
Primordial Whisper

Forced to become an exorcist, Choolwe has to make ghosts part of her life all with the help of her new friends.

Demenssion_8888 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Book2: Pappriyah-Jack

The ghost let go of her legs, but before she could be gobbled up she was kicked in the gut and sent flying down the hallway. Our Main Character was pissed that someone would dare cause her such pain. The one responsible was a young man;

he had a purple hooded cloak and pants with no shoes. He's peach colored haired was long, shaggy and glorious to look at. With crazy green and purple eyes he was one intimidating look fellow.

"Who the hell told you to kick me!?","Should I have let you get killed. Believe it or not, but I think that things kind crazy", He said right in Choolwe's face. "What!? Hold up a sec...", Choolwe said in response to him running after the shadow monster. He reached in he's coat and pulled out a ragdoll similar to Pappriyah-Jack but he's was tired up.

He untied the doll and tossed it at the ghost, upon contact the doll sucked it up like a sponge. "Wow! You've just taken it out with one attack, you need to teach me how you did that!!", " Sure, but it's not yet over ", the guy said as he backed away from the door.

The doll then began to tear and mutant into a disfigured entity. Once it's body stabilized it resembled a tall slender creepy humanoid wearing a a white cloth. " You see it now, it's a ghost. Ghosts don't exist on this plan of reality, so you have to force them into possessing these ragdolls.

Speaking of that, here you go. He said he knows you...try not to lose him, there really hard to capture", He said as he tossed Pappriyah-Jack at Choolwe and then pulling out a really old pistol. He used the one bullet the gun could hold to blow the humanoid's head off.