
Potter's luck

Plot: When the last descendant of the Peverell family cries out for help, two beings answer his call: one is a legendary sorceress, and the other is the goddess of death, among tags: sex, immortality, space, personification of death, relationship development, other planets, group sex, dystopian themes, alternate universe, imaginary beings, educational institutions, femslash elements. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 1

England, Surrey, Little Whinging, Privet Drive

Harry Potter's life with the Dursleys was pretty rough. Barely five years old, his relatives began to burden Harry with housework. On top of that, Potter didn't even have his room. He lived in a small closet under the stairs. The Dursley family was disgusting, Vernon was very fond of unleashing his hands on his nephew. The bastard enjoyed beating the boy, eventually, the son joined the father, who formed a gang of thugs and terrorised the neighbourhood. When Harry went to school, Dudley and his cronies discovered a new pastime, or as they called it, 'hunting Harry'.

After school was over, the Dursley Junior gang would ambush Harry outside the Dursley house and attack Potter. These bastards were very fond of beating Harry with their feet and ruining Potter's clothes. However, even this was not enough for the Dursleys. Petunia, along with her illegitimate husband, began spreading rumours that Harry's dead parents were alcoholics and drug addicts. Petunia's hatred for her dead sister was very strong. In addition, Vernon often invited his ugly and fat sister Marge to his house. This creature was very fond of siccing her dogs on a defenceless boy and constantly insulted Harry's dead parents.

Harry's main dream was for someone to take him away from the Dursleys, for he must have relatives on his father's side. What the boy doesn't know is that all of James Potter's relatives have been destroyed by the old manipulator (in the case of James' parents, Dumbledore's underlings Arthur Weasley and Alastor Moody) or sent to prison for their crimes (Sirius Black), while others had been persecuted by the media and forced into hiding with Dumbledore's blessing (Remus Lupin). However, this was not enough for the old Headmaster, and he placed powerful spells of surveillance and isolation on the Dursley house. Thus, Harry Potter found himself cut off from the magical world, and only a miracle could help the boy. The old wizard was sure that in such conditions the boy would grow up obedient, not daring to say a word against it, because the manipulator needed a tame hero for his plans. And no other way. However, one incident changed everything.

It was an ordinary April day. Harry was returning from school as usual to avoid Dudley's gang. The boy had purposely left his class first after the last lesson. But Dudley's mates caught up with Potter anyway.

- Stop, you freak! - Hearing Dudley's familiar voice, Harry sped up and rushed to run. Running as hard as he could, Potter realised that today was going to be different. A group of boys caught up with him and ploughed Harry to the ground. For the next few minutes, Dudley and his lackeys beat his cousin.

- Take that, Potter. You don't belong in a normal school," Dursle Jr. was saying as he slammed his fists into the torso of the boy, who was lying on the ground and weakly resisting. His mates were also helping Dudley punch Potter and laughing loudly. The young bullies were enjoying hurting the white-haired boy. After beating their cousin some more, the Dursleys stopped their cronies.

- I think that freak has had enough for today. Let's go," the fat man said, moving away from Harry who was lying on the ground. The group of bullies walked off down the road, leaving Potter lying in the bushes in the park. As soon as Dudley's cronies disappeared into the distance, Potter tried to rise from the ground with a heavy groan. However, he did not succeed immediately. The pain was very intense. Carefully rising to his feet, Harry slowly walked towards the Dursley house. The boy knew what awaited him for being late. The Dursley seniors were particularly unrestrained in their anger. Walking slowly down the street, Harry looked longingly at the other children walking with their parents, whereas he was deprived of that.

As soon as the boy stepped over the threshold of his in-laws' house, Vernon grabbed Harry sharply by the scruff of the neck.

- Where have you been, you bastard?

- Uncle, I- - The boy tried to object, but was interrupted by a fist punch to the stomach from the fat man.

- You bastard, you're half an hour late. I'll beat the shit out of you, you filthy prick," Dursle growled and, with his wife's approval, began beating his nephew as usual. Dudley, standing on the stairs, watched with a satisfied smile as his father beat the deranged man.

The man beat the boy for another ten minutes before throwing him into the closet under the stairs and locking him there.

Lying on the bad carpet, Harry felt a sharp pain throughout his body. The boy's ribs were broken in several places, his glasses had shattered again. His nose was bleeding and there were several bruises under his eyes. Harry felt chills all over his body, for the cupboard was damp Dudley had spilt something in there before his cousin's return.

- I wish someone would help me," Harry whispered before he passed out from the intense pain that would not leave him, for the Dursley had worked even harder than before. Barely had Potter had time to close his eyes before a bluish glow enveloped him. Magic was once again trying to help her child as best she could. This time she turned the boy's wish into a powerful summoning, sending him outside the Muggle city.


Elvidnir is Hela's castle. Location unknown.

Sitting on her throne in her dark greenish robes, the goddess of death rubbed her long black curl thoughtfully. The girl had worked hard to turn her castle into a wandering space away from all known paths. Here Hela had lived for centuries, spending time in solitude with her old friend Morgana Le Fey, a Midgardian sorceress who had achieved immortality. The legendary sorceress was able to achieve this due to her elven heritage, for she was a half-blood. After Merlin managed to banish her, Morgana escaped to one of the worlds where she met Hela. Since then, the sorceress has been living in the castle of the goddess of death.

- 'You feel it too,' said Morgana, a tall dark-haired girl, entering the throne room and turning to the mistress of the castle.

- 'Yes, I felt a strange call. It's coming from Earth,' said Hela, getting up from her throne.

- It's very strange. But we must find out what it is,' said Morgana.

- I agree," Hela said. With a wave of her hand, the goddess of death created a portal to Earth. The two girls then left the throne room, entering the portal archway.


Once on Earth, Morgana and Hela walked leisurely down the night street towards one of the houses from which the magical call was coming.

- Strange. There's an isolation spell here based on blood magic and oversight," Morgana said as she examined the Dursley house with her magical sight. "I'm also sensing strong emanations of hatred and anger.

- We need to find out what's going on here. Let's go," Hela took on a shadowy appearance and turned to her friend. As soon as Morgana did so, both ladies walked through the walls of the building. Once in the corridor, the girls approached the cupboard under the stairs, from where a magical call was coming from. Quietly whispering a spell, Morgana opened the door and saw a boy of about seven or eight years old lying on the floor, hunched over. He was rather thin and weak, but the magic around him was strong.

Kneeling, Morgana touched the boy with the palm of her hand and immediately felt that several of his ribs were broken. The legendary sorceress' eyes immediately lit up green. Hela also approached the boy and, barely touching his forehead with her palm, felt a vile emanation emanating from the child's scar. The Goddess of Death immediately recognised the Horcrux.

- 'Poor child,' Morgana said, rising from her knees, 'he shouldn't stay here. It is not right for a wizard to live with the scum of the human race. Friend, I've been through the boy's memory. He doesn't belong here. These scum he lives with deserve to die."

But the sorceress had not told her friend everything. Morgana could feel the boy's magic intoxicating her.

"It's a shame he's so young. But nothing, I'll wait, especially since time is not critical for me and this wizard will be mine in the future," the dark-haired sorceress pondered, looking at the sleeping boy.

- I agree, but first, we'll find out everything from these mortals," Hela said firmly and headed towards the Dursleys' bedroom.

Using a spell, the goddess of death lifted Vernon and Petunia up and then tried to get information about the boy.

- So, now you'll honestly tell me how you got a mage child and I'll probably let you live, but I don't want you to piss me off.

- We won't tell you anything, you crazy slut," Vernon said.

- 'Well, if you won't do it the nice way, we'll do it the hard way,' said Morgana who had entered the room, and for the next few minutes, the two friends tortured the Dursleys with spells.

Half an hour later, the girls knew everything. It turned out that the boy had been given to the Dursleys by a certain Dumbledore, headmaster of a magical school and head of a magical judicial parliament called the Wizengamot. The boy's parents had been killed by the dark wizard Voldemort. The Dursleys also reported that Dumbledore asked them to be tougher on their nephew. And for this, the headmaster paid them £1,500 a month. The Dursleys knew absolutely nothing about Dumbledore's plans for Harry Potter. Throwing the brat aside, Morgana and Hela didn't bother with this punishment any longer and rushed to the boy.

Lifting the child in her arms, Morgana waited for Hela to open the portal and followed her friend out, carrying the boy in her arms.


Back at the castle, the girls carried Harry to the healer's room and began to examine the boy's health in detail.

As expected, the boy had several broken ribs and dislocated arms. However, that wasn't the worst of it: some idiot had placed his Horcrux inside Harry. It was this action that caused the boy's magical core to develop slowly and improperly. After exchanging a few glances, Morgana and Hela decided to help the boy.

- I'll start treating him first, and then you can get the Horcrux. We need to stabilise the boy first, and only then can we deal with the abomination in his scarred forehead," Morgana said.

- 'Agreed,' Hela stepped aside and allowed Le Fey to begin healing the boy. As soon as the goddess of death stepped aside, Morgana's hands glowed green and she began to run them over Harry's body, beginning a very long healing process.

The healing lasted for several hours. At that time, Morgana had fixed all of the boy's problems, including his poor eyesight. Then it was Hela's turn. Touching her palm to the child's forehead, the goddess of death pulled a shard of the Dark Lord's soul from the scar. The Horcrux resisted for a long time but was powerless against Hela. After destroying the shard, the friends took the boy to Morgana's chambers, as they were the closest.

All that remained was to return the boy to his normal age, for which Harry needed to be fattened up, as he now looked like an overweight boy.

Waking up the next day, Harry noticed that he was in an unfamiliar room that was several times larger than his usual storage room under the stairs. Looking around, Harry noticed a beautiful brunette in long robes standing across from his bed. The awkward silence was soon broken when the girls decided to introduce themselves.

- Good morning, I'm Hela," the brunette on the right spoke first.

- And I'm Morgana," the second girl introduced herself.

- Nice to meet you. And I'm Harry. Where am I?" - The boy asked, looking around.

- 'This is my castle. Me and my mate brought you here after taking you away from your disgusting relatives. By the way, why did they hate you so much? - Hela said.

- 'Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon think I'm ugly and abnormal. And my cousin Dudley and his friends," Harry stammered and turned away, trying not to cry.

After a moment's thought, the boy decided to ask, "What's going to happen to me now?

- Harry, you're going to live here. No one will dare to hurt you anymore," Morgana said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

- And about your ugliness, that's just those people being jealous of you, you're normal and don't mind what other people say about you.

After waiting for the boy to get dressed, the girls decided to go for a walk with Harry to make him feel freer.

Leaving the room, Harry, Morgana and Hela went for a walk to a small park that was not far from the castle. It was worth noting that Hela had placed her citadel on a planetoid that was drifting in space thanks to powerful spells. After a little thought, the girls decided to tell the boy the truth about his origins. Going deeper into the park and finding a place where they would not be disturbed, Morgana and Hela took turns telling Harry briefly why Harry had ended up with the Dursleys - they had received the information from the boy's relatives.

Back at the castle, Harry was very pensive. It turned out that his parents were not slackers, as the Dursleys claimed, but wizards who had died heroically protecting him. In truth, it was to James and Lily Potter that the world owed its deliverance from the Dark Lord Voldemort. Harry didn't see his merit in defeating the Dark Wizard. The boy didn't understand why most adult wizards sat idly by and waited for the Chosen One to solve their problem. Since these same wizards had so easily agreed that their hero should live with the Muggles, Harry owed them nothing at all.

For the first time in five years, Harry was optimistic about the future. Interacting with Morgana and Hela had been interesting for Harry. Gradually Potter got used to the new place and stopped expecting a catch.

Most of all Harry liked to read, the library in the castle was huge. Potter was interested in everything from Muggle books to works of magic. However, the girls did not allow Potter to read all the magical books. They explained their decision by the fact that Harry was not yet ready for serious magic, as his magical core had not yet stabilised. To the boy's question about when this would happen, Morgana replied that not before the age of 16, and advised Harry to practice the simplest types of magic. Agreeing with the wizardess's opinion, Harry began to actively study the basics of magic. Since by law, Harry had to get a wand at the age of 11, all lessons were devoted to the history of the magical world, etiquette, magical political science and physical education. The girls studied with the boy together, and unsurprisingly, they quickly became attached to Harry.

Morgana and Hela were very demanding teachers, their classes lasted an average of two hours each. The girls explained the need for physical exercise by saying that a mage must be ready for anything. Using examples from the past, Morgana explained that survival in battle depended on physical fitness. Besides, as the girl repeatedly said, modern mages have become too lazy, and hardly any of them know how to fight.

As soon as the lesson was over and a rather tired Harry went to his room, which Hela had personally created for him, the two friends went to the throne room to think about what to do next. After all, it was obvious that some of the wizards of Earth had far-reaching plans for the boy.


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