

Spirits precede any kind of status of beings who are a lower race by manipulating them with their status and becoming more in-depth in the information and description of any personification. Any spirit destroys super-infinite, trans-infinite hierarchies in any of their types and combinations, simultaneously destroying any multi-layered ladder with infinite transcendental hierarchies. There is only one paraconceptual ladder in which there is an infinite set of infinite numbers of super-hierarchies, which are elevated by the status of <⟨•∞•⟩> and which are transcendental and there is an equivalent transcendence between the lower and higher ones. Only 1 ladder of the paraconceptual hierarchy completely annihilates any lower foot of the beings of hierarchies. Spirits surpass any paraconceptual hierarchy, which is also promoted with the help of the status <⟨•∞•⟩>. Spirits control any attack and are able to develop any scaling of the attack, they control magical, spiritual, physical, conceptual, spiritual, fundamental, singular, mental, poisonous, unknown, unexpected attacks, automatically ignoring any attack when hit and becoming one with the creature while destroying it and ignoring its defensibility, the attack in in any case, it cannot be repulsed or blocked by anything. Even if you create a super-high meta-conceptual wall that will protect any impact of the status <⟨•∞•⟩> even from those creatures that are in the top ten users.