't even know what I'm doing here. Just kinda showed up." Damon the vampire laughs fully this time.

"We're gonna be great friends you and I. How old are you?"

I reply, "17. Gotta find somewhere to live and thought a small town was best."

I can feel him look at me sharply out of the corner of his eye. I decide to get his attention elsewhere, "what about you? You don't seem like the kind of person to stay in a small town like….?" I trial off hoping he'll understand what I mean.

Damon nods, "yes, mystic falls is indeed outside of my usual spots. But it's home. Has been forever. Sometimes you just need to come back to where it all began you know?"

I nod this time even though I know his reasons are far more convoluted than he's making them out to be.

I remember the date. December 2009. Two months before season 2 Begins. I just have to find a way to remain Lowkey and try not to become a bloodsucker. I've always been more into werewolf's.

Usually because they're natural within supernatural communities. Vampires are usually described as parasites. While they are immortal, I never enjoyed the idea of drinking blood.

After a few minutes of more small talk I see a sign. 'Welcome to mystic falls.'

I see a few familiar places like the school and mystic grill before we arrive in front of the police station.

As I'm getting out Damon speaks, "just mention my name to Sheriff Forbes. She'll help you. See ya," he says without even waiting for a response.

"Dick," comes out of my mouth before I know what's going on. Unknown to me said vampire heard my exclamation and laughed in his car going down the road.

I wait for Damon's car to disappear around a curve before I begin walking away from the police station. My first stop is to get shoes.


With the money from the dead guy I was able to get shoes and a new clean outfit that someone else hasn't worn. After that I begin to use the Katherine method of living somewhere, find a foreclosed house and set up shop.

I quickly took the forclosed sign off the lawn and moved inside to the master bedroom. After laying down some blankets that were left behind In the closet I had a makeshift bed.

Next was a shower. I make my way into the master bathroom and find a huge shower with multiple heads and settings. I almost cry in joy and turn the water as hot as it will go creating a steam curtain.

I quickly disrobe trying to ignore my new and improved muscle physique and allow the soothing water to wash away my worries about my new situation for a moment.

After a good hour of soaking in the comfort of the shower I step out and dry off before wiping the condensation from the mirror.

Looking at my reflection I decide to try and get some answers, by the time something happens it's been half an hour.


After getting angry for not being able to figure out how to see if something is off with me I see my eyes light up a bright, luminous red.

I don't have veins like the vampires in this world. I open my mouth to find a mouth full of sharp teeth unlike any other creature I can name from the TVDU.

I stagger away from the mirror into the room and put my clothes on while laying on the bed trying to reconcile what I just saw.


Stefan pov

I return home after the disastrous Miss Mystic day. As I walk in the living room I find Damon drinking blood. Just the smell is making it hard for me to keep my composure. I plan on not even speaking to him until he breaks the silence.

"Hey, met a few intersting people today. Got threatened by John Gilbert and found a Kid by the side of the road."

I sigh thinking about Elena's uncle John. Surely I won't have to kill him. But should he prove to affect Elena's life I will do what I must.

My next thought is to the kid damon mentioned. He wouldn't have said anything had it been unimportant.

"What's so special about him?" I ask referring to the kid.

Damon stays silent for a moment to think about his response before replying to my question, "I don't know. I just felt he was dangerous. He wasn't a vampire because he was walking around in the sun without a ring. But that leaves the question of what he is?"

I sigh again thinking having another unknown supernatural entity in mystic falls was a bad idea. I decide to handle it before Damon does something irreparable.

"Leave him to me. You focus on John Gilbert and what he's trying to find. He's a teenager right?" I ask for confirmation.

Damon nods his head staying silent and drinking from his glass. I bite my lip and keep talking.

"He'll probably be in school to avoid any questions that would arise about him. I'll speak to him then." Damon nods again and I go up to my room to begin writing in my journal.


An: hey guys. Just trying to get him introduced to the town quickly. He won't have a bad relationship with vampires, but he certainly won't have a good one. Also, let me know if he should try to turn klaus without breaking the curse. He does Afterall possess the ability.