
Lend An Ear

I sit in the hospital, staring at the clock. It's brass hands and Roman numerals glisten in the light. The second-hand spins round. I swing my legs under my chair and sigh. I close my eyes. The hospital is filled with a gentle buzzing sound, but if you listen and break up the sounds, everything is different. Crying and gentle whispers for the ones who have lost. Laughing and jumping for those who have been saved. general chatter for the worried. And... beeping lots of it, phones, machines, toys.

I open my eyes. Everything changes when you listen. You don't really notice sound unless it's really loud or extremely quiet. No one really notices ghosts either. Too busy with the distractions of life.

"Excuse me, sir, is anyone sitting here?" I hake my head. The child sitting opposite to me is speechless as this elderly woman tries to sit down but instead falls right through the chair. I smile at her and help her up. An agonising high pitched drone fills the air.

"That'll be my one," I say standing up," good day."

I go through to see my sister. Walking right through the wall.