
A New beginning in Kanto

After Eric described the events that happened before being knocked unconscious, the officers and Red decided that he was innocent, but wouldn't be able to continue his journey in Hoenn until Ashley was found and the people behind this attack were caught. So for the next few weeks both Eric and his family were moved to another region and a new home. Now Eric's family lives in Kanto in a small town called Floral, about 3 hours north of Cerulean city. The reason for them being moved here instead of Pallet Town is because you have to earn your residency for Pallet Town due to it literally being called the town of champions. Also another reason why Eric and his family can't move there is that he has to be approved by the Kanto League President and the Elite Four in order to live there.

Eric: I'm heading to Cerulean City to register as a Kanto trainer.

Jake/Eric's dad: Are you sure that you're ready to leave on your adventure already?

Eric: Yes dad and please don't wake the twins. I really don't want to have to deal with them throwing a fit that I'm leaving.

Jake/Eric's dad: Alright, just let me know when you got to Cerulean City ok.

Eric: I will dad. take care of my other pokemon while I'm gone.

Jake/Eric's dad: I thought Grandpa was taking care of them.

Eric: He is but he may need help from time to time. Well see you later

And before his dad could say anything else Eric was out the door and on his way to Cerulean City.

In Pallet Town.....

Prof. Oak: how is Eric and his family settling in over in Floral?

Red, and Blue: how am I supposed to know.

As both red and blue finished their sentence they glared at each other.

Prof. Oak: You two still act like children, and how both of you became champion is beyond me. Blue have your Alakazam check on them.

Blue: Fine. I don't know why you're making such a big deal about this kid.

Red: He's just like us blue. he's far above the other kid that started their journey at the same time and not to mention he knows a lot more about pokemon than you or me.

Blue: how would you know that you battle minded nitwit.

Red: look who's talking fuck stick.

Prof. Oak: You boys need to stop or do I have to get your wives involved in this to get you two to shut up and listen to me.

As soon as their wives were mentioned both Red and Blue shut up and did as Prof. Oak asked.


Unknown Person 1: We are nowhere near our quota even with the group that was brought over from Hoenn and our deadline is in a few weeks.

Unknown Person 2: Well hopefully the higher-ups will be merciful to us.

Unknown Person 3: Oh I wouldn't count on them being merciful. The last team that didn't meet their quota but were very close to it were fed to a school of very hungry Carvanas. Also I've received word from back home their sending and executive over to get us back on track.

Unknown Person 1: Or she being sent to execute us.

Claire: Well sounds like you guys have a lot of work ahead of you.

Unknown Person 3: What about you and that guy you brought back with you, hmm? Are you just going to sit back and make us do all the work?!

Claire: Oh come now. You really think that I'm the lazy one. I've captured more people with just one person under me, in six months than your team of 50 did in 3 years. So who's the lazy ones again?

Unknown Person 2: And that's why you were caught and relocated here.

Claire: No, the reason I was relocated here is because that boy was relocated here.

Unknown Person 1: what you have a thing for kids you pervert.

Claire: Fuck you asshole. No I don't have a thing for kids. this boy has in his possession the one Pokemon we need.

Back with Eric.....

Eric is now in the Cerulean City Pokemon Center getting registered as a Kanto trainer and is waiting for his ID to be handed back to him when he See's and hears some very upsetting news from Hoenn.

TV Reporter 1: In other news we've received an update on a Pokemon Raid that happened a week ago to a small town in Hoenn and it's not good.

TV Reporter 2: The update we received Points to the Raid being caused by some unknown person or person's, and the town of Silver Falls was completely destroyed leaving now survivors, even the Gym leader and the nurse Joy that ran the Pokemon Center didn't survive.

TV Reporter 1: A man hunt is still under way to find the person or person's responsible for this disaster.

When Eric heard the news he fell to his knees in tears for not only was Ashley gone but so was her family and home town where no longer there. When the Nurse Joy in charge of the Cerulean City Pokemon Center saw Eric she thought that he might be from there.

Nurse Joy: were you from there?

Eric: N-no. My Girlfriend who is missing was from there and her dad was the Gym leader, and her mom was the Nurse Joy in charge of the Pokemon Center.

Nurse Joy was stunned when she heard what Eric said and recoiled slightly because of it. After a few minutes Eric stood up and asked if his registration was done.

Nurse Joy: Y-yes your registration is complete. You are now a Kanto League trainer.

Eric: Thank you Nurse Joy. I need some time to process the news and talk to some of my family before I head out.

Nurse Joy: Ok, here's a key to a room upstairs for you to use, this will not count against the number of days you can stay at a Pokemon Center.

Eric: Thanks again.

Eric then slowly walked up the stairs to the room he was given a key for. After finding the room Eric let his Pokemon out of their Pokeballs. Eric's Pokemon knew something was wrong and the first one to ask what was troubling him wasn't his Dratini, but the shadow Latias.

Latias via short range telepathy (includes Eric's other Pokemon): What's wrong Eric?

Eric was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head cupped in his hands and was still crying.

Eric: I-I just found out that the Town of Silver Falls was destroyed and there were no survivors.

Eric's Pokemon dropped their heads as well for they knew what Eric meant and with what happened a few weeks earlier not just losing a new friend (Lucario), but also losing both Ashley (missing) and Laura (dead). Eric and his Pokemon sat for half an hour silently crying until Eric decided to call his family and let them know that he's safe and the news from Hoenn.

Jake/Eric's dad: Hello.

Eric: Dad.

Jake/Eric's dad: Eric?! are you ok? you sound upset. What's wrong?

Eric: I found out that the Town of Silver Falls was destroyed and no one survived.

Eric again started crying and his dad just sat there on the phone and listened to Eric let it all out, both the sorrow and anger that was now coming to the surface. this went on for 15 minutes.

Jake/Eric's dad: So what are you going to do now son?

Eric: Now me and my Pokemon are going to train in the forest around Mt. Moon so that something like this won't happen to me again. So don't expect to hear from me for at least a month. Talk to you then dad.

As soon as Eric finished his sentence he hung up and got ready to leave for Mt. Moon. As Eric was leaving the Pokemon Center his phone began to ring, and when Eric looked at the caller ID it read as unknown. Eric then decided to answer.

Eric: Hello?

Unknown Person: Well well well. Looks like you survived our last encounter and are no worse for wear. You will soon be at our mercy little man.

And as the Person finished speaking they hung up, leaving Eric both terrified and pissed off. After that Eric ran out of the Pokemon Center and left Cerulean City heading west towards Mt. Moon and its surrounding forest. As Eric was running his Dratini wasn't put back in her PokeBall and was trying to keep up with him, but started to fall behind. Latias helped Dratini by picking her up while invisible and put her on Eric's shoulder.

After about thirty minutes of running Eric stopped and looked around and noticed that he was already in the Forest at the base of Mt. Moon.

Will Eric ever see Ashley again? Who was the person that called Eric? For the answers to these questions and more tune in next time.