
childhood of Rho Scorpii

The name of pride is Rho Scorpii a person who has white hair and white eyes and this is his story where do we begin well at his start of his story.

At the young age of 10 Rho was walking around the town hoping to find something to eat as Rho walked home to find his dad killing his older brother and his mother with a sharp knife as Rho looked in horror.

Rho runs into the forest but his dad gives chase to him and as the forest stood in silence as his dad fell to the ground dropping the knife next to Rho, Rho grabbed he knife and ran towards his dad and started to slice, cut, slash, crunch, his dads head open as he stood there he starts to laugh " ah- ahahah-- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" The forest filled with his Laughter.

as Rho walked out of the forest a man with a big smile grabbed him by the neck and stabs him with a crystal as Rho was dropped to the ground he couldn't breath and as life left him he was filled with his anger and that anger turned into pride.

as Rho walked from his death into a new man he looks for something to do, Rho walked next to two knights as they kicked and punched Rho his ability came and cut the knights into small balls ...