
Primordial: I Just Want To Live Peaceful Life

EDWARD AGATE: The Chronicles of The Viterra Empire Once upon a time, in the realm of swords and magic, an ancient volume was coveted by a mighty noble named Lumina. This captivating epic was called "Edward Agate," and Lumina found herself engrossed in the tale continuously. It narrated the saga of the male protagonist, Edward Agate, who led a rebellion against the abhorrent reign of Gage Teramis III, the Emperor of the Viterra Empire. Gage Teramis III was the epitome of ruthless tyranny, ruling the Viterra Empire with devastating madness, uncontrolled lust, and horrifying war. His vicious reign, followed faithfully by the noble society, condemned innocent lives to slavery, trafficking, embezzlement, assault, and murder. They showed no regard for the common populace, treating them as insignificant pawns in their reign of terror. what will happen next..................................................................

Alica_Clarke · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 001:Edward Agate

In a realm where swords clash and magic sparkles, a world born from the pages of a book named "Edward Agate," lived Lumina. She was consumed by this tale, finding herself lost within the pages. The protagonist, the noble Edward Agate, was the epitome of valor, standing against the despotic "Gage Teramis the III," the Emperor of the Viterra Empire. Gage was a wicked soverign, his rule marked by madness, lust, and a bloodthirst for war. Lumina read, engrossed by the struggles Edward and his companions encountered against this tyrant.

The Emperor, with his vile qualities, didn't stand alone. His court had two Empresses, two Queens, two concubines, and a litter of princes and princesses. Each of these characters, Lumina found, had intriguing stories woven around them by the cunning weaver of words. Lumina felt the loss of the third Princess Filla who was taken by 'rin' fever and the distress of the second consort, Summer, who was seized by the lustful emperor.

Despite their royal lineage, each character was human in their flaws and virtues. This realism entwined with the fantastical was what made Lumina so obsessed with the tale.

Lumina was no ordinary being. She was an ancient primordial who had lived for 3000 years among humans, using her powers to become a billionaire and live a life of luxury. However, in her present life, she had chosen the serene life of a shut-in, engrossed in the tale of Edward Agate, forsaking her eventful life of past millennia.

As the story neared its climax, Lumina eagerly devoured each word, living each moment with Edward. The war was won and the vile Gage Teramis and his court were to face execution. The youngest princess, Lumina, in the book had vanished, her mother found dead, having consumed venom derived from the deadly Kunming snake. As the last of the royal family were executed, the commoners erupted with joy, their long-endured subjugation over at last.

Edward ascended the throne, his friends being granted the honor of Dukedom. He renamed the viterra kingdom to 'Tira Empire'; a new era dawned, promising relief and prosperity, cleansing the aftermath of the war, breaking the shackles of the previous tyrant. Edward was crowned Emperor and took his childhood love, Evangelical Rose, as his Empress. The tale ended with Lumina watching gloomily, a surge of resentment and vengeance boiling inside her youthful eyes.

Lumina heaved a sigh as she read the last sentence, her heart heavy from the open ending. She questioned the fate of the Princess Lumina, contemplating the possibilities of the story beyond the ending. With a sigh, Lumina closed the book and withdrew to her slumber, carrying the tale deep into her dream. After all, she, too, carried the name Lumina. In Lumina's world, the realm where swords clashed and magic sparked, anything was indeed possible.