
Chapter 213: Emily meets Owen

Chapter 213: Emily meets Owen

Emily's POV 

"Of course, I am here. (then Waylen's voice became a whisper) pull yourself together, Love. Are you ready?" He asked me.

"Yes, I think so"

Waylen let me go and I was a little more composed this time.

I took the time to look at my husband. He looked different in the expensive tuxedo he was wearing. His face, his hair, even his posture was different. If not that I could recognize those eyes anywhere in the world, I would think he was a different man.

He looked beautiful, almost man-made.

"I look good, right?" He asked me in the form of a whisper. "I have always wanted to be an arm candy, did I pull it off?"

I chuckled.

"You are perfect, my love"

"Who is this?" Jodie asked me. When I didn't answer, she proceeded to introduce herself to my husband…the b*tch!