
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs

Julius V Bronco

They had gone to the back, where they were given outfits to wear to prevent injuries, but they all refused them as they saw Tenebrea disregarded them. They all started to subconsciously do what Tenebrea was doing. She saw they also refused the protective outfits, and she smirked secretly.

She felt that was the best way to make progress in a fight. Get injured, and try to prevent that injury from occurring again.

They walked forward as they watched one of the fights between two fallen. They were in the air as they brawled. They were both bloodied, but it seemed like they did not care until one of them won the fight. One of them had black hair that had stuck together due to the blood hardening; he held a long cudgel, while his opponent had a pretty face, but it had clearly been beaten in by his opponent; he wielded a classic broadsword. They flew at each other as they slashed and clobbered. Once again, they separated, bright light emanated from them both, and they were fully healed.

"So Fallen's main attribute is light." Makes sense," Julius said to himself as he watched the fight.

The battle went on for a while until the fallen using the broadsword slipped up due to fatigue, causing the cudgel-user to win the match.

"That was intense." Davina was surprised, as it seemed the fallen really did not care when it came to getting injured, as they could heal themselves.

"THE NEXT MATCH IS A NEW CONTENDER, ONE NOT OF THE FALLEN, JULIUS THE BARBARIAN!" The referee announced and the crowd started booing the stranger. All they wanted was for the person who faced the barbarian to show them the supremacy of the fallen race.

"AND HIS OPPONENT, WE ALL KNOW HIM AND WE ALL LOVE HIM, BRONCO, THE PIERCER!" All the fallen in the spectator stands began cheering and screaming the name of Bronco.

Julius walked to the center of the coliseum. The coliseum was quiet. No one booed, and at the same time, no one cheered. Julius looked around until he saw a fallen that was floating and landing slowly. The sun shone above his head, so no one could see his face, but it gave him such a divine air.

He landed, and Julius stared into his crystal blue eyes, his blonde hair cascading on his chest armor. He held a long lance in his right hand and a golden buckler in his left.

As he smiled at Julius, women in the crowd swooned and screamed.

"Marry me, Bronco."

"I want to have your babies."

"Punish me, Bronco."

"Pierce me with your long lance."

"No! Bronco is going to pierce me with his long lance."

Julius had goosebumps as he listened to the die-hard Bronco stans screaming their lungs out.

Bronco's eyes scanned the barbarian in his presence, and he felt he did not look special, as he had seen barbarians, and this skinny barbarian did not give him cause for concern.

They stood across from each other as the referee signaled the start of the fight. Bronco spread his wings and immediately took to the skies.

"Tsk, this will be a bit tricky." Julius clicked his teeth as he watched the fallen man survey him from above.

Julius stared at Bronco for a few seconds, then bent his knees like he was ready to jump.


A shockwave resounded through the coliseum like thunder. Julius was now airborne, but it wasn't going to be for long. Bronco was shocked by the sound of thunder, and Julius took advantage of the confusion.

He swung his hammer. Bronco knew it was too late to dodge, so he tried to block. Another boom sounded not as loud as the first one, but for Bronco, it was definitely like his eardrums had burst as he was point blank.

He was sent flying to the ground, and Julius followed him fast as he used another shockwave to propel himself in the direction that Bronco was falling. He caught Bronco mid-fall and started punching as his legs were tied around Bronco. Bronco could not move, and he was now being beaten like a fool.

They both crashed into the ground, which caused another crater on the ground. Bronco managed to attack Julius with his lance. A bloody hole appeared on Julius' shoulder, and he immediately withdrew. He did not see the attack, as Bronco was a bit too fast.

"How didn't I see that attack?" He was shocked. The pain did not get to him. As a barbarian, he was used to pain in battle; in fact, it made him stronger.

Bronco managed to stand up. He was showered by light particles, and his injuries slowly started to heal. He thought he would have enough time to heal when he heard another boom. With reflex, he tried to dodge, but that did not work.

Julius held the head of the fallen, and his orifices started bleeding. His mouth was opened as he yelled, but no sound came on as his scream was actually being absorbed by Julius. The light was still covering his entire body, so he was constantly being healed and damaged. He punched forward with the buckler that had dented in, but Julius took the hit. The shield pierced into his skin but did not reach the bone. He attacked simultaneously with lance and shield causing continuous damage to Julius' skin. Julius had blood coming down from his body, but it didn't seem like he cared.

The crowd that was yelling for Bronco now kept mute. They had heard barbarians were tenacious but never expected they would be like cockroaches. Julius held his head as Bronco hit the hands, trying to remove them. Even though he was the same rank, peak blue, as Julius, he was clearly inferior; maybe his looks were a tad better.

He managed to get a glimpse of Julius through the gaps in Julius hands, and what he saw shook him. Julius was staring at him with a look of superiority and a hint of curiosity. Bronco expected Julius to at least have an expression of mild discomfort, but he got nothing from Julius.

Julius finally pushed him away. Bronco felt it was finally his turn to attack when he noticed a foot coming at him fast. The foot and his belly connected, and this time it was not a boom but instead it sounded like the shriek of a roaring engine.

His insides felt like they were removed from his body and placed back. His eyes looked like they were popping out. He penetrated through the wall, causing another crater, and stopped after going a meter deep. Blood poured from his mouth as he lost consciousness embedded in the wall.

"THE WINNER IS JULIUS THE BARBARIAN!" The person who spoke was one of the elders, as the referee was too stunned to speak. Even after the results were announced, there was still silence, as something unexpected had happened.