

Alex took one last look at the black sphere before turning on his heel, surveying the carnage he had left behind. 

The bodies of Red Demons littered the ground, their twisted forms still clutching at the weapons they never had the chance to use against him. His eyes flickered across the chamber, seeking any trace of the Celestial Orbs.

"I've got to find them before it's too late." 

He muttered under his breath.

The planet's voice hummed in the background, still heavy with pain but quieter now. 

It seemed to be waiting, unsure whether to trust him fully, but for the moment, it wasn't hostile. Alex knew it wouldn't stay that way forever.

He scanned the cavern, his eyes finally landing on a section at the far end where crude mining tools and equipment were scattered haphazardly. 

Crates and storage containers sat piled around a deep trench where the Demons had been cutting into the planet's core.