
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs


The wall guards once again saw two flying creatures heading towards them.

"Ever since the alliance, we have been really busy. Now two more flying creatures are heading this way."

Everyone, take your position."

They were once prepared to attack if the other party made any wrong moves.

"Julius, can you please?" Scarlet asked

"Calm down, it's Master and a few guests," Julius said normally, but his voice resonated all the way to where the guards were.

"It is the queen."

Every guard knelt down as they heard that. The pithon and the green wyvern passed over them and headed in the direction of the castle.

"I wonder what esteemed guest actually came with the queen?"

The two groups finally landed at the palace.

"Good work, Pride," Midas commended the wyvern. It bowed its head and was sucked back into Midas's soul space.

Anastasia, Vlad, Davina, and Maverick all came out knowing the queen was back, but they were surprised to see she was with guests. Anastasia immediately knew who it was as soon as she saw Gaea being all clingy to the silver-haired man.

"Ana, I trust the hall is neat and tidy," Tenebrea asked.

"Yes, My queen. Everyone, please follow me." They all headed to the hall, where there were seats and tables. Everyone took their seats, but they were all seated with their group.

Tenebrea stood up as she introduced herself and her disciples.

"As I said before, I am Tenebrea. These are Scarlet, Julius, Talia, and Frances, whom you already know. They are my direct disciples, while Davina is a student under me, and the boar is Maverick." They all bowed to Licht in respect.

"A war hog? I haven't seen one of them in a very long time. All of them seem exceptional. Well, I am Licht, and these are Midas, Regallas, and Sloane. They are my disciples, while Daren, Luna, Solana, and Fenrir are my disciples' aides, but I also see them as students of sorts." This time it was everyone in the Licht party that bowed at Tenebrea.

"Wonderful. I already know Midas is a soulmancer, but what about the others?" Tenebrea was very curious.

"My ether attribute is a mix of metal and wood. Liquid adamantine for the metal and ironwood for the wood attribute; I am also an excellent blacksmith." Regallas spoke, and he brought out his baton, which became a two-bladed staff.

"My ether attribute is gravity, and according to Master, I have immense physical strength second to only him." Sloane puffed her chest with pride.

"Haha, well, now it's second to both of us because I am pretty strong." Tenebrea chuckled and then flexed her arm.

"My ether attributes are Shadow and Poison. Sir Licht has trained me to be the perfect assassin type." Daren removed his hood, showing a boyish handsomeness. Davina stared at the assassin, and she felt her heart skip a beat.

"We are halfkins from the Sunmane and Moonhowl clans. We have solar and lunar ether abilities." Luna and Solana spoke at the same time.

Fenrir just sat on the ground, wagging his small tail. He was still in his puppy form.

Tenebrea looked at the wolf and felt something familiar about him.

"Is that a Gula wolf?" She asked

Licht laughed and nodded.

"We have two strong beasts in our group. Okay, your turn, guys"

"I am the current wielder of the crimson cinder." Scarlet said as she materialized a red flame on her hands.

"Why does it feel similar to the attack he threw at us?" Licht looked at Tenebrea.

"It actually is. Apparently, it was sent into the daemon continent, but most of the attack was extinguished, and the essence survived, which was passed down from people, and now she holds the cinder," Tenebrea explained.

Licht made a fascinated expression, looking at Scarlet, and signaled for them to continue.

"I am a barbarian, and my ether attribute is sound. I also challenge Midas to a duel." Julius was straightforward. He wanted to beat Midas and prove who was superior.

Licht laughed and looked towards Midas to reply, but before Midas said anything, Sloane spoke. "No offense, but before you challenge my senior brother, you have to go through either me or Regallas. Only the first disciple has the right to face him, and that is the fire girl."

Julius was stunned when the short orc spoke to him. He looked at her and shook his head. "I don't want to hurt you, little girl."

As soon as he spoke, everyone in the room felt the pressure. Sloane's eyes were expressionless, and she spoke, "What did you call me?"

Julius felt his legs buckling a bit, but he stood tall. The barbarians do not kneel before anyone except their parents and masters. "I called you a little girl."

Sloane was about to move when she felt her gravity attack cancel out. Her master could break it forcefully, but this seemed like it had just been disrupted.

Tenebrea spoke, "We can have a duel later. Talia, it's your turn."

Sloane then figured out that it was Tenebrea who canceled out her ability. She looked at Licht for an explanation.

"You all know I have the ability of order. I can emulate the other attributes because I bend order to my will, but Tenebrea has the ability of chaos. She can disrupt or negate anyone's attribute by causing the ether in the air to become chaotic, and that is the most simple thing she can do."

Sloane nodded while looking at the smiling Tenebrea.

"I am Talia of the fallen, and like all fallen, I have the light ether attribute, but my mother was a demon, giving me higher defense and offense capacity in my wings." She showcased her wings, which shone with a dark glare.

"I have the glacial ice and explosion ether attributes. Midas, watch out; I am coming for you," Frances said with a smile.

"I am from the Night Pixies tribe, and I have the curse element. Recently, I started learning voodoo, and I am getting better." She threw several glances at Daren, who gave a slight frown seeing her staring at him so many times.

Maverick grunted twice as if introducing himself.

"This is Anastasia and Vladimir, and they are both my trusted aides, but to me they are like my children since I raised and trained them." Vlad and Ana both bowed their heads.

"Greetings, Demon King."

Licht waved for them to be at ease. Now, before the duel, Tenebrea and I need to absorb our fragments. We will talk about what we are going to do next for the duel."

Licht sat down cross-legged, and Tenebrea joined him. They sat opposite each other. A cocoon of Gold and dark red was formed while everyone watched the process on high alert.

A whirlwind formed around the cocoon, taking the cocoon off the floor. Within the cocoon, Licht and Tenebrea's hands were already connected. They chanted something under their breath, but it was resounding in the entire hall.

"From Yang, Yin is born.

From Chaos, Order is made.

One cannot exist without the other.

The equinox has been restored.

For we are the guardians of balance."