
Chapter 107: When everything isn't sunshine 

Chapter 107: When everything isn't sunshine 

Emily's POV 

Someone tapped my shoulder from behind and I turned.

"Oh! It's you"

 He handed a bottle of cold water to me and I took it after muttering a word of gratitude. He sat beside me but in total silence.

"I am sorry I jumped you inside the club. You must think I am a mad person but truly I am not. I don't go about kissing guys I just met few minutes ago in public with people staring"

"I feel so used right now!" the man said without displaying any distinctive emotion.

"I am really sorry" I apologized again

"Oh don't be. I actually liked being used by a beautiful girl. Being kissed by a stranger happens to me all the time and you will be surprised on how many pretty girls have kissed me in a club"

"Really?" I asked astonished

He could hear the relief in my voice and he chuckled.

"Of course not, it's just one girl so far…just you"
