

This story is about world that was once governed by flawed order. Unbeatable Malevolent entity influenced order to it's satisfaction and made netural order into flawed order. However, Despite this primordial entity declared as 'Unbeatable', It had to inevitably face it's fall. Denzel become aware of this entity and decides to embark on journey to take this entity down, However fate has something quite Interesting for Denzel and his interaction with primordial malevolence.

Auth_GT · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Infant vs Adult: 2

Smoke starts to cease as Micheal stares up towards Nixi with fury eyes. 

Micheal thinks to himself, "[[This is annoying. How am i supposed to deal with someone like her? I thought i could take atleast two of them down as it would be light work for me to harm them, But No. No, That's not the case at all. Infact, I would say it's opposite. Here i am the one who is light work for these guys.]]"

Nixi descends down slowly from sky, Looking at Micheal.

Micheal stares back at Nixi waiting for Nixi to make move.

Micheal in his inner monologue, "[[...Let's see. I will try my best to catch her lacking as soon as she makes first move. But it might be extremely arduous to catch her lacking; With that said, All i can do is try my best here.]]"

Before Micheal can even react, Nixi appears behind him. Micheal is caught off guard by sudden speed biltz, thinking to himself, "[[How did she... I thought we were on equal pars atleast in terms of speed. I actually thought, I was able to somewhat keep with her in speed. But... This... This is just pure-]]"

Puff of smoke appears as Micheal is sent flying across wall by Nixi's punch in the face. Micheal groans in pain, "Argh..."

Nixi starts to walk slowly towards Micheal, saying, "Hey kid, Is that all you have got? I anticipated that you won't be all bluff, But was my anticipation right? All bark, No bite."

As debris clears out; Micheal comes out of debris, Revealing blood dripping near lips.

Micheal with a serious expression stares Nixi, While Nixi stares back. Others are just observing movements produced by both.

With a flicker of light in his eyes, Micheal sprints at Nixi as fast as he can. Nixi readies herself as she notices Micheal sprinting towards her.

Micheal swings kick at Nixi, Aiming to stagger her. However; Nixi grabs Micheal's leg mid-attack and leaps in air in attempt to smash him on the ground, But Micheal teleports away.

Micheal reappears as he stands on one of building's wall. Nixi turns around and staring Micheal, While he stares her down back.

Micheal swings his punch at air before teleporting right in the point blank range, Successfully delivering blow to the ribs. 

Nixi is staggered for few moments while astonished by Micheal. 

Micheal takes benefits of stagger and goes for combo only for them to be easily blocked by Nixi.

Nixi states with a smirk, "Normally, I would get pissed off if i get hit by humans, Especially when they are childeren like you. However, I am more impressed that you were able to land 2 hits on me. That alone is impressive feat that most humans wouldn't be able to achieve." While, Micheal just stares her back without responding.

Morgrathun is impressed by Micheal as he thinks to himself, "[[This boy... Is no joke. He possess extraordinary soul that most humans lack. So he wasn't wrong when he talked about potential of humans to lord Drathos. No wonder, These type of humans will cause threat to his plans. Which leads me to assume, This kid is no kid but an ancient being...]]"

Morgrathun eyes wide as he realizes something about Micheal, saying, "Wait, Don't tell me? [[Now then i look closely at his subtle body, His hermetical point and overall shape of subtle body is identical to there soul. What is he doing here, then?]]"

Micheal wipes blood near his lips as his attention shifts to Morgrathun. Out of confusion, He asks from Nixi, "What happened? What is your lord even talking about?"

Nixi responds, "I don't know." As Micheal shifts his attention from Morgrathun to Nixi.

Micheal dashes forward, launching barrage of punches at Nixi. Nixi proceeds to dodge all of them and promptly counters with a punch in the stomach, Leaving Micheal vulnerable.

Nixi delivers punch to the jaw, Causing Micheal to Stumble backwards. 

As Micheal tries to stand up from the ground, He thinks to himself, "[[At this rate, I would be defeated if i don't do something. I am literally having trouble fighting een one of them. But thanks to something that others do not intervene otherwise it would definitely be over for me. To take someone down like these guys, I would need help of someone like Denzel. Thinking of it, Where the hell even is he? Last time he was acting weird.]]"

Micheal lunges forward to, trying to deliver devastating knee to Nixi's stomach. 

Nixi easily evades knee and proceed to counter it with a punch, But Micheal is successfully able to grab hands. 

Nixi's eyes slight widen by seeing such feat. 

Micheal spins Nixi by her hand before hurling her backwards, However Nixi gains balance before even touching ground, only to slide back few meters upon coming in contact with ground.

Nixi stares Micheal with a smirk, thinking to herself, "[[Heh... Geez, This kid is tough. But for a kid, He is impressive.]]"

Micheal leaps onto street poles, staring at Nixi with seriousness, Before leaping in air once again.

As Micheal laps in air, His speed has now improved compared to few moments earlier; Micheal delivers a devastating flying kick to which Nixi repsonds with blocking. As she blocks, Few meters long crater appears on ground.

As Nixi blocks, She realizes something and thinks to herself, "[[His speed... His strength has increased? Is he now able to control his body fully?]]"

After few moments of holding kick, The impact of kick causes guard break to occur, leaving Nixi stumble side-ways and stunned.

Micheal continues to deliver kicks but Nixi is able to dodge all of them but with more difficultly as of few moments eariler.

Micheal uses Nixi's body to leap him backwards to create a space between two.

Micheal stares at Nixi with serious stern expression, While simultaneously, Nixi stares back.

Nixi thinks to herself, "[[I see... Not only is this kid able to get use to his subtle body mid fight. But also, This kid is adapting to circumstance which pushes him to generate more power. He seems to be a prodigy of some kind... His abilties indicate that there's some reason to why he is a human, Not for learning but for other reason. Because, If he was here for learning or growth, Then he shouldn't be able to pull these feats off. Just who exactly are you, Kid?]]"

Nixi takes step backwards as Micheal starts to slowly approach him.

Nixi immediately lunges at Micheal, Appearing behind him in order to speed biltz him. Micheal quickly turns around but Nixi delivers a blow right in guts, Sending him flying backwards while bouncing off ground multiple time before coming to an halt.

Micheal grinds his teeth and clenches his fist as he stands up slowly and gazes towards Nixi.

Nixi thinks to herself, "[[Intresting, This time he seems to be able to react to my attack that he previously wasn't able to. This should mean, He is able to react mentally yet the movements of his body holds him back. Although he is starting to get used to such transcendent body, He still is not there where he can use his subtle body with proficiency.]]"

Micheal calms himself down as he closes his eyes and start to relax, slowly going with the flow. Nixi becomes confused as she observes Micheal.

Nixi thinks to herself, "[[Wait.. Don't tell me this kid is going in meditative trance-like state mid-fight. No, He must have something under his sleeves.]]"

Morgrathun, Zargo and Malefic just observing both, Micheal and Nixi's battle. 

Nixi starts to slowly approach Micheal with caution. 

Micheal doesn't stop relaxing until he reaches deep states instantly where he will surrender to flow.

Nixi get's annoyed and groans as she lunges at Micheal with a punch in the face, "Haaaaaaaaagh!"

As Nixi's punch come close to Micheal, Purple energy engulfs both Micheal and Nixi. 

Nixi raises her eyes in confusion as she is engulfed by Purple energy. Nixi's eyes gets even wider as she realizes, Micheal has grabbed her punch while eyes closed.

Nixi thinks to herself after seeing such event occur, "[[What...!? What is this?]]"

Micheal hurls Nixi to the other side, casuing her to bounce off ground multiple times before sliding on her knees.

Nixi immediately gazes at back side of Micheal. While, Micheal slowly turns around and stares at Nixi back, Saying, "Time to see if it's worth trying or not."