

This story is about world that was once governed by flawed order. Unbeatable Malevolent entity influenced order to it's satisfaction and made netural order into flawed order. However, Despite this primordial entity declared as 'Unbeatable', It had to inevitably face it's fall. Denzel become aware of this entity and decides to embark on journey to take this entity down, However fate has something quite Interesting for Denzel and his interaction with primordial malevolence.

Auth_GT · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Chapter 10: Curse

Nethrasul and His Team Slowly steps towards the door, They all could feel the Immense Malevolence Energy Emitted from the door.

Nethrasul Smirks: "No doubt, This Malevolence Energy, This Evil presence is from none other than Morgrathun of the greatness."

Nethrasul slowly opened door and Felt Immense Evil Energy.

"Ah, You came, After all, I have been waiting for you, Nethrasul"

Nethrasul eyes wide open as he hears unknown voice

Nethrasul (Happy expression): This Voice... It's Really our Lord Morgrathun.

Nethrasul and his Team enters room 100%.

As they enter, the door behind them closes on it's own.

Morgrathun: No need to tell me why your here, I already know, Your Goal and Mine goal are same, and it's to defeat Outline preserver of Humanity and Grythor and after Decimating These two Forces, We would proceed on destroying all of the Humanity.

Nethrasul: Grythor? Whose that, Master?

Morgrathun: Oh... I didn't told you his name, Well, It's The name of the same Entity whom Outline Preserver of Humanity and Cosmic Watchers work under, And Also the same Entity that caused me to retreat from the war.

Nethrasul: So Grythor is his name? Humph... No matter what, He is still going to cease to Exist.

Morgrathun Starts to Laugh Menacingly.

Morgrathun: Well Said, Nethrasul.

Nethrasul (Kneels down): Thanks you Master.

Evil Smile Can be seen out of nowhere on Morgrathun's Face.

Nethrasul with his team gets suprised with sudden smile but they don't question it.

Morgrathun: Humph, Well done, Gorgulak.

Nethrasul tilts his head upwwards with even wider Suprised Face: Gorgulak... The A-Tier Demon, What did he did?

Morgrathun Looks down at Nethrasul: He killed 9 Members of Outline Preserver of Humanity and the Leader Known by Caelum Vexley the same human who sealed Zaroketh has also been killed By Gorgulak.

Nethrasul and His team starts to be Proud of Gorgulak's Achievements.

Nethrasul: That's Gorgulak I know, Humph.

Morgrathun: Indeed, And now i have given commands to Gorgulak to come back.

Nethrasul stays silent while kneeling down.

Morgrathun: What you came for will be fullfilled, But before i could grant you the key, You alone have to go on Journey, Tell me when your ready, Nethrasul.

Nethrasul takes few deep breaths before saying anything.

Nethrasul Pauses for a few Moment.

Nethrasul: Right now is when i am fully ready.

Morgrathun Looks at Nethrasul and Smirks.

Mograthun: Good then, Shall i Give you task.

Nethrasul: Yes-sir

Morgrathun: But Before that, Let me clear this out, After Gaining Power, We have to Attack Humanity and destroy it to invoke the presence of Grythor and Cosmic Watchers.

Nethrasul Grunts.

Nethrasul: I will accept everything came by your mouth, Lord.

Morgrathun: You need to Steal a Certain Diamond which after stolen successfully, We would Be able to use it for our Advantage to overcome Grythor and his Immense Ridiculous Power, From what i have Heard, That diamond Can Weaken Grythor for some Reason.

Nethrasul Slowly Looks at Morgrathun.

Nethrasul: Do you know who told you that?

Morgrathun: He is Known as Pansophical. 

Nethrasul: There's the one entity I have heard that goes by this name "pansophical", But isn't that entity supposed to be perished from Existence by Grythor?

Morgrathun: I know, But turns out he survived, Since he survived, He told me that Diamond was the reason he survived, So he is trust-worthy in the end.

Nethrasul: Your right, Master. So Where is this Diamond located?

Morgrathun: It is Located in the Realm of Nominee, The Realm itself is Open-Area With No Buildings but only Mountain, The Realm is Said to be Infinte however, There's Only one cave in this realm and that cave contains Diamond of Curse that weakens Grythor. 

Nethrasul: Very well then Master. I am going to Bring Diamond Of Curse from Realm of Nominee.

Morgrathun: yea, Hurry up.

*Scene Shifts to Gorgulak*

"Hmmm, This Human was intresting and not bad to fight, I wonder if i will get to fight Stronger opponent" -Gorgulak with his Inner Monologue.

Gorgulak (Inner Monologue): Well, I will but for now i am going to return to My Lord Morgrathun.

Gorgulak Teleports in the castle of Morgrathun but finds himself in unfamiliar Place.

Gorgulak: I went for few moments and My lord changed his whole Castle.

"Ah, Gorgulak, It's Not been a while because we never met"

Gorgulak puts his guard up with eyes widen as he hears voice.

Gorgulak starts to search for the source of the Voice.

Gorgulak: Huh... This.. Voice Doesn'nt sound Familar, Indeed it never did.

Gorgulak (Inner Monolouge): What the hell is happening, I Teleported myself to Morgrathun's Castle and not some place like this... Is this some kind of prank, But i cannot sense any camera or Audience nearby... What the fuck's Going on.

"Sucks when you teleport to a place but end up somewhere else, Doesn't it"

Gorgulak Smirks: Ah well it is indeed not relateable.

"Well good for you then, Because this is first and last time this phenomenon will be known by you"

Gorgulak: Ah, Well that's good to hea- Wait, What are you talking about?

Suddenly Echo of Laugh can be heard through-out Whole Environment.

"Don't Act Stupid, We both know what it means, And it means exactly what comes first in your mind"

Gorgulak starts to Think and the first thing that comes in his mind is "Death"

Gorgulak Yells: "DON'T GET TOO CARRIED AWAY, YOU CAN NEVER DO IT, I AM SUPERIOR TO YOU IN ALL WAYS!!!" With this, Gorgulaks starts to shoots energy blast around whole Arena destroying everything in it's path.

As Dust Clears out, Gorgulak is seen Panting.


Laughs starts to gets louder out of nowhere.

"Oh Please, Is that all you can do"

Gorgulak Grunts out of Fear and Shock by seeing Figure standing right infront of him.

Figure: That's Good look On demon, When demon have Fear, They all look Cute. 

Gorgulak is stunned: W-Who are you?

Figure: Perhaps, Ah well, Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Azuron, Someone whom you cannot defeat at your Current level, So I have make you Preish from existence because your stepping in my Plan for Greater and Better future.

Gorgulak Smirks: O-Oh Really, You have no Chance against me.

Azuron (Evil Grin): Tsk... Bring it on, A-Tier Demon Gorgulak.

Gorgulak: I have gone easy on Caelum vexley but on you I am going to make your Death as Brutal as I can make, And see you suffer and beg for life.

Azuron (Wider Grin): Oh really, Let's see if you have Source to backup all of this.

Gorgulak Chants: "Abyssal Curse: Divide Reign"

Azuron finds himself Paralyzed.

Azuron: This... Is indeed getting intresting.

Gargoluk Summons thousands of Meteors and Showers them all at once right at the face of Azuron.

Garulak Summons 10 Supernova and Kilonovas causing whole Realm to Shake by Mere Presence of Super and Kilonovas at once.

Gorgulak Transfers all heat of these two explosions right at the body of Azuron followed up by Gamma Ray brust Ray scanning Whole body of Azuron.

Gorgulak Smiles as he Knows Azuron is dead for sure.

Gorgulak Starts to spill Blood from his mouth followed up by Blood getting splashed out of his body non-stop Causing Gorgulak to fall on his knees with all of his energy Drained.

Gorgulak's Face wide open as his eye is completely white.

Loud Clapping voice can be heard from the backside of Gorgulak.

Gorgulak slowly turns his head towards Clapping voice.

Gorgulak eyes wide open as he sees Azuron smiling while walking towards him.

Azuron (Childish Face Expression): Congratulations... You Played yourself, Mr.Gorgulak.

Azuron (Normal Face expression): And now, Your gonna burn in hell for eternity.