

Our MC is reincarnated into the Marvel Universe with a select group of abilities and a golden finger. He'll travel the multiverse getting rebirth after every lifetime and go to a new world, exploring the multiverse in all its glory

Adramelech · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs


(Mother's POV)

It was 9am in the morning when my water broke. Once that happened I had to get ready to leave for the hospital quick, but of course James was slow on the uptake due to unnecessary panic. The man really dealt with surprises poorly. I remember when I first told him I was pregnant, he panicked about not knowing what to do as a parent and for the next week all he did was look for study material on being a parent, forgetting to attend to his now pregnant wife the entire time. I had to really give him a good beating after that.

We were now in the car heading to the hospital. James was driving while I was trying to keep track of the contractions, trying to guess how much time we had before our new family member arrived. James was driving like a madman, speeding through traffic. Luckily we didn't get pulled over, otherwise this would've took longer and I may have to give birth in the car. I was definitely not letting that happen.

When we arrived at the hospital, James helped me walk through the doors and got me a wheelchair. When the nurses saw my condition, they didn't even bother with paperwork or ask us any questions. They quickly rushed me further into the hospital to give birth. It took me 10 hours and 45 minutes to get this little demon out of me.

When I heard the nurse mention it was a boy and heard his crying, I asked the nurse to quickly hand him over to me. When I saw his face, I couldn't help but feel a deep love and connection to this child, my child. He was light skinned and had no hair yet, so I couldn't tell what color it would be yet and his eyes were closed for now so I'll have to wait for that as well.

I fed him while I was recovering and was surprised by how much he was eating. He wouldn't let go at all. I couldn't help but laugh at this. I could tell already that our food costs will jump up by quite a lot. After he was done eating, I laid him back down into a crib beside my bed and just looked at him. He soon opened his eyes and I could finally see what his eyes looked like. They were green, almost like a moss like color and I noticed that his eyes were more oval than circle. He'll most likely need glasses in the future.

He soon fell asleep and James walked in with a nurse, who wanted to sign the birth certificate and name our child. After some discussion, we decided to name him Vincent Sobek Howlett. Child of James Howlett and Sarah Howlett. Born August 20, 1994.

(AN: They are not related to Logan/Wolverine. At least to their knowledge. I may make it that they are in order to come up with the source of Vincent's healing, tracking, and animalistic nature. That or Victor/Sabertooth.)

(Vincent's POV)

After I was born, I had to live as a infant until I was one years old. By that time, I started showing signs of being smarter than the average child. I then had to slowly act out an increase in intelligence, even though I was smarter than most super geniuses in this world when I was born. I could feel that the way my brain worked was drastically different from before. It took some time to get used to this.

By the time I was 4, I had started reading higher grade material for school subjects and some research papers that my father had stocked up on ranging from a couple years back to present. I wondered where he worked at to be so focused on this type of research, but I bet it was something dealing with science. My mother stayed home and took care of me. She may not be working, but I was happy with this arrangement, as it meant that I was able to enjoy a family life and was showered with love during my entire new life. Luckily this didn't turn into one of those families that ostracize their children and abuse them like most stereotypical rebirth stories. Now I just have to make sure to keep it that way.

By the age of 5, I had already took placement tests to skip grades and ended up in high school. I would've graduated from there too, but my mother was adamant about me spending some time in school to socialize with people. Although that was kinda hard to do since I was a 5 years old in high school with a bunch of teenagers, some of which were the typical bullies. Luckily, my age protected me from that kind of annoyance and I was allowed to continue my studies into more advanced material. I was studying technical, medical, genetic, and biological advances and tried to learn how it was achieved and how to improve on them.

By the age of 6, I was already in my senior year and I had caught up with this planets advances in all fields of study and started working on my own projects. I started with computer science and programming in order to try and make an AI program that could compare to Jarvis, Ultron, or Vision. Then, I went to engineering and robotics, which helped me to work towards an iron man suit. It wouldn't be necessary for me, but I could use it to make a body for the AI I create. I then studied virology, genetics, pharmacology, radiology, biology, chemistry, physics and cybernetics and even studied from ancient medicines to modern ones, in hopes of making more futuristic ones. With these studies, I believed that I covered all the categories necessary to surpass most of the geniuses from Marvel.

By the age of 7, I had graduated from high school and attended college. I was trying to get a master's degree in multiple fields of study. I had succeeded in creating my AI companion, though it wasn't up to Jarvis level yet, but I was making improvements and upgrades as I went. I even finished making his robotic body, though, due to costs, I could only make it a body with the height of a medium size dog and the technical components wasn't as advanced as I wanted. It pretty much was just a super smart toy, but I'll improve it later when I have some money. Right now it just acts like a little butler and a friend and assistant I could talk to and that could provide comments on my experiments in order to allow me to cross examine my own thoughts and questions.

By the age of 10, I had graduated with 13 master degrees in multiple fields of study and was given invitations to join many different companies, but for future purposes, I decided to join Oscorp, as it'll give me access to a lot of their research notes and materials. I also managed to improve on my AI which I recently named Thoth, after the Egyptian god of wisdom and knowledge. He was now more human-like and smart enough to keep up with me in my studies. I also improved his body and he now stands at the same height as me and possesses basic weaponry, which consists of retractable blades, darts that contain paralytic poison on it and his hands could function as a taser. My family was still good, especially with my mother, and my dad couldn't stop bragging to his coworkers about me. Just imagine how awkward it was when I first met some of his coworkers and "bring your child to work" day. Luckily after chatting with them on some of their personal projects, they were quickly enlightened on possible improvements of their projects and now looked forward to me visiting on that day every year. My dad even got a promotion due to all the help I provided.

My mom was couldn't be prouder of me. She also had a bragging problem when it came to talking with the other housewives about their children. They never wanted to bring up their children's improvements whenever she was there. They did however try to set me up with their daughters, or nieces if they didn't didn't have one. My dad's coworkers tried the same thing. Luckily my parents were protective of me, but they had to fight off potential female suitors. I couldn't help but laugh every time they came home and cried about how tough it was getting fending of the parents requests to have me get together with their children. My mother would always cry about it while wrapping me in a bear hug that always left me short of breath.

It was almost time for me to start working at Oscorp and I couldn't wait, but I had to do something first. I had to get Richard Parker's research. if I could get to his secret lab in the abandoned train cart, it could help me in the future. I'll also have to get the research of the process that made Luke Cage. Then obtain the research of the Extremis and the High Evolutionary. I won't be able to get all the research soon, so I'll have to wait for a couple years to get it all, but it's nice to have a goal.