
The Kiss

Elodie was awoken by loud steps and a low roar. She stretched and thought to herself, 'Appa must be up.' She rolled onto her side and smiled when she noticed Hakoda was still asleep with his arm wrapped loosely around her waist. She knew he needed the rest, so she didn't attempt to wake him. She just closed her eyes again and enjoyed the peacefulness, the soft rocking of the ship and sounds of the water was making her fall back asleep. However, the sound of men starting to mill around the ship signaled that it was time to wake. Elodie was slightly startled when she felt small kisses on her cheek, not realizing that her eyes had closed. She looked over at a sleepy Hakoda, a tired smile on her lips, as he brushed some hair out of her face. He said in his deliciously deep morning voice, "Good morning." Elodie snuggled into him, digging her face in his chest, and mumbled back, "Morning."

They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company before Hakoda had to start getting ready. Elodie snuggled back into the covers as she watched Hakoda get dressed and ready for the day since she didn't have to do anything this morning. Once he was done and was about to leave, he went over to the bed and leaned down to give Elodie a good-bye kiss. He laughed as Elodie pulled him down by his shirt and trapped him in her arms. She said in a fake angry voice, "You're not going anywhere." The two started to playfully wrestle around on the bed before Elodie was eventually pinned down by Hakoda. He kissed her softly before frowning, "I have to go now." Elodie matched his frown before nodding. He got off of her and kissed her forehead before walking out of their room.

Elodie eventually rolled out of bed a little later. She went over to the small vanity in the room and started to wash off her face with the water that was in a bucket by said vanity. Hakoda had been kind enough to give her clean water to freshen up with. She looked at herself in the mirror and frowned at her reflection. She tsked and mumbled, "If I only I had my face care things and sunscreen... I'm going to be wrinkled by 35." She had the beginnings of a sunburn on her arms and face as well as a couple of pimples on her face and she hated it.

Elodie quickly finished getting ready and headed to the healing ward on the ship, hoping Zokkik was there. She smiled when she saw her favorite healer sitting behind a desk, working on some type of poultice. She hopped onto the edge of the and leaned back on her hands. He didn't even look up at her as he said, "What's troubling you?" Elodie gasped at him, "Do I need to have troubles to come and visit my friend?" He gave her his signature look and she sighed, "I need something to protect my skin from the sun." Elodie figured the ship would have some type of sun-protectant since she had picked up people from the Fire Nation were pale (from some not-very-nice names the crew called them).

Zokkik chuckled and stood up to search the vast array of creams and lotions they had acquired, "I noticed that you were a little... pink." Elodie scowled, "It's not my fault I wasn't blessed with perfectly tan skin." He just laughed and grabbed a jar off the shelf, "This should help." Elodie snatched it with a huff, "Thanks." She opened the jar and started to rub the cream on her arms as Zokkik sat back down. He hummed, "Now, tell me what's really wrong. It's about Hakoda's children, isn't it?" Elodie sighed and stopped putting on the sunscreen, "How could it not be that? They hate me, and I don't blame them."

Zokkik frown and held Elodie's hand gently, "They don't hate you Elodie, they were just shocked." She felt tears starting to well up in her eyes before she dove into Zokkik's arms, not speaking in fear of them falling. Zokkik rubbed her back, "Elodie. You should not feel guilty for being in love. Just give them some time to process it." Elodie just nodded weakly.

Elodie stayed in Zokkik's arms for a while longer before sniffling softly and trying to laugh off her emotions as she pushed herself off of him, "I think sometimes I just need to cry a bit to feel better." Zokkik shook his head at her, "Stop holding all your emotions in Elodie, it's not good for you." Elodie just shrugged as she started towards the door, "I don't know, Zokkik. I kind of like the emotional torture I put myself through." He scoffed at her as she grinned and waved goodbye to him.

The day drug on and on; Elodie didn't know if it would ever end. Everyone was still exhausted from the night before, as well as on full alert for Fire Nation ships. Elodie tried to help with duties on the ship as much as she could. She was getting good at working on the ship and she was happy to do so on slow days like this.

It felt like 5 years before most of the crew were sitting in their normal circle and eating dinner. Elodie had shown up a little later than everyone else with Konoye and Petak since the three had goofed off, and in return, their chores took longer. The three had entered the circle still laughing about their shenanigans that had ended up with Konoye's pants soaking wet. All eyes went to the laughing group and one of the men teased Konoye, "You have an- um accident, Konoye?" The male flushed and pointed at Elodie, "She spilled water all over me." Elodie smiled cheekily, "I told you not to break my concentration, dummy."

As everyone, excluding Hakoda's children, cracked up at Konoye's situation as the three got their food. Elodie froze slightly after getting her bowl, should she sit with Hakoda or away from him. She chose the safe option and headed towards where Konoye and Petak were sitting, but Hakoda's hand grabbling her arm softly as she walked past him, made her stop. He just gave her a small smile and nod to the spot beside him. She smiled back softly at him before taking her regular seat beside him. She whispered to him, "Is this ok?" He nodded a bit and whispered back, "Yes. I'm not hiding our relationship any longer." She just smiled at him as a response, feeling the intense stares of his children on them. They were sitting across from Hakoda and Elodie in the circle.

As dinner went on, the majority of the crew had scattered, leaving the gang, Elodie, Hakoda, Bato, Zokkik, Konoye, and Petak still chatting. They somehow got on the topic of the festival that happened the week they arrived at Chameleon Bay. Zokkik gave Elodie a sideways glance and teased, "Oh, was that the festival that Elodie attended when she was strictly told not to go?" Elodie grinned and asked innocently, "Did I do that? I can't seem to remember." Konoye butted in, "Oh you don't? Well, I do. I basically had my ass handed to me for not turning around when we found you in the boat." The men laughed as Elodie bat her eyelashes at him, "Oops." Konoye just rolled his eyes at her and joked, "You're just as bad at lying as you are kissing."

All eyes snapped to Elodie, Katara and Sokka's eyes basically red with anger. Hakoda raised an eyebrow as Elodie cringed, well that didn't come outright. Hakoda looked at Konoye, "How would you know that?" Konoye instantly paled and Elodie answered for him, "The night of the festival Konoye kissed me, but in his defense, he didn't know that we were still private about our relationship. And, it was like kissing a sibling, so there were absolutely no other times that happened." Elodie shivered at the thought of the kiss as Hakoda questioned Konoye, "Is this true?" The male being interrogated nodded rapidly, "I-It was only that one time and I didn't know that y'all were dating!" Hakoda was silent for a while before laughing, "I believe you, I just had to scare you a bit." Konoye's face slackened with relief and put a hand over his heart, "I thought I was going to be thrown overboard!" Elodie laughed softly and shook her head at him.

It wasn't long before the rest of the group left to go to bed, leaving just Elodie and Hakoda on the deck. Hakoda looked over at Elodie and grinned, "So... Konoye?" She punched his shoulder and scowled playfully, "Don't even start, buddy. If you wouldn't have been difficult about telling people about us, it would have never happened." Hakoda laughed and kissed her lips softly since his children weren't around anymore, "I am sorry... but I'm not sure if I can feel the same while kissing you. All I will be thinking about is that I am indirectly kissing Kono-." Elodie pounced on him, making him fall off of the small stool he was on and onto his back with an 'oof'. She straddled him and held him down by his shoulders, "Stop! Or you're really not going to be able to kiss me!" Hakoda smirked, "Is that a challenge?"

He squinted his eyes a bit and Elodie squinted her eyes back, "I guess it is." She squeaked as Hakoda quickly switched their positions, practically moving Elodie as if she were a ragdoll. They were both laughing as Hakoda tried to place a kiss on the struggling Elodie. She eventually got away from him, but couldn't move quick enough from her uncontrollable laughter, and Hakoda trapped her again. The two rolled around and wrestled some more before Hakoda finally pinned Elodie down and promptly kissed her rather passionately. Her eyes fluttered close as she wrapped her arms around Hakoda's neck. Hakoda broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers, "I love you." Elodie smiled and kissed him softly, "I love you too."

Unknowing to the couple, two Water Tribe teenagers just so happened to witness Hakoda and Elodie's affections, and they weren't sure what to think about it.


this was a cute chapter, wasn't it?

how do y'all think Katara and Sokka will take Hakoda and Elodie's lovey-doveyness?

please comment, like, and share because it makes me feel good :)

Sunny_SideDowncreators' thoughts