
Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

"He is the entertainment king who is in charge of everything. Been single for years, he had zero scandal. One day, a woman and a girl turned his life upside down. The little cutie held him tight, not letting go. ""Handsome uncle, you look very much like the daddy I have lost for many years!"" Huo Yunshen felt depressed. “Me? Daddy?!” The little cutie proudly pulled her mommy over, ""Mommy, I have found a long-term meal ticket for you, handsome and gullible."" Xu Xiyan smiled at the elegant man. Recalling the accident five years ago, his face sank. ""How dare you steal my DNA?"" She laughed. ""Not steal, just borrow!"" The man took her in his arms and warned in a dangerous tone, ""Woman, should I get what’s mine back, with interest?"" She stood on her toes. ""Yeah, how about another baby?"""

Ban Cheng Fan Xue · Urbain
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2778 Chs

In Deep Trouble

Translator: Larbre Studio Éditeur: Larbre Studio

It was a replica of the room that Huo Yunshen and Jing Xi used to live in, down to every detail. No one had ever entered the room except for Huo Yunshen himself.

Looking at the things inside, Jing Xi had a weird sense of familiarity.

It was as if she had seen the same room before.

But she could not remember when.

When she saw the half-knitted sweater that was on the bed, she walked over and picked it up as if she was possessed.

It was a sweater meant for a little child.

The weirdest part was when she touched the needle, she began to continue knitting the undone sweater.

But she couldn't stop herself.

Since Jing Xi was too absorbed in what she was doing, she didn't notice someone was closing in from behind.

Huo Yunshen was working busily when one of the servants told him that someone had entered the forbidden room.