
Primordial Aspect Of Evil

All life is sacred… Aksel Nile was a pacifist who genuinely believed this. But when he is betrayed by those he trusted, and his homeland is destroyed, he has a sudden shift in mindset. Now possessed by the Primordial Aspect Of Evil, and a special System, he vows vengeance upon those who wronged him, and he desires to live his second life the way he pleases. Not as some noble and righteous lord... but as a man willing to do anything to achieve his goals!

Khaos_Nyx · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


[Three Months Later]

In the stillness of the night, I found myself alone in the room, surrounded by the peaceful slumber of my family. With a hint of nervous excitement, I muttered to myself, "Status Window."

Almost immediately, a translucent System Window appeared before me, displaying various information.


- Name: Aksel Nile

- Race: Human

- Level: 1

- Class: <Classless>

- Life Force: 1

- Essence: 10/10

- Host Status: Active

- Aspect: <Aspect Of Evil>

- Integration Level: 0.1%

- Attribute: <Evil Eye>

[Basic Stats]

STR: 1

AGI: 1

DUR: 1

VIT: 1

INT: 10

[Additional Information]

You have been chosen by the Primordial Aspect of Evil, bound by a 'Bond' that can not be broken as long as you live.

'This is just sad...'

Examining the window, I couldn't help but sigh. At just three months old, I was truly weak.

My Essence was a mere fraction of what it needed to be, and my physical attributes were laughable.

I knew I had to get stronger, much stronger.

My past life's experiences taught me that power was vital in this world, and I couldn't afford to be defenseless again.

Focusing on the only ability currently bestowed upon me by the Primordial Aspect of Evil, the <Evil Eye>, I activated it, and suddenly, the world around me shifted.

I could now see the Status Windows of everyone nearby, and that included those of my parents.


- Name: Liliana Nile

- Race: Human

- Level: 10

- Class: <Ranger>

- Life Force: 100

- Essence: 150

- Host Status: Active

- Aspect: <Wind Aspect>

- Integration Level: 5.9%

- Attribute: <Element Of Wind>

[Basic Stats]

STR: 25

AGI: 50

DUR: 20

VIT: 40

INT: 27

[Additional Information]

The mother of Aksel Nile. She was an Adventurer in the past, and she met her husband on a joint expedition where they fell in love and birthed the cute Aksel.


- Name: Lucian Nile

- Race: Human

- Level: 50

- Class: <Knight>

- Life Force: 1,000

- Essence: <Unable To Determine>

- Host Status: Active

- Aspect: <Lightning Aspect>

- Integration Level: 70.1%

- Attribute: <Element Of Lightning>

[Basic Stats]

STR: <Unable To Determine>

AGI: <Unable To Determine>

DUR: <Unable To Determine>

VIT: <Unable To Determine>

INT: <Unable To Determine>

[Additional Information]

The father of Aksel Nile, and the head of the Nile Family. One of the 7 potential candidates for Head of the Nile Family. His level of power is currently difficult to determine due to Host's limitations.

'Ah, yes... that's right.'

In this world, everyone had Status Windows, which were said to all stem from Ancient Records of The Antecedent. A person's Status would allow them to measure their progress and determine their growth.

Thanks to <Evil Eye>, I could measure how powerful people were by seeing their Status Windows, not just mine.

I marveled at this newfound ability. It would undoubtedly be beneficial, especially as I grew older and faced potential adversaries.

Knowing their strength beforehand could be the key to my survival.

The Primordial Aspect of Evil could communicate with me through system notifications, a feature that might prove crucial in the future.

'Aspects usually do not communicate with their Hosts, since they're mostly clusters of energy and power. Once they establish the bond, it's more of a contractual bond than an actual relationship.'

Perhaps my current situation with this Aspect was different from the others because it was a Primordial Aspect.

'Not much is known about them, but...'

I had to admit that having this ability so early on, without it straining my body, was a good start. I would be able to get other abilities in the future, no doubt.

For now, though, I needed to focus on my own growth. My priority was to strengthen my Essence, the wellspring of power within me.

As a baby, I couldn't strain my body too much, and rigorous physical training was out of the question. Instead, I knew I had to build my Essence through more passive means.

'Whew! Let's do it, then...'

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the flow of energy within me. I channeled my thoughts inward, trying to feel the essence surging through my being. It was faint, almost like a flickering flame, but I was determined to nurture it into a roaring inferno.

With each breath, I imagined drawing in the ambient energy around me, letting it merge with my own essence. I visualized it growing stronger, more potent, until it pulsed within me like a living force.

It was a slow and gradual process, but I couldn't afford to rush it.

And then...

Night after night, I practiced this meditation, steadily increasing my Essence little by little.

As the days turned into weeks, I noticed subtle improvements in my power. My gaze grew more focused, and the world seemed to sharpen around me.

I also studied my family's routines, learning from their interactions and conversations. Their wisdom and experience were invaluable, even at this young age.

I yearned to understand the complexities of the world they navigated and the social dynamics that influenced their lives.

Time passed, and with each passing moment, I became more conscious of the darkness that lay within me.

As I later learned, using <Evil Eye> for too long caused me to feel my eyes burning up.

The Primordial Aspect of Evil's power was both a blessing and a curse. I knew that I had to wield it carefully, keeping it in check lest it consumed me entirely.

Realizing this, in the silent nights, I trained, my essence growing, and my determination unwavering. I wanted to rely as little on the Aspect's power as possible.

If I grew stronger on my own, I wouldn't need to rely on it as much.

For I knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, but with the darkness in my veins and the love in my heart, I was prepared to face whatever challenges awaited me

... And with that, many years passed.





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