
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs

Sparring with the Orc Emperor

Chapter 58

Sparring with the Orc emperor

Shittu asked "Are you sure that is what you want to use? It is a normal wood cutting axe."

"It is fine. My master said it is not the weapon that kills but the person that is wielding it. As far a person is strong, he can even use a twig to split mountains apart" Sloane shrugged as she swung the axe.

Shittu laughed "Wise words from Sir Licht. Indeed all that matters in battle is strength. Without it, every other thing is futile."

"Let's begin, Little Sloane" Shittu raised the giant sword like it weighed nothing.

Several orc guards crowded to watch their emperor battle a little girl. Even Shittu's sons and daughter's left their posts to watch this odd battle. Of course, they left their second-in-command to watch their posts.

The sparring arena was now filled with different orcs, well only the guards and Shittu's children. A guard used a crystal ball to also record the battle so people absent will see their emperor in a spar as this was the second time he battled in a long time.

Back in the arena, Sloane dashed forward, slashing her axe towards Shittu but it was blocked easily. She punched immediately after the block.

"Ohhh. Impressive" He was impressed as average people would have retreated expecting a counterattack but she chose to stay on the offensive.

He dodged the punch and launched a punch of his. He figured that since she was mid-air her only choice would be to block the attack but he was sorely mistaken.

He felt he became lighter for a second so he thought it was an illusion but he saw Sloane fall to the floor faster than she ought to have making his punch hit empty air. As soon as she landed, she went for a low punch to his knee. He couldn't block in time so his only choice was to kick the little girl.

Punch and kick connected. Sloane was sent flying to the end of the arena while Shittu felt pain on his knee as he took several steps back. Sloane got up and sprung toward Shittu who swung his sword downwards. She tried to dodge to the left but realized she could not move. Despite orcs not being able to be use ether energies, they could use a skill called "Intimidation". It was a natural orc skill that used the pressure from their bodies and forced it upon their opponents.

Shittu was practically the strongest orc on this continent at the moment, he had been through several battlefields and reached the peak of body strength. His "Intimidation" was mixed with intense bloodlust.

Sloane faltered as she felt innate fear. She did not want to face this monster anymore but then she remembered Licht's smile. She did not want to disappoint her master. She immediately unleashed all her gravity onto Shittu.

Shittu's intimidation was currently pouring down on Sloane and Sloane was retaliating by increasing the gravity around Shittu but surprisingly, he did not falter.

"I knew there was something special about you, Little Sloane" His sword was blocked by Sloane's axe.

"Who knew you'd be the first orc I meet that can manipulate ether." Shittu laughed taking slow steps forward. The floor caved in for every step he took.

"He is a very talented orc. Shame he is too old. I would have made an exception for him so he could have been my disciple." Licht said as he stared at the spar.

All the orcs watching knew they would not even last a second after Shittu used intimidation or after Sloane used gravity ether. They were flabbergasted but hyped up and felt lucky they could watch a spar like this.

Sloane kept retreating under the intimidation of Shittu while he kept advancing under Sloane's gravity. This match looked boring but the people watching were wondering who would end up caving first.

Sloane roared and used her intimidation along with the gravity. Shittu stopped but it barely had any effect.

"That is an adorable intimidation, little Sloane. An orc needs to be baptized by bloodshed and massacre for their intimidation to be actually befitting of such a title. Let me show you the full power of my initimidation" Shittu roared.

Instantly, the gravity returned to normal, Sloane was sent flying to Licht who caught her. She was sad she lost but then heard Licht.

"You did an excellent job. I am proud of you"

She smiled then fell asleep as she was exhausted. The battle seemed short but it felt long for Sloane.

Shittu sat down and said "She is impressively strong. If we were at the same level, she would have beaten me in less than a minute. HAHAHA. Suprisingly, that Frances boy faced my intimidation head on, i would have loved to meet your first disciple. "

The orcs were surprised that Shittu said that but they seemed to look at Licht's group with respect.

"It is scary knowing thay Midas would likely end up victoious against this guy. How strong is Midas exactly?" Regallas whispered.

Licht nodded "Midas is literally a one man army. He uses powers from every soul under him so he can't be weak but you all including your aide have potential to beat the Orc emperor. You would understand later."

"That was a good match, Emperor. I have a gift for you" Licht said and a light flew from his glabula into Shittu's.

Shittu sat for a few seconds blankly then he knelt down. "Thank you master"

"I am not your master. I am more of a teacher." Licht said offhandedly.

"Thank you teacher for this great gift" Shittu said still on his knees.

The orcs were once again surprised. The emperor never knelt to anyone, even the other heroes he fought with only got handshakes and hugs for greetings but Licht made the emperor kneel. What gift did he give the emperor?

They all racked their brains trying to figure out what was given to the emperor but it was a wasted attempt as they would never had guessed that Licht had given the emperor an ether energy cultivation skill.

Orcs could not utilize ether as they could not feel the mysterious energy but what Licht had done was letting Shittu utilize an energy that was created by Ether but long forgotten, the one thing orcs felt- Strength.

Ether was everywhere in the air and it would be strange if it did not influence almost everything it came in contact with. Orc's strength was gotten from the aura energy strength and the tattoos on their bodies signified such a phenomenon.

Shittu was excited because he had been stuck on the peak of red rank for over two hundred years and thought he was going to be stuck there till he died but now Licht had given him a way out.

The name of the ether cultivation skill was Titan Evolve and like the name implied, the person cultivating the skill would eventually grow to become a titan. Licht was impressed with the strength Shittu showcased so he decided to boost this old orc further and if he succeeded, it would be perfect but if he did not, It would have no adverse effect on Licht.