

George shook his hand; unlike most of the people whose hands he shook in the academy, he could feel a big difference between how their hand felt and how Bryson's hand felt. 

Even the hands of the girl in the academy were rough and were not soft, but Bryson's hand felt like it belonged to a baby compared to the other hands, 'Maybe I have spent too long here…' He brushed away the thought, "George Sterlinguard. Now would you mind explaining."

"Yes… of course. I am a journalist for TGN. And uhm, I got permission from your headmaster to ask you some questions." 

George wiped away his sweat, "I won't be answering any questions regarding the current case." He replied, heading towards the hall exit.

Bryson quickly ran to block it, "Sir, I won't be asking you any questions about the case or about the relationships between Emerald City and the Empire Bank. So please don't be worried."