
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantaisie
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118 Chs

Davina v Trainor

Julius looked at the fallen that he had defeated and walked back to the waiting area. He did not even use his "Berserk" form and he felt he had become a little stronger and also understood his skills and techniques better.

The group watched as he came in, and Anastasia immediately started his healing. The blood started to flow back into his body, and his wounds started to clot. She also gave him a healing potion.

"Our next fighter is also a stranger, and who knows, maybe she will give us another surprise; she is from the dark pixie tribe, Davina!" He had already broken out of his surprise and quickly announced the next fight.

Davina walked to the stage majestically. This time there were no boos or heckling, as they had seen what Julius was capable of. She stood at the center of the coliseum as she waited for the referee to announce her opponent.

"For her opponent, we have one of the prodigies of the ether observatory, Trainor Mikhail." This time there was a loud cheer; it even felt louder than when Bronco came in.

A fallen descended and landed gracefully. He was beautiful; if Bronco was like a raging tide, Trainor was a calm spring.

He had blue hair and eyes, and he held a smile that made you feel like he was your older brother who would assure you of anything. Davina even felt her heart flutter, but it quickly went away.

'What charm.' Davina marveled.

Trainor brought out a scepter from behind him and said, "I focus more on long-range attacks than Bronco, who is a combat-forward person." I hope that wouldn't be a problem."

"Trainor is such a gentleman."

"He's so caring toward even his opponents."

"Be my Onii-chan, Trainor-sama."

"Why are you so creepy? You're a guy, for crying out loud."

"I don't care; I want Trainor-sama to become Onii-sama."

Trainor tripped when he heard that one guy wanting him to be his Onii-chan from the crowd.

"Don't worry. I am more versed in long range attacks too." As Davina finished speaking, a misshapen staff that was made of wood, had a black orb, and also had red cloth wrapped around it materialized in her hands.

Trainor could sense the maliciousness in that weapon, and he shivered subconsciously. As a light ether user, he was sensitive to the dark arts, so he knew his opponent was a person who could cause him damage.

"If both sides are ready, then begin." The referee signaled the beginning of the fight.

As expected, Trainor took to the skies, but Davina did not seem fazed. Trainor was on guard, as he felt she might be able to reach him like Julius did Bronco.

He immediately cast a spell to probe "Multi-lit spheres."

Ten balls of light the size of beach balls all flew to Davina at lightning speed. Several explosions occurred, and Trainor felt it was too easy. The dust cleared, and Davina was no longer standing where she was before. The floor opened up, and she came out unhurt, along with a few bones and weapons.

"I didn't know Davina had the earth attribute." Julius said as his wounds finished healing.

"Neither did I." Scarlet looked at Tenebrea for an explanation.

"She doesn't. I just taught her that everything in this world can be cursed. A person can be cursed to be swallowed by the ground; the ground can be cursed to spit out everything it has eaten; the air can be cursed to become impure and poisonous; and the sun can be cursed to harshly burn whoever is under it. As long as it exists, it can be cursed." Tenebrea spoke as she remembered a really strong Voodoo practitioner called the Haitian who once cursed an entire kingdom to be beseeched by the heat of the sun unfiltered, and the entire kingdom melted while the people turned to corpses in less than a day. The curse couldn't be escaped as long as you were born in that kingdom; even if you were on a different continent, you would be cooked alive by the sun. It did not harm anybody else, and people just felt like that event was an unexplainable event. The only reason why Tenebrea knew about it was because she was a friend of the Haitian.

Davina twirled her staff and pointed it at Trainor, who immediately tried to retreat, but when he saw no attack, he felt it was a taunt, so he stopped. While he did not see anything moving in his direction, everybody saw a huge wave of blackness rush out of Davina's staff. They saw Trainor retreat, and they were relieved, but when they saw him stop like nothing was rushing at him, they tried screaming, but it was too late.

The blackness engulfed him, but he did not feel a thing. He began noticing that everything slowly became quiet and his vision became darker. He was blind and deaf.

He began panicking, flying in a haphazard motion. He screamed, but no one heard through the black orb that was now floating in front of them in a weird manner.

Davina just stared at the orb; she knew a strong-willed person would give up within five minutes of being in that orb, so she just stood watching. Five minutes passed, and the orb had not moved in a while. The fallen spectators were worried about their "Onii"-type prodigy.

All of a sudden, a beam of light was emitted from the orb. Davina was shocked. Another beam broke through the orb, and another, until the orb was gone and Trainor hovered above, looking at Davina with a rage no one had ever witnessed on his face.

"I have to give it to you. That is a very torturous technique, but do you know who the fuck I am? Hahaha" It looked like the boy had gone mad as spears of light materialized on his hands. He began throwing them over and over again.

Davina jumped and dodged, but the barrage was becoming too much. She hit her staff on the ground, and two fallen that were tasked with protecting the spectators just in case of anything left their posts, and they flew towards Trainor.

He was confused as he saw the two people flying at him, but as soon as he saw their eyes had turned black, he knew it was the work of the dark pixie witch. He immediately changed his target and started aiming to knock out the two guards.

Davina had already had enough, so while Trainor was fighting, a doll made of dust materialized in her hands. It looked like a man with wings. She brought out a feather that had come from Trainor when he was panicking. He had shed some feathers, which had been collected by Davina secretly. The feather was placed in the sand doll, and the two people fighting Trainor were released from their curse. They quickly bowed at Trainor, gave Davina a stink eye, and returned to their position.

"What are you planning now, witch? You know what? I don't care. I'd stop you before anything happens." He became radiant and sped at Davina, literally at the speed of light. As he was a breath away from hitting her, he stopped in the air.

She held the doll as she looked at him emotionlessly. She squeezed the doll, and he felt like he was being constricted. He screamed in pain as he tried to heal himself.

"Don't bother. You've been cursed, so you can't utilize your light attribute anymore. I can kill you right now, you know?" She squeezed tighter, making him scream louder.

"Referee, call it." Davina looked at the referee, who was about to do so.

"The winner is..."

"Don't you dare? I haven't given up yet. I am still in this." He managed to free a wing and used it to slash at Davina's throat, but all she did was hit the back of the doll's head, and Trainor was knocked unconscious.

"THE WINNER IS DAVINA!" The referee announced

Davina walked back to the backroom, cleaning the blood from her neck.

If she had been a second later, Trainor would have sliced her throat.

'I was too careless.'