
4. Veronica (April’s Mom)

The two of them had been getting together really well this year. I worried that with their age they would be weird about everything, but neither of them have. They got us at 4 this morning to watch the sunrise together; me and Mitch hadn't done that until our honeymoon. I joked around with them both about liking the other, and they both have the same reaction every time. They say my name all embarrassed, then turn their heads and laugh. Every time, without failure. If Mitch was still here he would be trying to separate them all the time, but I'm here for the idea of the two of them. They've known each other forever, and so have I. I know they're both good kids so I don't have to worry about them getting into trouble. They follow their morals no matter who tells them otherwise. And, I know April has always liked Dominic. He's the only boy she never came home from school saying he had cooties or the plague. She still has never admitted to it, but it's pretty obvious on her part. It's Dominic I'm not sure about. He's always been kind of secretive, it's how he was raised.