
Chapter 76: The Green eyed diplomat

Chapter 76: The Green eyed diplomat

Zuri's POV 

An average human could stay underwater for 90 seconds before needing to take a breath. It's not voluntary.

 It's just human nature to seek out means of survival and taking in air was a big part of it but not for me. 

I love staying under water. It was the only place I felt free and light and…did I mention free?

There was no demon trying to get me and there was no worry in sight…just me and sweet... sweet freedom.

My longest record underwater was ten minutes which was the unofficial world record until a year ago when a diver from Spain broke the record and achieved the world record for breath-holding, with a time of 24 minutes. However, he breathed pure oxygen before immersion.

Let's see if I can breathe that record without being brain dead from oxygen deprivation.

I know it's extreme but it was the only way to stop my chaotic mind from thinking about Williamson, my very dead father.