

Éditeur: Exodus Tales

Danger was everywhere in the forest. It was likely that a thorn, a poisonous blade of grass, an obscure bug, a pit under a rotting leaf, or the sudden appearance of a beast could inadvertently reap a fresh life. 

Walking in the woods, Bai Yang had been extra cautious but still encountered many close shaves with death; he had a giant spider abruptly appearing on his shoulder, stepped into an empty pit, or met with a wild beast in the forest. Things like these had happened more than a few dozen times in just two hours' time!

Every step he took was another risk taken.

"Even Master Bear1 is nothing in here, he'd be gone in a second…"

He walked while grumbling quietly. Every time he was in danger, he would return to the 'other end' immediately. It's still fine if the danger came from the wild beasts as all he had to do was wait some time for the beasts to leave before returning. But when it came to things like him falling into a pit, there was nothing much he could do as even if he returned, he would reappear at the same spot, still falling into the pit no matter what. There were a few times he nearly couldn't get up from the fall.

Bay Yang followed the footprints for four fours but still haven't reached the outskirts of the forest. At this time now, it was already night time on Earth. Thus, Bai Yang was left with no choice but to stop. However, even though it was night time on Earth now, it was still afternoon in here!

Returning back on Earth, he kept the equipment, ate his dinner and went to sleep. An extremely tiring and exhaustive day passed just like that. 

On the second day, Bai Yang's parents left for work. He woke up and finished the breakfast prepared from the 'organic wild boar meat' by his mother. Then, he equipped the tactical suit and returned to the other side to resume his search for civilization.

To his disappointment, it was night time when he returned to the other side. Although the moon was bright and the stars shone bright, the darkness made the forest a dozenfold more dangerous. He had no choice but to give up for tonight.

Other than reconfirming that both sides had different lengths of time in a day, he also had experienced the wonder of the night time in this world.

There were three moons in the sky, one big moon and two smaller moons. The big moon has the size of a car-wheel in his vision while the two smaller moons were the size of a bowl. Although their speed was not fast, the smaller moons were clearly orbiting the big moon. 

Bai Yang spent an Earth's day to observe the changes of the moons in here and found out that at roughly every ten hours or so, the smaller moons would make a complete rotation around the big moon.

Cheh, it's just a planet with two natural satellites, not a big deal. Although the big one is white like ice, and the small ones are maroon red and icy blue…

After two days of observation, Bai Yang came out with an unreliable conclusion. One stellar day of the 'other side' was roughly 40 hours, the exact number was not yet known.

When a new day came on the 'other side', it was already night time here on Earth. He quickly finished his dinner, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't resist it anymore. He locked his bedroom, changed to the tactical suit and began exploring the 'other side' again.

Bai Yang's attention was fixated on the fun of exploring a new world, meanwhile, his friends had been trying to contact him but to no avail. After some time of trying to reach him, his friends eventually gave up. After all, no one's disappearance would stop life from going on.

His search continued for another few hours, but he still saw no sign of exiting the forest anytime soon. If it wasn't because it's a whole new world he was exploring here, he would've given up a long time ago.

Had anyone seen spiders with 12 legs? Bai Yang had. 

Had anyone seen butterflies with fur? Bai Yang had.

Had anyone seen flowers with patterns that looked like ghosts' faces? Bai Yang had.

His phone had even more video clips and photos of strange things like these, but he eventually deleted all of them. After all, if any of these photos or videos were leaked, he would've been in deep trouble on Earth.

There were also many peculiar fruits he saw but never dared to try any of them. What if they were poisonous and he ate them? But putting his life before anything, he would've never taken any risk before making sure those fruits were safe to consume.

If Bai Yang was a botanist or biologist, this small piece of forest area would provide enough research material for many years. But he wasn't, and his plan was to find the human civilization in this world and get a better understanding of this world. This wildlife would not run away on its own, there would be plenty of time to study them later. Thus, he had only been looking around instead of stopping and studying them.

"28 degrees Celcius, what season is it now. It's so humid and stuffy. Is this even a nice place to live in?" Bai Yang grumbled softly while carefully leaned on a huge tree to rest.

This brat was a hick from the sticks, he had no single idea that the tree he was leaning against was the high-valued red sandalwood, or that the unnoticed plant beside his feet was the legendary wild ginseng…!

But he didn't know a single thing about it, could he be blamed? How many high-valuable items in the world were truly understood by the people? There were tons of city residents that had no idea how the rice they ate was grown. Some even thought rice was a kind of fruit that grew on trees.



A loud roar and muffled bang came from the left just a few tens of meters away from Bai Yang. Bai Yang shivered in shock and chickened right back into his room.

"Why do I even run, the sounds are a distance away from me still. I should go get a closer look before I run. What a coward!"

Bai Yang criticized himself, held the military shovel and stun baton tight in his hands and returned back in the forest. He leaned close on the tree while carefully listening to the noises from far away.

Other than the roarings of animals, there were some other noises that sounded very different.

Something is going on!

The leaves were moving violently from where the noises came from and Bai Yang was bestirred, especially when he heard the differently-sounded noises. Although he had no idea what the noises were, he was very sure those were words spoken by humans.

He hadn't exited the forest and met with any humans but bumped into one in the forest itself, even Bai Yang didn't know what to comment on his luck.

He carefully headed toward the noise and after some ten meters, he opened up a hole in the bushes and stared with his eyes wide open to the front.

With just a look, Bai Yang nearly exclaimed out loud in shock but he quickly held himself back.

Some 30 meters away from him, there was a piece of empty space surrounded by a few towering trees. A wild boar at least two meters high was charging and ramming at the empty space. Its tusks were close to the size of the tusks of Earth's elephants. When it moved, it felt like a tank was moving. Even the huge trees were shuddering when the wild boar rammed on it and the tree bark was peeled off by the wild boar's tusks.

But what shocked Bai Yang the most was not the wild boar, but the man riding on the back it. The man's legs were clipping on the wild boar's back, his hands were tightly gripping the wild boar's skin and even pulled the skin up from its flesh!

What sort of strength was this? Bai Yang couldn't even imagine.

On the side, there were two other men. One was squatting on the branch of a huge tree, ten meters high above the ground. He had a bow nocked with an arrow, locked onto the wild boar and ready to deliver the killing blow. His body was steady as a statue with only his hands and eyes moving steadily along with the movements of the wild boar. 

On the ground, there was another man, equipped with a black cane that was as thick as Bai Yang's arms. His body was lowered like a leopard ready to hunt its prey, his eyes sharp like a beast as he stared closely at the charging wild boar.

Humans, those were three humans. Bai Yang's eyes nearly popped out of his eye sockets. Between these three men, even the one with the smallest arms still have arms that were bigger than his legs. None of them were shorter than 180 cm, their skin was tanned and their muscles were solid like metal plates. 

Were they really humans and not beasts? If only they were a little higher, they would've looked very similar to the Hulk!

Someone like me, I am no different from a little chick in front of them, right?

Bai Yang murmured in his heart. Perhaps, it was due to his life as a city resident, Bai Yang couldn't help but take out his phone and start recording…

With just the three of them to engage in close combat with a wild boar the size of a tank, Bai Yang's worldview had been totally crushed. If they were on Earth, any one of these three men would be able to completely destroy the bodyguards of Zhongnanhai!

They wear animal skins and use bows and arrows. Is the civilization of this world still in the barbaric stage?

As he watched the hunting going on, he was also recording with his phone at the same time while thinking in his heart.

Then, a minute later, a change in situation caused Bai Yang's heart to shake.

The man riding on the wild boar mustered his strength and his muscles enlarged. He let out a loud roar and with his brute force, forced the charging wild boar to change its direction toward the man with the black cane. 

Bai Yang could swear that he really saw the eyes of the man with the black cane turning sharp and cold like a sword. Although the killing intent was not directed at him, Bai Yang still felt like his heart was going to stop anytime soon.

In the face of the charging wild boar, the man's muscles tightened and the long black cane was swung in a one-eighty circle with a loud buzzing noise.



The cane landed a direct hit on the wild boar's head and the man took a step to the side.

Meanwhile, the wild boar continued charging forward and rammed onto a tree. Its body could clearly be seen swaying.

It was at this moment that a sharp noise whizzed through the air followed by a soft piercing noise. A black arrow was shot into the wild boar's eyes into its head!


The wild boar fell and the ground shook for a second.

Are they really humans? Are they really not transformed from some kind of monsters? 

Bai Yang nearly peed in his tactical suit. These men were so scary. Even on Earth, humans would still need some time to take down the wild boar with all those modern guns. Yet, these three men settled it with just a swing of cane and an arrow!

"! @#%...%@I^#*!@#"

A strange noise sounded right behind Bai Yang, just a few meters away from him.

"Oh my…"

Bai Yang's soul nearly flew out of his body in immense shock. He tardily turned his head back and saw the man equipped with bow and arrow standing behind him. 

He didn't know when and where did he come from, but the man who just killed the wild boar had an arrow nocked on the bow and was aiming right at him. He could swear that he saw the arrowhead was shining with icy cold air…