

This story is about world that was once governed by flawed order. Unbeatable Malevolent entity influenced order to it's satisfaction and made netural order into flawed order. However, Despite this primordial entity declared as 'Unbeatable', It had to inevitably face it's fall. Denzel become aware of this entity and decides to embark on journey to take this entity down, However fate has something quite Interesting for Denzel and his interaction with primordial malevolence.

Auth_GT · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Delusional Friend!

"Oh... You have finally used the glimpse of your true nature, My best friend!" Formless eye chuckles.

[Simultaneously in the Dream plane!]

"Hmmm... Oh, Your observing me, Eye." Denzel laughs before continuing, "It's been decades, I have finally awaoken in my glimpse. Sooner, I will break the constraints of my false self and cause havok everywhere. And then, We will reunite once again to rule existence as we used to do." He states with a huge smile.

"Eye? Who is he talking to?" Micheal is now confused.

"Ok, Now it could be very troublesome." Azuron states as he observes Denzel and Micheal.

"I told you, Once he is fully freed from Artificial nature, The existence is doomed. And, Now, It became even a bigger threat the moment he said, 'Eye' as i am sure he referring to that beast we encountered few days earlier." Auren states, His face expresses fear and shock.

Azuron remains clam but now he is starting to feel fear slightly and says, "I-I didn't knew these two knew each other. Well, Fate is against these two meeting each other. But, Formless eye is far superior to any force or being that i know. One is embodiment of malevolence while other is known by the title, 'God of Calamity'. We cannot let two pure malevolent entity meet each other."

Auren comments, "At this point. If we can stop these two Gods, Then we have to achieve the powers we are striving to. Otherwise, We all will perish."

Azuron replies, "Don't call Formless eye, 'God', It's power far exceeds what Gods are capable of, Calling it God is extremely understatement and blasphemy to it's fraction of power already. No divine being or God can even match Formless eye's power."

Auren comments with shock and fear expression, "Y-You can't be serious. I thought it was all nonsense."

"I am dead serious. There was a era before time even existed, When formless eye destroyed all Gods and infact all beings in existence alone. According to rumors, When formless eye was active, The existence got destroyed many times by formless eye. Formless eye bought everything back only to destroy it over and over again. And, Not to forgot, Formless eye decimated everyone those include, Immortal, Mortals, Divine beings, Supernatural forces, Gods. And, Formless eye performed these feats while only using faction of it's power. It's insane." Azuron tells Auren.

Auren is left speechless that he is freezed for few seconds.

"W-w-w-what was the era called?" Auren Mutters.

Azuron responds, "It goes by, 'Era of Primordial Battlefiled' It is also rumoured that, No benevolence force or being won over Formless eye. Malevolence, in all of eternity, stayed at top."

Denzel's head tilts down. After few moments, He rises his head with a smile.

Micheal, Auren and Azuron narrows there eyes while Formless eye narrows itself.

"Yo, Sorry bro. Seems like there was some alter ego and persona promblem in my psychology. So, I guess i need to make myself get checked by Psychiatrist or Psychologist. Sorry for all that unnecessary drama." Denzel says with a smile.

Micheal, Auren, Azuron, Formless eye responds, "He's Back!" 

"Well, Atleast for now. He can resist his true nature. But i wonder for how long, Can he resist his true nature." Auren says with a deep sigh.

Azuron stays silent and watches all of it unfold, And with a smirk, He states, "Hmmm... Things are getting way to intresting. This was very useful, I got new knowledge to absorb. Let's see how far can this drama go. But first, Tomorrow's war would also be intresting. Humph." Azuron starts to walk off from screen after saying it.

Auren starts to also move on with Azuron.

"Y-Your back. That style, It's definitely the one i know." Micheal says with a joy expression.

"Yo, ALright. I want to apologize you, So can i?" Micheal asks from Denzel.

"Apologize me? For what? I mean, I guess, If you wanna then go ahead. But exactly for what?" Denzel responds Micheal.

"For my Pride and Ego. I made fun of you, Calling you inferior to me. Just because, I was better than you at Sports and Education, You know those irrevelant stuff that do not matter in our life that much anymore." Micheal responds Denzel.

"I mean, It's alright. But you were saying truth. You do perform better than me at those stuff. So, Why should you apologize? For saying truth? I mean, To be honest, You are better than me in every aespect we had competition. So, You are superior to me, Even in the fight we had today. You won, man. No neeed for apologizing." Denzel answers.

Micheal in his head, "[[No way! This guy is seriously glazing me. That's crazy. But, I will take it as a, 'Yes' He do forgive me.]]"

Denzel looks at Micheal and says, "So, are you ready for upcoming war? Man, I can't wait to kick some of that demon ass."

Micheal responds, "Me? Oh, i am ready baby. They can come and get this fist on there cheeks."

Denzel starts to laugh while saying, "Well, I suppose our training have been finished. And, Seems like we are ready for tomorrow."

Micheal nods his head in agreement, saying, "Yep, Me too."

[Both Micheal and Denzel return to there Physical Body and wake up]

"Ah, I am tired physically for some reason while training my Mental and Spiritual strength. I guess after all, Spiritual and Mental body can effect physical. Anyways, Let me get water to drink and something to eat." Denzel says as he wakes up.

Denzel gets up from his bed and starts to walk to kitchen to get water and something to eat.

Denzel opens his refrigerator and pull out water and starts to drink it. As he is drinking cold water, He feels refreshing. 

Denzel puts water bottle back in refrigerator, and takes out apple while closing the door.

Denzel walks back to his room while eating apple. But he is focused on his inner monolouge, "[[I tried to use that state of mind consciously, but ended up discovering aespect of me, that i was never aware of. Why? H-how can this be? How could someone like me be evil. It makes no sense... or does it? That can't be pretend, because, i could move and perform superhuman feat that i never thought i could. Even if it was in a dream plane, It still doesn't matter. That version of me felt something like- like... Like it was actually me and it felt... i don't know, how to put this into word, But that evil version of me felt more natural and more like me than i am when i am me. Why? I have seen in fiction, where some random choosen ones have another soul residing in them, But they are seprate entities not same. However in my case, It felt more like me than myself. <<A Silhouette of a being with glowing eyes, huge evil grin, looking down, his arms wide open as he stands on top pile dead bodies. Background is full red other than and corpses that are brutally killed.>> And, Why am i keep seeing this vision. It wasn't like, i was unconscious. Infact, It was sudden realization that felt more conscious then i am now. I don't want to accept it, but, Maybe- Maybe, That was glimpse to my true self, Glimpse into my true Nature.]]"

Denzel countinues to ask himself, "[[H-How can i be what i want to destroy. I want to protect humanity, But my true nature is... Opposite of what i want to achieve. Wait, Do not tell that it's opposite... The truth might be, 'I am what i used to destroy']]"

As he realizes it, Denzel's face shifts from confusion to pure terror, pure fear and shocked that leaves him speechless and freezed.


"Yesss... My friend, You are finally coming to know your true self. The, God of calamity." Voice echoes throughout enitre hom.

Denzel's eyes widen in pure horror as he hears voice.

"Y-Y-You are... Eye... Wait, No, I don't know anyone by, 'Eye', This must be a dream. I swear, It must be a nightmare. Th-is Can't be real! Right." Denzel mutters 

Formless eye chuckles while responding, "Why do you deny truth? Why do you take dream as reality, and reality as dream. You know your true self. You know the truth already. Why deny it then, You cannot deny your power, your true self, your essence. Why would you deny yourself. You have been attached to illuison, lie, false hope. Give up already, you know the truth, yet, you deny it. Why would you? Accept the truth, for it gives you freedom. Don't you want to be transcendet? Isn't that your goal? Truth tells you that you already have your goal achieved. Then why you deny it, You fool?"

Denzel starts to scratch on walls with his nails while saying, "N-No, You- You are not real? Haha, My brain is sure a trickster. My brain, is a comedian. Haha, You got me, brain. You created dream that exactly feels as real, if not, then even more real than reality. Haha"

Formless eye responds while laughing, "Delusional fool! This is reality. Your brain cannot comprehend my existence let alone create me because, that brain of yours, is a part of mortal. But your essence and I are friends. So awaken to your true self and leave this false hope you have created in your mind."

Denzel responds, "N-N-No, Even if it is reality. Then so be it. I am going to transcend the very nature of my soul and use this same power to save humans and innocent, even if it costs myself to be perished."

Formless eyes slightly laughs even more, stating, "Delusional Friend! You have no hope against darkness, Against your true nature. There is no good in you, and since there is no good in you, That is why i shall leave you alive. For it is you, who haven't betrayed me yet. And i know for i am all there was, there is and, there would be that, your so called 'Hope' is nothing but non-existent, illusion, delusion and hallucination. I am going for now, as i shall observe your joureny, But remember, A lie cannot beat truth, A delusion cannot defeat reality, A Fake cannot decimate real, A artificial cannot hope to demolish original. That is the law of reality. Your false nature cannot help you overcome your true nature. Accept it ot Deny it, It still do not matter, as reality is far superior to delusion. If you deny it, You will suffer internally. If you accept it, You will be freed." With that, Formless eye dissapears.

Denzel's eyes are wide open in pure horror after hearing what Formless eyes told him...

"N-N-No... I am going to use my true nature for good from now on. And after, I have conquered my true nature, I will come for you, EYE..."