
Xie Zuzhou's New Plans

"Where have you been? Why did you disappear for three months? What about the druid leader?" Xie Zuzhou asked when his wife, Qi Wuhei, walked into his seclusion cave.

Qi Wuhei briefly glanced at Lilithara, who was enjoying herself with Xie Zuzhou's dick inside her body. Moreover, her stomach is getting bigger, indicating that the devil inside her womb has developed. "The woman who stopped you in the upper realms helped Zhizun Buxiu, preventing me from capturing the druid leader. Her attack cut off my hand, and I needed three months to recover."

Xie Zuzhou's expression turned serious after Qi Wuhei mentioned Huang Hao. He still remembers the horror of her power when his avatar faced her in the upper realms. "Did that woman bring the druid leader with her?"