

The chaos god of matter blesses an innate being with soul to let it have the power of matter manipulation.

Albert_Tom_George · Fantaisie
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41 Chs




John looked at the five-star hotel and drove his car. His car was a special car created by him that could take on the form of any car he had created. He entered the hotel compound and parked the car. He entered the hotel and looked at the lit of food and ordered some of everyone. His body could contain unlimited amount of food as it would be directly converted to physical energy and the waste matter would be destroyed to basic matter particles and thrown farthest away from there.


John looked at the food bought for him and kept eating it. The food tasted good as his body was still a human body. He sighed and ate the food with yearning as this was the first time he had come here. He looked at the people who had approached him. he could hear them speaking that he was indeed rich and he should have allowed to join their team. It seems that they are the children of the rich who are more interested in enjoyment. He wanted to run away from here and go to the universe but finally the universe was just a universe, a combination of matter and energy build on the basis of the laws of the universe. The problem remained that only intelligent beings could help him have some solace but these humans are not intelligent enough. He decided to let humans become more intelligent and to start it by selling the brain development potion. He could indeed go through the regular channels but the strong and the political families may limit it to their own circle and hence he decided to spread it personally from person to person for a small prize. He was going to control the world from the dark.


He decided to just lie down and decided to not care about the world and started to think about. He thought about the possibility of worlds within worlds and worlds that exist due to some of the unknown actions of beings like writing a novel. He thought what kind of character he might be if he was written in a novel. He was a boring person and would not be liked in the novel or given much attraction to as he is strong to have no challenges and his character is not so good. Readers need a good story and they want something they like and they may not like him.


Only he liked himself and he did not care for others as he was not strong. He sighed and looked at them and did not stop them from approaching him. By now he could control and understand each and every part of the human neuron and its uses and how memory works could be controlled by him. He could control the whole human consciousness and he could control and create a human body. How can the farmer sleep with the hens he raises. He now understood why the gods would be training gods as they could indeed get some new friends if the ones are able to grow to the realms of gods and either way, they will have some strong gods as friends. How sad and how boring. The problem remained that a beings needed a society and civilization at the level of information society to grow properly and needed enough power to get out of society and become a detached person and once they are sure about their existence and their power and they could remain alone and strong in any world only would they be able to live in any society as themselves and then only can they remain strong in other world. When they become gods and are unaffected by everything, they just live and when they want some people to be among them, they try to raise new gods.


John looked at the group who had come to him and he looked at them. Paul said, "You said you were not interested in parties. We are going to watch some movies. Are you interested in coming?"


John said, "The main problem is that I like to be alone."


Paul looked at the food and asked, "Join us, it would be fun."


John thought about it and said, "Sure. Join me for the dinner."


The sat down on the table. John gave them the book and asked them, "Order whatever you want. Today's dinner is on me."


Paul sat down and said, "This is Rose and is Jonathen."


John greeted them politely and waited for them to order some food. Rose looked at John and asked, "Why were you not interested in coming to a club."


John said, "What good is it? isn't it to just go there and have some fun by dancing and drinking and I do not like either way."


Rose said, "True. But we go to varying places. We rich find it boring so we go to different places like golf clubs, ranches, hiking and other similar events. We are an adventurous group. How about you join us."


John sensed his body and found that it was still weak. He could indeed enjoy what a human could enjoy and still remain powerful. He decided to go with them as if they appeared unworthy, he could get someone else. He said, "Sure."


Jonathen said, "Let us finish the food and then talk. I hate when people talk over dinner."


John said, "Food is to be eaten but the habit of eating dinner is a ceremony and it is a good chance to have some conversation. But it is true that it is only useful when al likes to talk."


Jonathen raised the wine glass and so did John. They ate the food and finished it in silence.