
Powers I never asked for

jhoe_hikay · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


"I'm really sorry my son that I wasn't there for you but you mom made a decision."

"Oh really"sarcastically

"You haven't been there for me nor my mother ,so you don't know how nice and good she was that means you don't have any rights to consoling me."

"Son ,I am really sorry,but we have other important things to do"

"What is more important than grieving my mother"

"Well finding a way to get her back"

"what do you mean?"

"well unlike humans,when a namekeen died dey dont just go forever,they fade and turn into spirits which are invisible to the human eyes and namekeens eyes but visible to the gods themselves."

"So what are you trying to say."

"What are saying is that we can still find a way to reverse it and bring her to live"

I cleaned my tears with a sense of relief

"ohhh,that still doesn't mean we should grief her now"

"You are right son but we only have a minimum amount of time to do that"

"What do you mean,but wait!! aren't gods immortal or what."

"Well gods are but we namekeens aren't but immune to physical attacks no matter how deadly it is."

"Wait you haven't even told me what made my mum to varnish and wasn't I hit by a truck"

"Well that's where you are wrong my son,you weren't just hit by any truck you where hit by a Quanshi"


"Yes some Quanshis can take the shape and size of anything they want to and some can cause illusions ,one can't have both,the one you were hit by was a shape shifter and that's the only reason you almost died."

"ohh!!but how did my mum get into this"

"Well apart from immense strength ,speed, agility,flight and stamina all namekeens has a special ability unique to them alone,like I now I possess TELEPATHY,I can read minds,communicate with the mind and vastly more things and your aunt beside me here has."

Aunt"Well naughty boy I possess the ability of INTANGIBILITY which means I can alter my density to phase through any object"

"That's cool but I don't still see a reason for why my mother is gone"

Aunt"well boy ,your mother was amongst the best of us just like your father because of the ability she wielded"

"Your mother ability known as DUAL-SWAP"

"And what does that do"

"well her ability was able to swap the position of two objects at all no matter what it was except the object or creature is an highly powerful celestial entity or object"

"What do you mean"

"Take for example now,she can swap places between me and you but she can't swap namekeen realm and the human realm because that is beyond her capacity ,she can swap two souls for different bodies but she can't can swap thing that belongs to a god if they were around,his soul or cloths ,she can't because that is beyond her capacity."

"Wow that's cool but that didn't still give a reason for her to be gone"

"okay this did, remember I said you were hit by a shape shifter and was dying ,well the medications we were giving you weren't working so you mum made her drastic decision"

"Which is"

"She swapped your life source for hers just to protect you"

With those words ringing in my head ,tears started falling from my eyes once more,I didn't know my mother loved me to that extent.

"Son,I know it is painful but we have to be fast with what we are doing,there is time to be crying now,the clock is ticking "

"What do you mean?"

"well a spirit can remain a spirit for just 5 years and after that she will be gone forever."

"Then what are we waiting for ,what are the ways?"I said that being determined.

"Now you are talking"

"Cos we are talking doesn't mean I have forgiven you,you were alive through out my sixteen years of age and didn't bother to show up but at a tragedy like this,to me you are just a stranger trying to gain my trust and that's period."

"I highly apologize for that son"

"Now's not the time just tell me how I can get the only person that truly loved me back to my life."

"True but I mean it,so there 3 ways I can think of which are , one,finding a time manipulator namekeen but unfortunately no one knows of one ,two, by a wish being granted to us by a god which is almost impossible because they don't interfere with anything relating to a Quanshi and thirdly by finding the legendary wishing well and only few has gotten to it,it grants any 3 spells and disappears into a new location within any realms."

"So what is the probability of us getting to the wishing well"

Aunt"That is unknown because no one knows where it is"

"Then what are we waiting for,let's that looking and investigating."

"well son not now"


"That's because you haven't awaken your abilities yet and we can be going on deadly trips "

"But we can't waste two more years"

"No son some of the things your mother told you in that story aren't true ,like for instance ,you don't need to turn eighteen to awaken you abilities"

"Wow so how do I get them"

"Well the abilities can be awaken in immersed pain or at near death experience,so you could have awaken your abilities but don't know about it ,what we just have to do is find out what it is ,how to use it and how to control it"

"ohh so how do we find out what it is"

"I could go through your head and..."

"Don't even think about it,I don't want you in my head ever again"

"pardon me my son I will not"

"isn't there another way?"

"well there is follow me"

"oh,okay ,I promise you mother I will get you back '