
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs

Meeting the Royal family

"Great. As you know, Midas over here is your senior brother now even though he is technically younger. Hehehe, and that is his aide, Daren" Licht said and chuckled as he introduced Midas while Daren now stood behind Midas clad in his black ninja-like outfit with his two kodachis sheathed behind him.

Regallas was fuming at the fact someone over a hundred years younger than him was his senior brother. Regallas was a hundred and eighty-seven years old but if compared with a human he would be around eighteen so regardless, he was still older than Midas which irked him but Midas was stronger so he figured he'd have to let it go.

"Now we are done here, I think you need to get what you want to get from the palace and tell your family goodbye," Licht said

Priscilla spoke "Sir Licht why don't you join the royal family for dinner then you could leave in the morning"

Licht thought then smiled "Sure, let's do that"

Priscilla was overjoyed, then she immediately urged Regallas to go tell his family that she would be coming for dinner with guests.

Regallas bowed respectfully, wore a shirt, and then left, after all, Priscilla was still his teacher. Priscilla went to get a change of clothes and after a few minutes, she was fully dressed. She wore a regal outfit and walked with a small curved cane even though she did not need it but it helped accentuate that look of authority and wisdom.

"Sir Licht, let's go to the royal palace," She said but she did not head toward the exit where Licht and Midas came in from. Instead, she went to her study space and pulled on a book, the bookshelf opened, revealing a secret passageway. She smiled and gestured forward.

Licht, Midas, and Daren followed behind and the bookshelf closed again, returning to normal. They walked for about two minutes till they reached the end of the passageway. She pushed on it and a huge hall was revealed to the group.

They ended up in the hallway of the royal palace. No one was around, she had clearly placed the exit there because she knew guards were not going to be stationed there. They walked in the direction of the dining hall and that was when they were stopped by patrolling guards "Halt!!! How dare humans come into the royal palace?" They did not even look at Priscilla with Licht and the others.

"Go away. They are with me" Priscilla said as she released the aura of a red-ranked being on the two guards.

They immediately noticed it was their grand elder and apologized as they knelt down "We are sorry, grand elder. We did not know they were your guests. Please forgive us"

"Hmmpph" Priscilla humphed as she walked away. Licht had his signature smile on his face while behind him Midas's face was straight with Daren's face being hidden in a cowl. They all followed Priscilla, finally arriving at the dining hall.

As they entered all eyes were on them, Everyone stood up as they saw Priscilla. They all bowed at her, everyone had respect for Priscilla as she was the strongest elf in the kingdom and she was the matriarch of all the technological advancements for the elves.

Licht took a look at the royal family. John Lovecraft had silver hair but not as flashy as Licht's, his was somewhat dull and he kept his hair short. He had blue eyes as most elves did. He was close to two meters like Licht with spectacles on his face, making him look like a passive scholar and not a king. Lois Lovecraft had blond hair and blue eyes, she actually released the motherly aura people said she emitted. It was the same with Alina who looked like a younger version of her mother. Jeth had a bloodthirsty aura around him, reminiscent of someone who has seen a lot of blood and gore, and lastly, Tife had silver hair like her father but blue eyes. She also had wings and around her floated a dark cloud which was most likely her sky spirit.

"Greeting, Matriarch," They all said. The royal family, the maids and butlers in the back, and the guards all bowed and greeted Priscilla who barely had an expression. She led Licht to the seat which was meant for her while she took a lower seat.

Everyone saw this and were about to explode with questions except Regallas but they managed to keep their calm. They also looked at the human who even their Matriarch regarded with so much respect. Midas and Daren took seats at the end as Priscilla respected Midas as Licht's disciple but he was not going to get special treatment from her.

John Lovecraft was the first to speak "Matriarch, may I ask who our guest is?"

"This man is Sir Licht. He is the main reason behind all our technological advancements" That was all Priscilla said and confusion went all around the table. From a viewer's standpoint, a person would be able to see question marks on each of their heads.

John chose not to dig deeper as their Matriarch did not choose to elongate the matter.

"Oh and he is Regallas's new master," Priscilla said quite nonchalant.

"EHHHHHH" Everyone exclaimed as they looked at Regallas who nodded as he was still eating his meal.

"How did this happen?" Lois asked quite confused. She did not totally like the idea of a human being the master of her son.

Regallas explained all he could as they all listened with rapt attention. They also looked at Midas who was eating also without a care in the world. By the time Regallas was done, John spoke "Forgive me for the disrespect but before someone can become my son's master, I need to know they are stronger than me and trustworthy"

Priscilla replied "He could destroy Belzoheim in a matter of minutes if he wants to. He could end your life with a flip of his hand and as for the trustworthy part, you have my word, he is the most trustworthy person you would meet on this continent because he has no reason to lie, no one to fear, and no one to please"

Everyone looked at Licht in surprise as Priscilla spoke. Even Licht was surprised as she praised him that he chuckled, then continued with his food.

After a brief discussion with Licht, dinner was done and Licht, Midas, and Daren were shown to their rooms.

Licht stayed in a single room while Midas and Daren stayed in the same room at Daren's request.

Licht was in his room as he stared at the sky "I can feel the last fragment on the orc empire. This would be the longest journey we would embark on but I look forward to their growth"