
Where is she?

Alex landed on Planet Eldaris without delay.

As soon as his ship touched down, he didn't waste any time. The moment the landing gear settled down on the soft terrain, he exited the craft, taking in his surroundings with a quick glance.

There was no time for unnecessary caution or overthinking — Mira was missing, and that was his only focus.

After stepping out, he immediately stored his ship in his spatial storage, a process that had become second nature to him now. The ship shimmered briefly before disappearing entirely, leaving no trace that it had ever been there.

But it also provided him with some cover for his tracks, the Red Demons, or whichever enemy was hiding by had most definitely noticed his entrance into this area, as Alex wasn't trying to hide it at all, but with his ship disappearing it would be hard to track where Alex was exactly.

Now, he was alone on the Planet's surface, ready to begin his search.