
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs

Licht vs Nordo

A few minutes ago, Licht hovered and flew into the mine because he felt a strange aura arising from the center of the mine. He was sure it was the boss that had done something really vile and evil which was why he did not leave this task for Midas as he was sure that this was a fight Midas could not win.

As he went deeper into the cave, the pressure emanating from within had increased by tenfold but for Licht it was nothing, he continued to go deeper till he reached a type of hall, and within the hall sat a half-naked burly man, he was like a mass of muscles, with scars all over his body, he was in a meditative pose and there was a red baleful aura around the man. The rank that Licht was sensing around him was at the peak of green rank.

Licht was a bit startled seeing the bandit leader at such a rank, but as he saw the baleful aura he understood. The bandit leader had sensed Licht come in a while back but he was confident that no one near his domain would be able to take him in a fight, he finally stood up and he was around 2.5 meters tall, he looked like a muscular giant.

"You used the life of several people to help you advance in rank," Licht said as he just stood there, but right now the smile was no longer on his face, his face was just expressionless.

"Who are you? Are you the one that has been killing my men?" The bandit leader, Nordo ignored what Licht said and asked a question

Licht stood still as he looked at Nordo but did not say anything

"Are you deaf or something? Answer me when I speak to you" Nordo was infuriated. He bolted into action and appeared in front of Licht, his hands were coated with rocks and ores as he punched toward Licht.

The punch connected and Licht was sent flying to the end of the wall.

Nordo's fist ached a bit, he was the one that punched and he was the one feeling the pain, that was really unusual but he shrugged it off then he heard a sigh.

"I really wanted to use you for a warmup, to stretch my muscles and bones but you just had to take hundreds of innocent lives, now I have to finish this fast" Licht said from within a crater in the wall.

He pushed himself out of the crater and then cracked his knuckles, around Licht's body were crackles of lightning, it was golden and there was a gust of wind around him.

Nordo stared at this scene and was in awe as Licht looked like a god that had stepped into the land of mortals and was here to exert punishment but himself.

Licht then moved in a flash, Nordo crossed his arms to block the blow, rocks and ores formed around his entire body to coat him in several layers, Licht kicked outwards on Nordo's block, this time it was Nordo that was sent flying across the hall, you could here Nordo's scream sound out as he collided with the wall.

The dust cleared and the layers of armor had all broken off and there was blood on Nordo's lips. He shook his head as he was shocked that Licht could actually destroy his armor and then injure him.

He was at peak green rank, a few thousand more killings and he would have entered the realm of Red ranked beings just below purple. Just below the strongest beings on the entire continent.

He had almost achieved it and then this man from nowhere came just to stop it. He would not take this laying down.

"You think you have won ey because you could injure me slightly? I would show you what real power is." He said then chanted "BERSERK LIMIT"

All of a sudden, his body changed color, he changed from being white to a red flame color, he grew from 2.5 meters tall and he became 3.7 meters tall, his eyes were pitch black and the muscles on his body were moving and throbbing.

Nordo could not form coherent sentences anymore so he roared at Licht and then once again dashed toward Licht. Despite the fact, that his body was massive, he had incredible speed, he was in front of Licht in a flash, and then once again he punched but Licht used one hand to redirect the punch downwards, Nordo punched again and Licht did the same thing again, over and over again, if a normal person was watching this all they would see would just be flashes and wind gusts because of the speed of the punches. After three minutes of Licht redirecting Nordo's punches, he finally chose to attack back, lightning gathered on his fist as he punched Nordo in the torso, his chest caved in for about three seconds and then started to heal.

Nordo was in extreme pain for those three seconds but after it started healing, as the pain left he had fear in his eyes because he knew he only had two minutes left before his transformation ended.

Nordo chose to retreat, at least let him use the remaining two minutes to escape from this devil man then he would come back for revenge. He turned around for the retreat, there were two snaps and he fell over. As soon as he turned to retreat, Licht broke his femurs so he would not be able to run away but they were slowly healing.

Licht just sighed and said "Might as well try it right now. I would only be using about a little percentage of the ability but it should be enough"

He stretched both his hands forward and said three words

"Order: Judgement glare"

As Nordo heard those two words uttered, he felt like this was the end. It was just an instinctive feeling but he did not know why he felt like that instinctual feeling was more than just instincts. The aura around Licht changed, it was divine. There was an eye closed in a revolution of golden rings. Then the eyes opened and Nordo saw the life he lived, from his birth to meeting his first friend, to making his first steal, to killing his first man, he witnessed everything in less than a second and then he felt pain all over his body.

He heard a voice in his head saying "You are drenched in sin, guilty"

He was being disintegrated from his soul to his body, and after a couple seconds, Nordo was no more.