
Primordial demon world

After the Primordial Demon Realm reached, Demon Emperor Yukadai reached the highest cultivation level! Discover a new world! A world that does not belong to humans! Acquire the Black Primordial Spirit! Every living creature had a soul color that distinguishes it! But the black color was only found in legends...!! The Demon of the Primordial Realm did countless searches! He spent countless years studying different types of creatures!! Men and women, young and old, primal beasts! Primitive trees! Which made the blood flow like rivers and formed in seas and oceans accompanied by piles and mountains of corpses..!! He spent countless years looking for the dark field! It was like someone swimming in the sea of ​​knowledge with a small rickety boat, but he kept doing that until he succeeded!! Causing countless mass genocides! And using diabolical methods...!! The trainees wanted to get the same answer! Reach the dark field! Everyone wanted to take the answer from the Demon Emperor Yukadai! In various ways! But to no avail...! Dark Lord! Demon ruler! Primordial Demon Realm! Some of the nicknames given to the Demon Emperor Yokadai! It's up to his dark power! That prevailed above all! That reigned over millions of corpses! On oceans of red blood! The Demon Emperor continued on the path of genocide! It was a tyrant! It was having a terrorize everyone! For millions of years! The most terrifying thing is that he does not die! Even if his body is destroyed! It was back every time from the dark! Because it belongs to the dark! And darkness belongs to him! It was a dark entity in itself! Growing from a small villager to a mighty above the heavens, everyone trembled under his feet! No one dared approach him face to face...!! In a battle that shook the world at last, Heaven's Will Artemis could not watch the tyranny of the Demon Emperor and stopped it...! In that battle at the last turn, she used all her power in her latest technique! You have taken everything back to the starting point..! The emperor returned to a mere nine-year-old..! But there are no perfect plans in this world! He returned with his memories and his primordial black soul!

DremHoty · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

black dragon symbol

Chapter 2

"where am I..?"

where is this place..? Dark Soul, are you here? Oh Shikyunagi, where are you...?

Heaven's will, bitch, where are you?

what happened ..! Damn my head is so messed up...! That damn technology...!

Suddenly, Xian Long raised his long white eyelashes, revealing a black abyss hiding within his eyes..!

He raised his head and looked around, within his sight were large green trees! He looked on the side in amazement..!

300 children ended up in torn clothes and stained with red blood..! Their hair and bodies stained with the filth of that strange battle..!

Surrounded by more than a hundred Mother-in-law of the Black Dragon Clan! In their black robes, from which no part of their bodies is visible! Even their gender, whether they are male or female..!

There was a frightened look inside the children's eyes..! Especially when the sound of the wind caressed the leaves and rattled..!

"Where the hell am I...?" Xianlong grabbed his head because of a strange pain in his head! Countless memories flowed into the river of his memories...!

"Demon Emperor Yokkaichi..! Am I dreaming…?" Xianlong muttered in amazement…!

"Oh, are you okay...!" Suddenly, a gentle voice resounded in Xianlong's ears..! He raised his head up..!

There was a girl no more than ten years old! With long black hair and beautiful black eyes that sparkle with the colors of optimism and hope! It wasn't as profound as Xianlong's…!

"where am I..?" Xian Long looked at her and said in a very cold voice..!

"I have no idea! These guys got us out of that huge hall early in the morning…!" The girl looked at her with his beautiful black eyes and said..!

"men..?" Xian Long stood and looked around in astonishment! He had many ideas at the same time!

Did Artemis really take me back to the beginning? The Demon Emperor Yokkaichi felt that this was a strange dream!

"Get ready...!" One of the black-robed men clapped and interrupted Xian Long's stupor..!

The children held their breath and focused their eyes on him...!

Suddenly the man took off his black robe, revealing the appearance of a man in his thirties! With a sad expression on his face and black marks under his eyes as if he needed some sleep...!

His dark hair flowed down his back and fell like a waterfall...! He had a strong body with a lot of exceptional muscles..! His body was not bear-like, but his muscles were very flexible...!

Beneath his black cloak he wore a black combat uniform with many white tokens making his uniform shaped…!

He stood there with great majesty..!

"I am the teacher in charge of you from today…! My name is Cho Won! Nice to meet you all…!" The man bowed slightly and said in a low voice. As if he finds it difficult to speak out loud...!

"look at this...!" The man, Cho Won, turned around, and turned his back on the rest of the kids...! Suddenly his black robe slowly opened...

"this is…!" Watch all the kids and be surprised! There was a black dragon tattoo on his back...! He rises from the bottom of his back to the top! Its gigantic wings spread over a man's shoulders!

"Alright, we are the members of the Black Dragon Clan! We have this token of belonging to our clan..!" Teacher Cho Chowon put his robe back on. He turned to the children and said...!

"Today will be the first test of your loyalty level…!" He looked at them with his dark black eyes and said in a low voice..!

"No. 1 advance...!" Another man in a black robe shouted..!

Once in a while but no response...!

"Number one, Xianlong, where are you...?" The man cried in annoyance.

"You he's calling you..!" The little black-haired girl looked at Xian Long and said in a low voice..!

"Calling Ali..? Xian Long..?" Xian Long turned to her and looked at her strangely..!

"Don't you remember..? It's the name the clan leader gave you..!!" The girl was surprised and said,

"Xianlong, you bastard, advance..!" The man's face turned black and shouted angrily! Such disregard from a small child took his anger to the sky...!

Xianlong tried to quickly arrange his thoughts after all, there was plenty of time to think later…! And take a quick step...!

Children stay away from Xianlong as if it were an epidemic or a chronic disease..! Although he was very beautiful and impressive appearance, but not in the eyes of these children! They were looking at him as if he was a demon...!

Xian Long stood in front of the black-robed man, staring at him with his dark eyes casting an incomprehensible look...!

"take off your shirt...!" The black-robed man looked at him and said

Xian Long lifted his white bloodstained shirt, revealing his body..! He had smooth white skin with tiny muscles...! He was not weak in appearance but rather had the perfect body of a nine-year-old…!

"Sit here and turn around...!" Said the man in the black robe and in his hands a treasure! It looks like a moving pile of black sand..!

This treasure was one of the Black Dragon Clan's most valuable treasures...! A treasure that can determine whether a person belongs to a clan or not…! Anti-spyware...!

Each clan had a unique way to verify the identity of its members...!

Xianlong sat cross-legged with his back facing the children. He did not turn around like the man said..!

The black-robed man reached out his hand and placed the strange treasure on Xianlong's back...! His hand was pushed away...!

"this is..!" Xian Long's eyes widened as he felt quicksand slowly creeping up his back...! The sand is slowly starting to form!

Under the children's attentive eyes, the black sand took the shape of a dragon on Xianlong's back...! His head was in the middle of his back, and two black dragon wings were on the side of Xianlong's back! The tail was coming down with his spine!

"Please..!" Suddenly, Xianlong cried out in pain...! But he quickly shut his mouth tightly...! His beautiful face had a very strange expression..!

He clenched his fists tightly...! Tighten his white teeth...! He can make sure now that he is not in a dream! Such pain was real to the point of frightening if it was an illusion..!

"What is this..!" A look of fear appeared on the faces of the other children...! The black sand started turning red..! Sand was planted in Xianlong's back and burned...! The smell of burning meat touched the noses of young children..!

"I burned him...!" A girl closed her mouth with her hand and mumbled low..!

"I did well..!" The man in the black robe extended his hand and suddenly black sand began to accumulate in his palm, forming a moving ball of black sand...!

Xianlong's body shook in pain, but he didn't shout out loud…! I have endured so much pain...!

"Take these new clothes...!" Another man's spatial ring flashed on his finger and a black combat uniform belonging to the clan's disciples appeared!

It was the same as teacher Cho Won but smaller in size..!

Xian Long slowly got up, with his teeth gnashing…! He had a black tattoo on his back..! It belongs to a dragon with huge wings on either side of its little back...!

The pain was like a burn using a hot iron..! Burned the treasure and tattooed the black dragon on it!

From this moment on, Xian Long had officially become a disciple of the Black Dragon Clan..!

Xian Long took small steps and grabbed the robe from the man's hands…!

"Go now! Take a bath and rest! Tomorrow at dawn you have to come back here...!" Mister Zhou Won lazily looked at Xian Long and said...!

After hearing the instructions, Xian Long slowly walked away and did not answer him…! Of course, Demon Emperor Yokkadai was too lazy to respond..!

"Number two advanced...!" One of the men in the black robe shouted and said...

"Oh damn you!" Red-haired and golden-eyed Li Ming stepped out, sighed and took small steps...!

"Hurry up! Sit here...! One of the men in the black robe looked at her and shouted loudly...!

"Stop...!" Li Ming sat on the floor squatting! She wanted to take off her dirty shirt, but the voice of the man holding the black sand treasure rang out...!

The man in black placed the pile of sand on Li Mingtem's back. The black sand started to move and crawl onto the bloody white shirt of the other children and formed the same black dragon tattoo on her little back..!

It didn't take long for the black sand to turn red..!

"Ah..!" Li Ming screamed as she felt intense heat build up in her back...! She gritted her teeth and pulled her hands to her legs...

Dew drops formed at the corners of her golden eyes. It was very painful..!

"good job..!" The man in the black robe stretched out and summoned the Black Sand Treasure..!

"help yourself!" A man held a black military robe in his hands and said

Li Ming clenched her teeth in pain and stood up! On her little back was a black dragon tattoo...! Her dirty white shirt was also burnt from behind her back...!

"Go take a shower and find a place to rest! Please come back here tomorrow at sunrise."

"Where do I go to shower...?" Li Ming looked at him and said

All the children's eyes sparkled when they heard this question..! Everyone was looking for an answer in their heads...!

"Of course in the river...!" One of the men laughed loudly and said...

"Haha that's right..! Where do you go to bathe in such a forest.."

The sound of men's laughter echoed...!

The last ray of hope for the rest of the children was shattered...! In fact they knew but still disappointed to face this fact...

"Number three advance...!" One of the men in black shouted

"Okay Sir!" A child with long black hair flowing over his small shoulders walked out in elegant steps, there was an arrogant aura around him!

Chu Yichi crouched on the ground and quickly took off his shirt, revealing a burly body…!

The black-robed man with a moving piece of black sand in his hand stepped forward and placed it on Chu Yichi's back…!

The black sand was slowly creeping up as if it was alive and had its own consciousness…! She stretched the black sand beads on Chu Yichi's back and spun like a spider's web into a majestic dragon tattoo…!

When the grains of sand were put into place, it suddenly started to turn red

Chu Yichi's eyes widened in pain…! The grains of red sand burned the flesh of his back with intense heat..! He tightened his fist and squeezed it...

"Ah! He couldn't resist the pain without screaming…! He wanted to calmly pass this test but finally failed…!

It didn't take long for the red sand grains to return to their original black color. The smell of burnt meat touched the children's noses and made them nauseous..!

I scared them..! Not everyone was as brave as Xian Long or as pretentious as Chu Yichi! Some were pale with fear, especially the girls, including the silver-haired Qing Lan Hua...!

"good job…!" The black-robed man extended his hand and grains of black sand began to gather in his palm, forming a lump slightly larger than a fist…

"Take your new robe...!" The second man took the clothes in his hands and said

"thank you sir!" Chu Yichi put a smile on his face but it was extremely shocking due to his disfigured face filled with pain…!

"Find a place to rest and shower! Don't forget our date with sunrise tomorrow...!" The dark man, Cho Won, said in a lazy tone.

"Yes, sir..! Chu Yichi bowed slightly and said in a loud voice… He knew that being courteous and respectful to these people would make his life a little easier in this place…!"

"Number four is advancing…!"

"Number five is advancing…!"

"Number six is ​​advancing...!"

The children continued to obtain their new identities as members and disciples of the Black Dragon Clan...! They took their black martial uniforms and headed toward the dense forest in bewilderment...!

Some of them preferred to go alone but there were few of them...! The children gathered in groups of five or six children or groups of dozens of children…!

The mother-in-law of the Black Dragon Clan did not object to their collective action but were satisfied with it! This makes the kids more excited!


Xianlong was walking, still numb with pain, but his facial expressions had returned to normal…!

Look around in this forest...! The trees were huge and very tall, their branches full of green leaves falling on their sides..!

Xianlong looked up and his eyes met the blue sky and white clouds slowly floating there…! Warm golden rays reflected on his little face…!

Xianlong stood there among the trees, bathed in that warm golden light, and closed his eyes to enjoy such a wonderful and serene feeling!

The slight rustle of leaves echoed in his little ears.

The smell of the forest and the humidity of the place caress his little nose...!

Xianlong opened his eyes, and his long white eyelashes slowly rose as if time was deliberately slowing down...! Revealing a black abyss that swallows the light around it..!

"Such a peaceful world, ah." Xian Long smiled a very gentle smile with his white teeth shining like pearls, but this sight wasn't cute at all when looking into his eyes..! Darkness has gone, revealing a blood-red glow..!

His iris had turned from dark black to demonic red!

The design of those eyes, extremely demonic, was a red iris with a black vertical aperture! There were little engravings forming the grid of his red eyes in a frightening manner…!

His eyes were as bright as glass or a mirror, emitting a blood-red glow! So much so that these eyes seemed to belong to demons if they had any existence…!

Demon Emperor Yokkadai called those eyes "demon eyes."

It belonged to his soul!

Her beautiful face turned from cute angelic to cold and evil with those scary eyes..! There was an incomprehensible look in his demonic eyes...!

"Then do I still have the dark primordial soul…?" Xianlong muttered low!

The Dark Primordial Spirit was something that Demon Emperor Yukadai had devoted his life to searching for and the legendary Black Domain!

"Haha, this would be very exciting if it was true..!" Xian Long shook his head slightly and continued on his way through this serene forest…!

He made his way over the green grass and dry tree leaves above the ground..! The chirping of sparrows and different types of birds poured into his ears!

Xian Long knew that this place was safe from primordial beasts...!

Take a slow walk and enjoy such peace and quiet...!

Primitive monsters are famous for their horror! Ruled dense forests and tall mountains...! Famous for its cruelty and enormous strength...! Primordial beasts were not like other predators like ordinary tigers and wolves...!

Primordial beasts can control and use primal energy in their deadly attacks, ranging from a tiny insect the size of a towering mountain with its head piercing the layer of mist and clouds.. in the sky...!

The primal beasts of this world were divided into five different realms.!

Ordinary Level 1 Primordial Beasts...! They were at the bottom of the Lunch Pyramid, but when they gather in groups of hundreds or thousands of members, even the strongest cultivators would avoid them...!

Primordial beasts of the second level are called Beast Leader...! They can command a group of 1st level monsters...!

Monster King! Title belongs to 3rd level monsters..! They had the ability to control and control hundreds of 1st–2nd level monsters! They have incredibly strong bodies and tremendous physical strength...!

Monster Emperor! From the fourth level! He had the status and power of an emperor among the primordial beasts that ruled entire forests...! They have tens of kings and countless primordial beasts under their rule...!

Fifth level monsters were extremely rare and bore the title of Divine Beasts! With a level of power that can destroy clans and great powers...! She can easily crush strong cultivators..!

In large forests, there had always been one or two fifth level Divine Beasts, but they would only appear if they sensed the threat of their existence…! She lived in unity and peace because it was not easy for them to break through to this level! They cherished their lives so much...!!

Legends have spread that primordial beasts can obtain human bodies through enlightenment...! And penetrate into the finest areas of agriculture..! But there were no clear reports of these legends and rumors...!

The forests and mountains were too dangerous for ordinary cultivators if they encountered powerful monsters!

But if they encounter weak monsters, they will form groups and attack them! Primordial beasts' bodies were extremely valuable! From their blood helps cultivators increase their strength! To their bones and even their flesh! Needless to mention their gorgeous fur as quality clothing...!

But the most valuable thing is their primal marrow..! Cultivators used it to refine and strengthen their bodies...!

Clans always had a hard time catching 3rd level monsters - monster kings - because they were so powerful, especially if they were in the middle of their monster group!

Primordial beasts knew how to follow the law of the jungle! There was no time to imagine that she would defeat a stronger opponent! Always run away when you meet an opponent stronger than them...! They have a very sharp instinct...!

She was famous for her loyalty! And sanctify only strength! Only the strong are respected...! Where she would rush to her death when the beast king orders her to launch a suicide attack..!

That was why experts had to avoid encountering a monster king with his horde…! Because there will be many casualties among the ranks of experts after the end of the battle..!

The power of primordial beasts was extremely great! For the same rank of apprentices! Especially their strong physique, high natural defense layer, and their use of primal energy in their attacks! Their power will become overwhelming...!

Simply put, there are very few experts and geniuses who can take on a monster based on their cultivation alone...!