
Beauty and The Beast: True Love

Miracles's Pov

For the second time today, I was overcome by darkness.

I heard laughter soon after, giggles to be precise. It came from a little girl, she couldn't be more than five years old. She was barefooted and she was running…no, she was running after someone, a man with long black hair and in a white pants and white shirt.

He was laughing too. Something must have been amusing to both of them.

He slowed down so the little girl could catch him and she did.

Her laughter echoed once more. I was envious. I didn't know it was possible for someone to be that happy. I can't remember the last time I was that happy.

The man turned around and picked her up, he threw her in the air, so high up but the little girl wasn't scared. I think she knew he would catch her before she fell, how great a trust she had in him and he didn't disappoint her.

"Higher! Again!" She screamed in joy.