
Ling Yun - Yun Gongzhu

Ling Yun smiled relaxedly after hearing Yun Gongzhu's words, and he didn't think about it at all. "It's not a problem if you want it that way, senior sister. I myself joined our sect not to seek a romantic relationship, especially since I already have many wives as beautiful as them, so I'm just looking for a partner who can mutually benefit each other."

"That's good." Yun Gongzhu herself felt jealous of their beauty and sexiness, especially Ling Yu'er. "Anyway, why did you take that mission? Don't you know that it is very dangerous? Hundreds of people have tried to investigate their deaths, but none of them have been able to solve the mystery."

"We knew about it, but we were curious about it, so we decided to take it." Ling Yu'er nonchalantly answered Yun Gongzhu's question, as she herself was curious about the mission, and Tian Hu also asked her to take it.