
Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

"He is the entertainment king who is in charge of everything. Been single for years, he had zero scandal. One day, a woman and a girl turned his life upside down. The little cutie held him tight, not letting go. ""Handsome uncle, you look very much like the daddy I have lost for many years!"" Huo Yunshen felt depressed. “Me? Daddy?!” The little cutie proudly pulled her mommy over, ""Mommy, I have found a long-term meal ticket for you, handsome and gullible."" Xu Xiyan smiled at the elegant man. Recalling the accident five years ago, his face sank. ""How dare you steal my DNA?"" She laughed. ""Not steal, just borrow!"" The man took her in his arms and warned in a dangerous tone, ""Woman, should I get what’s mine back, with interest?"" She stood on her toes. ""Yeah, how about another baby?"""

Ban Cheng Fan Xue · Urbain
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2778 Chs


Translator: Larbre Studio Éditeur: Larbre Studio

Huo Yunshen felt pain in his heart again when he thought of Jing Xi.

He raised his head and stared at the woman sitting in front of him with his dark gaze.

"Who told you to play that song?" Huo Yunshen scolded.

Shocked by the sudden anger, Jing Xi raised her head and saw the scary look on Huo Yunshen's face.

It was only then that she remembered the song was written by the king himself.

She was a massive fan of his songs.

Most of Huo Yunshen's songs were now regarded as classics in the music world and were loved by people all around the world.

The reason Jing Xi knew how to play the song was because her sister, Jin Hua, was also a fan of his. Jing Xi had been listening to Huo Yunshen's songs every day and learned them naturally.

Even though Jing Xi did not have the best memory in the world, she could easily remember the chords and tones of every song she heard.

She could recite everything, even with her eyes closed.