
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs

New disciple

Licht looked at the naginata in his arms and said "It has been a long time, old friend".

The weapon in his hand buzzed with golden radiance like it heard Licht.

"Master, is your weapon a cursed weapon too?" Midas asked as he saw the weapon buzz in acknowledgment.

"No, it isn't. I have used this weapon and bathed it in all the blood of my enemies for thousands of years. It gained sentience on its own and it understands basic language" Licht looked at the naginata as he smiled.

Regallas was confused and asked "What do you mean thousands of years? Humans cannot live that long"

Licht looked at Midas "No they cannot, but I can. Anyways, you and my disciple were about to fight so carry on. I would actually like to see two emperor potentials duke it out."

Regallas looked at his teacher who said "Go on. Sir Licht wants you to fight so you fight" She kicked him on the bum to the center of the room while Midas walked behind till he got to the center of the room.

"This room has been fortified ey?" Licht asked as he stared at both of them

"Yes my lord" Priscilla said in a happy tone like a fangirl that was honored just to be beside her idol.

"How did my fragments help build all this anyway?" Licht remembered and asked

"Oh, this was already David and I's plan but we were missing one crucial thing but your fragment helped in enlightening me. I wanted to share it with the humans after I was done implementing it in the elven kingdom but their greed took over and they attacked and tried to steal it so I decided not to give them as they were clearly all driven by greed making them the wrong hands. I know David will be disappointed in me but that is the only thing I could do to protect my people" Priscilla emotionally said

"I think what you did is logical. If he loved you as you loved him, then he should understand you had to do what you thought was right" Licht shrugged

Priscilla smiled as tears came out of her eyes but she immediately wiped them away.

Back at the center of the room, Regallas and Midas stared at each other.

"Your attribute is peculiar. What is it? I have never seen such a thing before" Regallas said as he stared at the green miasma-like aura around Midas.

"It's the soul attribute. Very rare." Midas replied honestly as he knew Licht wanted Regallas to join their band of merry men.

"Oh, I have heard of that in books located in the elven kingdom's library. Well, I have two attributes, metal, and wood." Regallas said then summoned black wood from the ground accompanied by a silver liquid.

"My metal attribute controls liquid adamantine while the wood attribute controls ironwood. On its own, ironwood is strong to face most weapons but just imagine when it has been fortified by adamantine. I will have the sharpest attack and the strongest defense." Regallas boasted. As he spoke, the black wood coated with silver liquid stuck to his body till it formed a slender armor and his dual-bladed staff shined with glamour and sharpness.

Midas green miasma also joined on his body till it formed his manticore armor with the claymore on his hands.

They moved at the same time as they collided. Despite the sharpness, Regallas boasted off, Midas claymore was still intact. They departed and came together again. Slashing at each other but no one came out on top. Two tendrils formed on the back of Regallas as he tried a sneak attack on Midas but it was blocked by the two stingers behind Midas.

Now Regallas was dumbfounded, he tried several methods of attack. He split the dual-bladed staff into actual dual blades to attack Midas from both angles but it seemed like it was futile. He saw the look on Midas's face and instantly knew Midas was still not going all out. He felt embarrassed, he jumped backward and spoke "FOREST OF CUTS".

All of a sudden, the ground started to rumble and from it came black trees with no leaves and the branches looked like blades, they swayed really fast and kept hitting Midas, you could see his armor was finally breached but Midas never lost his leisurely look.

He smiled then spoke "Come out. Lust"

Regallas saw an irregular movement of the green miasma moving toward him rapidly so he retreated but he was not fast enough. As he blinked, he felt a cold sensation on his neck. He looked at the source and saw a leg with a blade that extended from it, the owner of the leg was green with red lightning streaks around her. Lust had an adorable smile on her face but it looked devilish to Regallas who reluctantly said "I yield".

Lust turned into a puff of green smoke with lightning and vanished back into Midas's body with a chuckle. The black trees all went back into the ground but the holes and cracks still remained there which closed after Licht flipped his hands.

"That was an entertaining fight but I can tell you do not battle and you have only learned the basics with your weapon," Licht said

"Yes, but that has always been enough to defeat most so I never really focused on combat and besides I am a blacksmith. I need to focus more on smithing than actual combat." Regallas said quite sourly

"Well, that would not stand. Looks like we would have to train you on the go. In battle and how to react and adapt to circumstances." Licht said while he took a seat on Priscilla's bed.

Regallas was confused at what Licht said till Licht spoke again "Regallas, would you like to take me as your master?"

Regallas was startled for a moment and was about to say no but before he could even utter a word, Priscilla dropkicked him "Stupid student, do not miss the opportunity of a lifetime because of your nonsensical pride"

Regallas flew across the room as he spat a fountain of blood, he got up almost immediately like he was used to such a thing as he looked at his teacher "But teacher, you can teach me and I would live a comfortable life here. I am still a prince of the elven kingdom"

"Would you rather be the head of a chicken or be the tail of a phoenix?" Priscilla asked Regallas.

He was mulling till he looked at Licht and said "Do you know any blacksmithing methods? Or you only know combat?"

"I forged this naginata myself in the lava of the Echidnae volcanoes, smelted with the waters of the lakes in Tritonis. So yes, I know a bit about blacksmithing" As Licht spoke there was a bit of a holy-like aura emitting from him.

Regallas did not know where any of those places Licht mentioned were but the Naginata looked like a divine weapon so it was a testament to Licht's skill. He knelt down and said "Disciple Regallas greets Master Licht"