
POV of a Buzzing Fly

Tang Fei was a lady said to be unconquerable until she met the president of Leng Corps Youyuan Leng. With one glance she.... fell in love!! Expending all her efforts to chase this seemingly cold president while taking on an equally difficult case, will she succeed? Or will she always just be a buzzing fly? Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays~

Nightingales · Urbain
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56 Chs

Late and Early Mornings

On the morning after CEO Leng's confrontation with Miss Hua, a certain lady named Tang Fei tiredly rose from her sheets at 9AM, approximately 40 minutes before she was to present the pirating case she had so desperately worked on in court…

With a light mewl escaping her lips she lazily turned to the unsuspecting alarm clock by her side, which was promptly thrown across the room in shock when she realized the time.

"Yayao! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!," Tang Fei cried, rushing to jump out of bed and look presentable before she had to embark on a 20 minute ride to the courthouse.

"Not my fault you always turn off your alarms," the nonchalant voice of Nan Peiyao made its way to Tang Fei's panicked ears, "if you can get ready in 10 minutes maybe I'll actually save you something to eat~."

Huffing Tang Fei tried to give her friend a side eye through the floor. "You're so meannnn Yaoyao!" After crossing her arms for a few more seconds she began to dash around the room to do her daily necessities, deciding that her makeup would have to have a "natural look" today.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Ahhhh I made it" Tang a Fei heaved a breath of relief when she saw the approaching courthouse. Involuntarily relaxing Tang Fei laid back and checked the time, she had 10 minutes to spare before she'd go over things with Secretary Leng, so for around 3 minutes she poured over the key parts of her argument before logging onto Immortal Heavens. Due to work she'd been slacking on her guild quests, and all the guild elders probably couldn't wait to nitpick her, but she couldn't stay offline forever…

Steeling herself Tang Fei watched the game credits load, but instead of seeing a barrage of chats in her inbox she saw a rather... useless white kitten.

"Meow," the kitten let out a cute mewl while circling around her character, giving Tang Fei an inexplicable urge to send it flying…

"Argh you're lucky the boss agreed to raise you or el-," Tang Fei's monologue was cut short when she saw a familiar character appear on screen, with a rather large number of female players in tow. "Ah. What have I done to offend the heavens recently…" Internally crying Tang Fei turned to face her actual boss Gu Zhen also known as the formidably annoying charmer Heavenly Dragon.

"Hello dear Rose, i hope you've been well~. I was beginning to get worried that you wouldn't return," Gu Zhen's character smoothly said these sickening words without batting an eye, truly a master playboy.

"I shouldn't have." Tang Fei replied with a scoff.

"Oh how harsh~ I didn't know such a beauty could be so cold!" He tearfully stated, immediately rousing the attention of his brain powder cult.

Not wishing to deal with the women who would argue and fight as if they were injected by chicken blood*, Tang Fei turned off her phone with a black face. She could abstain from gaming for another week...

After taking a few calming deep breaths she exited her car, deciding to meet Secretary Leng in the courthouse a little earlier than usual. After all, early was on time, and on time is late!

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After an unannounced month long hiatus I have returned(~˘▾˘)~

As for updates I can either do Saturdays and Sundays with around 1,500-ish words per chapter or 400- 600 words per chapter every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For now I'll just see which one works best. And this is a lil bit sappy >_< but I love this book, it's characters, and my readers, so I'll try my best to continue working on it. (I've spent to many hours I could've used to sleep on it to give up now)

See ya next update(~˘▾˘)~ (~˘▾˘)~ (~˘▾˘)~