
My Genius Party Member Is Secretly The Dark Lord!

AN: The Title 😂lol most manga and Anime be like that though😐

So there was Mori,Winter,Alex and Nova

Mori was the Mage Winter Was The Hunter Alex was a Paladin and Nova was a Healer anyway so Mori discovered Merlin's spell books and had the Book Of Legend Winter received a Wolf Bloodline or to simplify it he was now a werewolf and had the Bow Of Legend Alex became a Half angel and got the Shield Of Legend and Nova became a Holy Saint and now is part fairy and you guessed it She had The Staff Of Legend they all now banded together ready after all there quests to defeat the Demon Lord.

POV: Mori

They all sat down on their table recounting their Adventures

"Ok Here's your food 😃"

"Oh thank you very much 😊" (Nova)

"What great Adventures we had have but know I think it's time" (Mori)

"What? To face the Demon Lord? I really don't think we are capable for that yet 😬" (Alex)

"Why not? We have The Weapons Of Legend the same weapons the previous hero's used to slay the previous demon lord and the one before them used and so on" (Mori)

"I agree with Mori now that we have gotten stronger and have the fabled weapons of legend I think we're ready" (Winter)

"Hmmm I mean I don't know... What do you think Nova?" (Alex)

"Oh? Well we are hero's! We can do anything as long as we're together! ☺️😊" (Nova)

"Yeah your right Nova, as long as we're together nothing can stop us!" (Mori)

"Now that you mention it..... isn't there supposed to be 5 of us?🤨🧐" (Alex)



"Everyone Calm down, he left a note saying that he was going to train up and get stronger and then return to us remember?" (Winter)

"Oh right! but where is he now?" (Mori)

"Right... We have to find him and then face the Demon Lord but where exactly is he?" (Alex)

"🤔💭💭💭😃💡!" (Everyone)

"So the Weapons Of Legend each corresponds to a specific hero and if we follow The Sword Of Legend which is the only one left and surely we can find Anakin!"(Mori)

so yeah everyone agrees to My idea and so we ended up following the sword to this creepy forest near this Equally Creepy town and we kept heading into the forest.... until three was a giant Demon who almost one shotted everybody

~Flash Back~

I steady my breath as me and Alex start to charge up our attack blood and wounds covered us as Nova Was frantically healing Winter who had been struck unconscious when That Demon appeared and slashed at him it was unexpected I steady my breathing and start to cast my spell The Demon noticed me and threw a fireball at me that came out of his mouth Alex stepped in and blocked it with The Shield Of Legend but it did push her back I cast my spell "INCENDIO!" Blue flames shot out and actually hurt the demon it screamed in some demonic voice it was hurt but not dead as it began to BREATHE fire Alex had her shield ready again and I prepared to cast another spell but then

~End Of Flashback~

A figure in black appeared in front of Alex and dispelled the flames he began walking to the demon as it began to breathe out more flames but this time it was blue "NO WATCH OUT FOR THE BLUE FLA-" but I was to late I saw the flames already engulfed him... but after that he still remained there completely untouched.... 'What the fuck??????????' he held up his hand ✋ and then shotted out BLACK FLAMES which immediately Burned and had Spread all over The Demons body and soon he was just ashes on the ground The person in black only sighed and walked over to us "Uhh Stay back!" but as he got closer I began to recognise his face.... it was.... ANAKIN?!?!?.


"Yes" (MC) so our saviour was Anakin.... Tf

"We should probably talk somewhere else cause you guys will probably no scratch that you will die of blood loss so let's go head to somewhere safe" (MC)

So we headed to an inn and Alex and Winter soon woke up after some health potions and healing

"Aah! jesus my head hurts alo- ANAKIN?!?!" (Alex)

"Yeah it's me..... wow" (MC)

"So it's really you?" (Alex)

"Mmhm" (MC)

"I came across you guys after I was hunting down some demons" (MC)

"Anakin? is this you in the flesh?"(Winter)

"...I'm not repeating myself" (MC)

so that happened so like he said he was hunting down Demons when Anakin came across us and then saved us so after the whole reintroduction I ask Anakin

"Sooooooo do you think we're ready to fight The Demon Lord?🥺"(Mori)

"... Absofucking not! is that even a question??? you guys can even handle that demon back there let alone a Demon Lord I mean cmon know your limits" (MC)

sooooo that happened anyway basically after that Anakin took us to the church cause we hit a Level Barrier so if we wanted to get stronger we had to pay 500,000 Gold each 😭 and after that we could now actually get stronger so we had to go through more quests.

And so here's The Story on how We Slayed a Dragon,Defeated a Dungeon and Helped Nations..... NEXT CHAPTER


Also 10k VIEWS!!!!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOO i did not expect this to have much attention but still gotta appreciate the small victories So this chapter is my celebration and i hoped you liked it also there might not be a Chapter in a little while cause I might do some stockpiling chapters and just overall relaxing on my weeks off just sleeping.... and that's it maybe play some video Games or watch anime in between but that's it anyway Byeeeeeeee