

A world where humans are skeptics about Supernatural to the point where it's hard for them to even comprehend the truth which is about Supernatural, And Denzel is one of these humans who are skeptics about it but since Denzel has seen supernatural Being in the start, It wouldn't be hard for him to Disbelief or stay in Skepticism about Supernatural, So Now Denzel would start a Journey After the discovery of Supernatural Truth. Through-out this Journey, Denzel would have to fight with other Beings and possibly even Himself to reach his goals.

Auth_GT · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

Outbreak of Battle

[On 8:23 am, Day of war at Outline preserver of humanity]

All the soilders and members of Outline preserver are seen getting ready for war. Some of them are upgrading there weapons, Some of them are preparing there higher weapons, some of them are seen eating breakfast, some of them are seen wearing heavy armor, And some of them are seen looking at sheilds to use.

As more time passes, Tension starts to build up in air as all members are getting ready for war.

Meanwhile, Samol is standing at rooftop with his arm closed as he stares into sky with serious expression. He thinks to himself, "[[When are those 5 gonna show up? Grythor said that they will be joining battle with us, But all i can see is my members and no one else? Don't tell me that Grythor just said that to make me feel like there's hope when, there's no hope as they are not gonna be present in this battle? But, Why? It makes no rational sense about grythor saying it? They must be on there way, But. They might appear now and if that really happens then, we are doomed for now.]]"

Samol closes his eyes as he starts to walk forward slowly. While other members are gettig ready for the war.

As Samol walks slowly, He hears the voice of the fellow member saying, "Sir, Shall we take that weapon out as a last resort."

Samol slowly opens his eyes and looks at member, responding with, "Hmmm... For a last resort we have few of them. To save Humanity from them, Gotta do it anyways. But, You should charge it for now, As we don't know how will it go."

Member nods his head as responds, "Yes sir. We will charge it right now." 

Samol observes as member turns around and walks off. Samol continues to observe the empty space, occupied by member few moments ago.

Samol mutters, "Hm... Intresting. But when will they show up." 

Samol starts to walk slowly, his face displays expression of worry and slight fear. 

Samol notices as he gets a signal from his body about hunger. So he decides to vist nearest cafeteria.

As Samol embarks on a path to cafeteria, He notices few timber benches with tables infront of cafeteria.

Samol decides to walk up to cafeteria to order some breakfast.

Cafeteria worker notices Samol walking towrads them slowly. As Samol gets closer to serving line, Cafeteria worker asks, "Hello, How can i help you today?"

Samol stays silent for few moments as he thinks what to order before finally ordering breakfast, "Hello. Yea, I would like to order Pancakes with syrup and Hot Chocolate Coffee."

Cafeteria Worker responds with, "Okay. Is there anything you would need?" Samol replies, "No. This is all i need for breakfast." 

Cafeteria worker answers, "Okay, You can wait as we prepare your breakfast."

Samol turns around and starts to slowly walk towards timber bench and sits on as he patiently waits for his breakfast.

After few minutes of waiting, Samol notices waiter bringing his food. 

Waiter comes to halt as he puts breakfast on table while saying, "Here's your order sir."

Samol with a smile responds, "Thank you." 

Samol starts his breakfast by taking a sip of hot choco coffee. As he takes sip; He feels warm, smooth, sweet and slightly bitter taste with creaminess that makes him feel refresh as drowsiness starts to cease away gently by hot chocolate coffee. 

Samol notices that he is starting feel slightly unstress. 

Samol grabs Pancake with a syrup on it and takes bite off it. As he takes bite off pancake, he feels lightly crisp, soft, fluffy texture with a slightly buttery taste, sweet, woodsy, caramel-like flavor causing him to feel comfort and indulge as he eats pancake.

After eating his breakfast, Samol feels refreshed and fulled. Samol takes deep breath as he brings himself in the present moment.

After few minutes of being in present moments, Samol decides to put on armor and choose weapon for the battle.

Samol stands up and starts to walk, But his attention gazes at two couples choosing weapon to fight. Both couples look young in age.

Samol decides to check on them.

Samol walks upto couples and says, "Hello."

Both of Couples turn there head around towards Samol and responds with, "H-Hello, Sir."

Samol looks at them with smirk and says, "Hmm. Seems like you two are new here."

One of the couples answers, "Yes, We are new here. It's only been 1 year for both of us... Well for me, It's 1 year. And for him, It's 8 months."

Samol simply replies, "Oh well, That's good to know. You guys are extremely young, for a war that is about to happen. Are you two actually sure and not only physically but, mentally prepared? You two might not be aware of what your going to put yourself into. One of you might lose there life. So, Are you two really ready for loss if one is going to die?"

Both couples remains silent as they slowly turn there head towards each other, hesitating to answer, while rethinking there choices.

Samol chuckles as he observes young couples hesitates to answer his question. 

With a subtle giggle, Samol says, "Haha. Take your time. After all, Both of your life matters."

As couple hesitates to answer, They make up there mind, and one them answers, "Y-Yes. We are ready. After all, Our job here is to put our life infront of battlefield and protect those who are innocent and destroy who are cruel. We do not care if it means our own life to stop the evil."

Samol laughs as he hears answer and remarks, "Hahaha... That's quite bold determination you got there. I like it. You have good goals. But, The hardest part is achieveing goals. Anyone can say, but not everyone are able to achieve there goal, Quite of them even die before they can see there goals in action. So, I hope you both don't end up on this list. With Will, You booth can achieve your goals."

Couple replies, "Thank you sir. We would try our best to not disappoint you and outline preserver."

Samol smirks with a proud expression, responding with, "Well, I am looking forward to your statement implemented into action. But, I believe you both, Don't give up on your dreams. Never. If your dream is to be the hope for innocent, then never give up on it. Even if it costs you your life."

Both Couple answered with confident, "Yes Sir. We would try our best to not give up for those innocent souls."

Samol replies, "Good younglings. By the way, What are your names?"

One of them replies, "My name is 'Joban Parker' while her name is, 'Jewel Finley' "

Samol says in response, "Good names you both got there."

Both of them smiles as they reply to Samol, "Thank you, Sir."

Samol smiles and asks, "So, Are you two in love or is it just friendship?"

Both of them blushes and swiftly turn there head to opposite side, hesitating to answer.

Samol chuckles as he says, "Well, You both don't have to tell me."

Joban builds up courage, and answers, "U-Uh, We are friends."

Samol replies, "Oh... Well that's good. I thought you both had romantic relationship."

Both of them blushed even more as they heard.

Samol turns around and says, "I am going to get ready. You both take care of each other, and be ready, for attack can happen anytime soon. Bye"

Jewel responds with a bow in respect, "Take care, Sir."

As they are all talking, Earthquake occurs that makes whole headquaters tremble.

Samol comes to halt as his face expression swiftly molds into serious face, he states, "Speaking of Devil, They are here."

Both Joban and Jewel slightly felt fear as they heard Samol's answer.

After few moments, Samol arrives at rooftop only to see Zargo standing on rooftop with his back turned.

Samol with a dead-serious expression says, "Yo. So you really came, huh?"

Zargo gently turns around and gazes at Samol's eyes with intense death stare, with no response.