
Elements of Insanity - Ch. 10 Lil Miss Rarity

Twilight and Spike were heading over to Rarity's boutique the next day. Spike was praying that Rarity wasn't insane like Butchershy and Applejerk. He would hate to see his crush looking like a mental and insane pony. When they got there, Twilight knocked on the door. 

"Just a minute." Rarity said from inside the boutique. 

Rarity soon came to the door and opened it, revealing her entire body. She wore a robe covering her body, a towel covering her mane, a facial mask and an eye patch on her right eye. Twilight and Spike stared at her with confusion. 

"Greetings dearest, Twilight. And greetings to you, Spike. I know you're both wondering why I'm dressed in such attire with an eye patch and facial mask. Let's just say, Sweetie Belle decided to help me with a little... experiment. But anyway, can I assist you two with something?" Rarity asked. 

"Ugh, yes. Can we come in?" Twilight asked.

Rarity stepped aside and allowed the two to enter. Her boutique didn't look much different. Unlike Butchershy and Applejerk, her boutique looked exactly the same and wasn't creepy or messy. But for some weird reason, Rarity's mannequins were missing and out of sight. 

Twilight thought about it, but was soon snatched out of her thoughts by Rarity's voice. 

"Can I get you something to drink? Perhaps, tea? or coffee?" Rarity asked. 

"Ugh, no thank you." Twilight said. 

Rarity sat down next to Twilight and Spike on the couch.

"So, Rarity, have you done anything exciting lately?" Twilight asked.

"Of course! Thank you for asking. I've been spending a lot more time with Sweetie Belle lately, and I really admire her artistic skills. But something bothers me greatly."


"You see, I wanted her to draw and create art using my special paint, but she refuses. I don't know why, it would've been fun. And every time I mention my special paint, she starts getting scared."

Twilight seemed curious.

"Go on." Twilight said.

"Ever since I've introduced her to my special paint, she hasn't been looking at me the same way."

"What is your special paint made of?"

Before Rarity could answer Twilight's question, they all heard the sweet voice of Sweetie Belle.

"Rarity! Can I go play with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Of course you can darling. But be back before supper. Pinkamena and I have prepared a special dessert for you, and we think you'd love it." Rarity answered. 

"Pinkamena?" Twilight asked.  

"Whoops! Did I say that? I meant, Pinkie Pie.' Silly me! How can I get Pinkie Pie mixed with Pinkamena?"

Rarity chuckled while Twilight cautiously examined the suspicious unicorn. Sweetie Belle ran out the front door of the boutique as if she wanted to desperately leave the place for some weird reason. 

"Spike, have you been a generous dragon?" Rarity asked.

"Y-Yes ma'am." Spike said. 

"Good. Now I must-"

Soon, Rarity heard the telephone ring. Rarity headed over to the telephone while Twilight and Spike tip toed over to the attic. They had seen a trail of a wet substance that they couldn't predict, thanks to the carpet. When they reached the attic, they hesitantly flipped on the light switch. 

Twilight and Spike froze. Mannequins were standing tall with parts of real ponies sewed onto them. A doll that looked like Rarity had sat on a stool with a beating heart that was sewed into the chest of the doll. A jar of blood sat in the far corner of the attic, and the label read, "Special paint." 

Twilight then realized why Sweetie Belle was so desperate to leave. Rarity had tried to convince and persuade Sweetie Belle into drawing by using blood. Before Twilight and Spike could do anything else, they both heard an insane laughter coming from behind them. 

They shot their bodies around to see Rarity, without her robe, facial mask and eye patch. Her entire body, including her bold-and-black eye, heart-shaped tattoo on her chest and the three scratches on her hind legs and her mane and tail were disheveled. 

Without thinking, Twilight snatched the small Rarity doll up and held it in her mouth.

"Twilight, darling. Give me my doll please." Rarity said. 

Twilight shook her head. The doll possessed something dark, and Twilight knew that if she gave it to Rarity, she'd be more insane than she already is. 

"Twilight, this is no longer an option. Give me my doll."

Twilight ran in front of Spike, whose eyes were widened in fear and disbelief. 

"R-Rarity…" Spike said.

"Spikey Wikey, please tell Twilight to give me my doll." Rarity said. 

"Don't do it, Spike!" Twilight said, still holding the doll in her mouth. 

Spike was sweating rapidly. He couldn't decide who's side to choose. He knew that if he chose Rarity's side, it would be wrong. But if he chose Twilight's side, he would ruin his chances of earning Rarity's love. He soon decided to choose Twilight's side, because his feelings didn't matter at the moment. 

"Rarity, I can't let you do this." Spike said. 

Rarity frowned and crossed her arms. 

"Fine, if you won't give it to me -"

Rarity levitated a few very sharp needles she used for sewing, and a few sharp jewels. 

"Then I'll take it from you by force!"

Rarity shot the needles and jewels at Twilight and Spike. They easily dodged the attacks and tried to find a way out of the attic. Twilight had dropped the doll accidentally and then noticed the beating heart inside the doll. 

"Rarity?!" Twilight asked. 

"Opalense wasn't behaving well, so I ripped out her heart and gave it to someone who truly deserves it." Rarity said.

"A doll?"

"She's not just a doll! She's the only friend I have!"

Rarity shot more diamonds and needles at Twilight and Spike. Soon, a diamond stabbed Spike's tail, causing him to yelp in pain and fall over. 

"Spike!" Twilight yelled. 

Twilight ran to Spike's side and kneeled down next to him. Blood trickled down his tail. Twilight couldn't believe her eyes. She hated seeing blood. Almost everypony hated seeing blood. Some ponies have never even seen blood. How could Rarity do such a thing?

"How could you, Rarity?" Twilight asked, tears almost forming. 

"Rarity? I'm not Rarity anymore, darling. I'm Lil Miss Rarity! Element of generosity! And since you weren't nice and generous enough to give me my doll back, then I'll just have to teach you a lesson about manners!"

Twilight carried Spike out of the attic and downstairs, desperate to run back home. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Lil Miss Rarity asked.

Lil Miss Rarity used her magic to lock all the doors and windows. Twilight gasped and tried to pull them open. But it wouldn't budge. Rarity continued walking towards Twilight and Spike. Spike was still lying on the ground in pain, but found enough courage to pick up a jewelry box off the floor and throw it at Lil Miss Rarity.

It got Lil Miss Rarity's head and caused her to fall on her back. Twilight soon broke the door open and carried Spike home. When they got home, they landed on the floor again. They breathed heavily. Spike began to form tears in his eyes. Twilight was able to aid his wound, but he still felt sad.

"What's wrong, Spike?" Twilight asked.

Spike was silent for a second, but then spoke.

"How could Rarity do such a thing…?" Spike asked.

Twilight sighed and hugged Spike.

"I don't know, Spike. But it'll all be over soon. I just have to find a way to reform my friends." Twilight said.

And with that they both went to sleep. They knew who they were gonna go against tomorrow. Pinkie Pie.