
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs

Familiar grounds

A few days later, they crossed the border into the half-kin empire. The look on Luna and Solana's face was odd but the journey continued until the group reached a place where they remembered.

"This is the path we traversed when Ancestor Daello rescued us. It seems we are getting closer to Sunmane city." Luna said with a hint of sadness and anticipation in her voice.

Solana just nodded. The others stared at the twins while Sloane and Fenrir went to comfort them. After a while, they came across a cabin that had been razed to the ground. It seemed old but still preserved, like it was frozen in time.

The twins stopped the carriage as they walked down towards the cabin. They knelt before two graves in front of the cabin.

"Mom, Dad. We are home" They both cried out loudly. It seemed they had been holding it in since when they found out they would be going to the half-kin territory but now that they were before the graves of their parents, they could hold it in no longer. They bawled in front of the grave till they felt a hand on their shoulders.

"It's fine now. I am not your father but you have family now." They looked up to see Licht standing above them, patting their shoulders. They wiped their eyes as they looked at Licht, Regallas, Sloane, and finally the adorable pup, Fenrir.

It seemed that after they were cast out, Daello made sure their parents were properly buried. They were grateful that their patriarch was at least benevolent but the others would face the full extent of their wrath.

The group continued but what they did not seem to notice was that as they left the spot where the twins knelt down now had flowers blooming and dancing with the wind.

They continued onwards, seeing familiar sights brought about nostalgia for the twins. They both stared at everything, seeing some things that still looked the same and others that had changed after a decade. They finally reached the town that Luna and Solana's parents ran away from when they heard they were being hunted by their own kin.

Entering into the town was a vey odd experience for the twins, knowing they practically fled for their lives when they left the town and coming back into the town, they could easily decimate it.

As they were walking, they noticed people in the shadows watching them but they did not make a move, the people in the shadows stared at them till they went into an inn.

~Going back a couple minutes~

"They look like the abominations that were spawned from our majestic Sunmane clan and those despicable Moonhowls a decade ago." One of the shadows spoke as she stared at Licht's group walking around town.

"We need to report this to the clan head now" Another of the shadows replied.

"You go. I will continue tailing them till I know where they are going to settle down" The female shadow replied "Besides, it seems that those dogs are also watching them"

As she spoke, she stared across the street and she saw other shadows that followed the group, she instantly knew who they were and was sure they had already spotted her and her group.

They were both the top information organizations in their respective clans so there was an ongoing rivalry to best each other. They followed the group and watched them enter into the inn.

Meanwhile, in the clan of the sunmane, a young lionkin knelt in the presence of a tall ferocious lionkin. He had scars on his face with his mane flowing free. Anyone that stared into his eyes might actually cower or burn into ashes. Every breath he took was filled with cinder and smoke. This man was the clan head of the Sunmane clan, Roarke.

He sat on his throne with several elders in the room listening to the reports from the young lionkin. He was telling them about the twins that had come into a town under one of their clans.

"I knew they would still be alive, but to think they actually approached the empire. The galls they have" One of the elder lion kins spat

"Oyyy, be careful. No matter what they are still the granddaughters of the great elder" One of the elders whispered cautiously.

The others heard what was said and looked at an old lion kin that stood the closest to the clan head. Even the clan head took a side glance at the old lion-kin.

"I cast my son out years ago. He mated with one of those dogs so he was no longer my son. I do not care what happens to them but we have to be wise about this." The old lion kin spoke.

"Ohhh?? What do you mean, great elder?" Roarke, the clan head finally spoke and though what was said was not loudly uttered his voice reverberated around the hall.

"They have been gone for a decade, why should they appear now? And he clearly said they were with a group, not afraid and it was like they were sight seeing." The great elder said, looking down at the young lion kin still kneeling down in front of the clan heads throne.

"Hmmm I thought about that too but I am not worried. I am as strong as Daello and even if Shittu comes here, with my secret weapon, I will send even him running" Roarke did not respect his Emperor, he claimed to be majestic and strong but when people were going to save the Gregorian continent, he hid within his clan like a little pussy(cat)

The others had heard that during one of Roarke's expeditions outside the clan, he found a weapon capable of ensuring that their clan became the strongest in all of the continent but most just felt it was a rumor and nothing else but now hearing Roarke confirm it, the elders were excited and curious to know what the weapon was.

Roarke stared at the elders who clearly wanted to see his weapon, but he just smirked proudly. His plan was to only bring out the weapon as a trump card against really strong foes. He was no longer afraid of Daello and even Shittu(he had no idea that Shittu had leveled up) and he planned to usurp Daello from his position as emperor.

"Let everyone get ready. I am sure they will soon be on their way" Roarke said while the elders nodded and started preparations.