
A good deed

Kaley's POV

"Marry me Kaley, because that's the only way I have a claim on you enough to tell Lucious Reign to shove his vendetta where the sun doesn't shine. Marry me and come home with me"

I stared at Owen with my mouth wide open, it was like that until he slowly closed it with his hand before placing both hands in his pocket.

"Don't say no" he told me, his eyes glittered with sincerity and kindness.

"I…I…" I was speechless.

He rubbed my shoulders in an upward and downwards motion like he was trying to soothe me.

It worked because I exhaled.

I didn't even know I was holding my breath until I exhaled.

"Wait" he said.

Then his eyes narrowed and he lowered his head to look me directly in the eyes.

"You…think you deserve this, don't you?" He asked me.

I looked away, unable to let him see just how right he was.