

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

Yuldao Seraken

Sorceress stares at Zargo on her knees with shock and slight fear while Zargo stares her down.

Morgrathun and Nixi are just standing there, Looking at Zargo.

Zargo speaks after moment of gazing sorceress, promptly asks, "You speak of a human that we can never hope to defeat, Right? Give us details right now about this human talk about and we will head towards him right now, Killing him immediately before he tries to cause us problem by third partying." 

Sorceress smirks saying, "Heh, You have such conifdence on defeating him. It's laughable. You won't even hold a candle to him, That's how strong he is, To be freak, He is not your average human who would easily be defeated by anyone. He exist to defeat Krim gorath."

Morgrathun's eyes widen as he hears Sorceress response, Saying, "You talk about Krim gorath? Isn't that Presence long gone? Pure Ridiculous."

Sorceress replies, "Oh... You think Krim is defeated? He is sole reason monsters like you even exist. And yet despite, Knowing it, You underestimate him."

Zargo asks Sorceress, "If you really think he is that strong, Then we shall put it into a test. What's this human name you talk about?"

Sorceress tries to slowly stand up, smirking, stating, "Heh, Normally i won't tell names. But ofcourse, In the presence of him, The sole exceptions exist. Yulda Sereken is his name."

Morgrathun raises eyebrows in curious yet slight fear, stating, "Y-You mean, Yuldao Seraken?" "Yes, that's him." Sorceress states.

Morgrathun smirks stating, "So he really exists? I thought it was made up rumor by some random guy. For a damn human, You know alot sorceress." Sorceress states, "That's because i have met him in person." 

Zargo states, "You will take us to him. And in return, We will leave humanity alone until we are done with him-" Morgrathun cuts off Zargo saying, "No. We will first deal with humans, The weak one and after killing all humans, We will visit Yuldao."

Zargo nods in agreement, "Yes lord. We will do what you say." Morgrathun responds, "Good."

Morgrathun gazes at Sorceress, Stating, "In the end, It turns out you know Yuldao, Don't you?" Sorceress tilts her head upwards slightly while Morgrathun continues by saying, "Intresting. This means, You are older soul that has been incarnating on this earthly plane over 1000+ years, right if i am not wrong?"

Sorceress smirks, saying, "So what if i am?" Morgrathun stares her and responds, "Oh, Nothing. I was just asking. Beside, Don't get too ahead of yourself, You will die otherwise."

Sorceress narrows her eyes and launches energy attack at Morgrathun. 

As attack come in contact with Morgrathun, He stands there with a small bruise on his face. However, Morgrathun doesn't flinch by attack and bruise.

Morgrathun says, "I am confused on what to do here, This base is already defeated just by you alone. Since you took care of them. As a reward, You shall tell us what to do now? On second thoughts, shall we visit Yuldao or destroy humanity on earth first?" 

Zargo responds, "Doesn't Yuldao live on earth?" Morgrathun replies back, "Nah, He actually resides in one of Higher plane right now."

Zargo says, "Well in that case. Hey, You Sorceress!" Sorceress grunts and says, "Huh? W-What do you want?"

Zargo asks, "Choose one or either two." Sorceress thinks for a while before telling her choice, "I choose two."

Zargo says, "Good, That's decided that we are heading towwards earth now." Morgrathun replies, "Well, It's decided. We are heading towards Earth."

Sorceress eyes gets widen in fear as she says, "W-W-Wait, Please anything but earth. Don't destroy the innocent life on earth."

Nixi charges energy blast and directs it at Sorceress, blowing her up and saying in respond, "Shut up. We do what we want, No human should tell us what to do and what to not."

Morgrathun and Zargo just observes as Nixi blows Sorceress up. 

As all three of them with Malefic and Group of demon start to walk, Suddenly, 2 demons out of group are taken down instantly by blast.

"Wait, You imbeciles. Where do you all think your going after all this destruction."

Zargo, Morgrathun, Nixi, Malefic and rest of demons turn around and see none other than Samol with a left prosthetic arm.

Zargo slightly raises his eyes, stating, "You got robot arm that fast?"

All of them feel as if some invisble hand have grabbed them. 

Samol stares at injured Sorceress and starts walking towards her. Samol with his left prosthetic arm, He starts to heal her injuries as paralyzed demons could not do anything but observe.

After few minutes of healing, Sorceress wakes up and looks at Samol saying, "O-oh, Hey your back." Samol with a smirk, States, "Well, I should have known you would participate in this battle."

Sorceress stands up slowly, gazing at demons and saying, "Well, We have to stop them. If we couldn't then they will start destroying humanity on earth."

Samol's smirk quickly morphs into serious, saying, "Yea."

After few minutes, All demons are set free by invisble hand. 

Samol thinks to himself as he stares at them, "[[The invisible hands planted on ground can only hold something for few minutes before they let target go, So which means. When i would activate these hands, Sorceress should use her sorcery to take these guys out. The faster would mean the better. Atleast we should take some of these guys out before those 5 come.]]"

Sorceress smirks as she says, "Well, I am onto it. I would try my best." Samol looks at Sorceress and says, "Oh yea... I forgot about few of you sorcerers reading others Inner monolouge."

All remaining demons in group suddenly rushes at Sorceress and Samol, However, Sorceress sweeps them away with one single energy blast, Leaving Malefic, Morgrathun, Nixi and Zargo.

Nixi with a grin, states, "Even if you detsroyed the group of demons that was with us. Yet, We are 4 and you are only 2. What can you both hope to achieve against us 4?" 

Samol states, "You really think, Victory belongs to you?" Nixi's smile gets even wider as she responds, "Think? Nope, I infact know, Victory would be ours. What can you humans even hope to achieve against us? The short answer is, Nothing."

Samol says, "You are quite confident in your abilties to conquer us. But, Know one thing, Your pride will dictate your downfall."

Nixi gets annoyed at Samol's respond and says, "Shut up! What exactly would you know of our power. You are nothing but a human. You should have no rights to tell us what to do or what to not."

Zargo and Morgrathun just observes and hear conversation between Samol and Nixi without doing anything.

Samol says, "If you really believe in your abilties that much, Then why are you getting annoyed at me for telling you about your downfall. Especially, If i don't know your abilties fully. Doesn't that mean, It's Truth that resonates with your whole being, Huh? That's hilarious how you know truth yet you deny it because of your insecurities."

Nixi with a frustrated, says, "Y-You man. You are starting to get on my nerves." Samol simply replies with a smirk, "Struck a nerve, Didn't I?"

Nixi responds, "Just... Shut up and eat this." Nixi directs energy ball at Samol.

However, Sorceress creates a shield around her and Samol as soon as energy ball comes close to both of them.

Nixi narrows her eyes as she stares at Samol and Sorceress.

Samol says as he closes and re-opens his eyes, "Well, Enough chit-chat. We might not be as strong as you four are, But your downfall will happen eventually."

Samol pauses before continuing saying, "Shall we get down to business?"

Nixi narrows her eyes down with fury while Zargo and Morgrathun are just there observing Samol and Sorceress. And, Sorceress and Samol make a ready pose, waiting for them to make first move.