
Pokemon Tower!

The Pokemon Tower was the tallest building in Lavender, there was no way to miss it when visiting the town. Many people stayed away from the places unless something unfortunate happened to their Pokemon. Other than that, no one would dare visit this place at night—much less venture to the top floors.

It would be a lie to say that Gan wasn't feeling fearful. He was well aware of the personality of Gastly, and its evolutionary chain's personalities, at least most of them. There was a reason the town of Lavender stayed lit at night, always, it was directly due to these three!

Gan entered the Pokemon Tower after climbing the stairs to the place. Walking through the door, he saw a full lobby filled with chairs and tables. The floors were tiled, while the main walkway had white tiles. All of their furniture was Purple, while the tables were made of standard brown wood.

The people that were mainly here were elderly women and some Pokemon Channelers. The two Channeler women turned to Gan, they both looked like they hadn't slept in ages. They didn't say anything and looked away after getting a good look at him.

Gan only looked around briefly, they had a setup to prevent Ghost Pokemon like Gastly and the rest from causing mayhem. He walked over towards the entrance to the second floor, meaning to walk up the stairs.

"Wow, hold it right there, you can't go up there without the proper authorization." Suddenly, Gan was stopped by a police officer.

"I need to be authorized?" Gan thought for a moment and simply pulled out his trainer ID. This License held power in all regions, it was especially so with him having a badge. The policeman squinted his eyes and took the ID.

"Oh...this...okay, you can go up but be careful." The policeman looked at the card three times to make sure he wasn't seeing things before handing it back to Gan. No one said anything and turned their attention back to what they were initially doing.

"If you're in trouble, just get help from the Gym Leader up there. I heard he's on vacation or something; that's what he said." The policeman was still concerned about Gan going up the Tower, so he gave Gan a tip.

"Sure thing." Gan nodded and moved up the stairs.

The minute he arrived upstairs, he was greeted with strange purple mist everywhere. There were tombstones with flowers arranged on a few of them; some even looked freshly placed.

Gastly and its evolutionary forms had personalities that differed. They weren't all evil and insane, some were tricksters, and killers, while some just loved to get a scare out of you. This particular Pokemon group was far from dumb, and could even be called geniuses.

Gastly to Gengar was actually mandatory for Gan to catch, he needed them badly for his plans; for many plans actually. They could be used in many operations when it came to stealing, they could easily go through walls and commit theft; even putting people to sleep was an option.

Coming here, he didn't plan to just catch one but several Gastly and Haunter if he could. There was nothing on this floor, but he summoned his Geodude, Koffing, Grimer, and Pidgeotto soon after.

They all looked confusingly at the sight before them, trying to figure out where they were of all places.

"Let's go, guys; this place is where we need to capture an important addition to the team." Everyone gave a low cry and followed Gan to the next stairway.

Pidgeotto had leveled up considerably, but he didn't plan to use it for his main team. However, it could be trained up and switched in to mix things up. Before heading up the stairs, he saw another channeler near it, she seemed to be meditating.

Gan said nothing to her and went up the small flight of stairs. Once he arrived on the third floor, he saw that it was slightly hazier here.

"Turn back~!"

Gan heard a strange echoing voice that caused him to jump. He looked around in swift succession but saw nothing, his Pokemon were no different. They all looked ready for battle, they had sensed that there was something wrong here.

Gan quickly reached into his storage and pulled out the [Silph Scope] and attached it to his head. The goggles release a special ray of light from the lenses, revealing any hidden foes in the purple foggy mist.

Suddenly, a silhouette tripped Gan up and he fell to the ground. The minute he fell, Pidgeotto swung its wings toward the shadowy figure. Unfortunately, it was gone just like that, it had disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"Playing tricks, huh!?" Gan quickly stood and looked around quickly. "Keep watch, these guys like to hide and mess around!" Gan warned his Pokemon to keep their vigilance high.

At that moment, Gan felt something grip his calves before flipping him off his feet!

"Ah, sh**!" Right then, Pidgeotto and Grimer attacked quickly. The Pokemon in question was hit with a Wing Attack and a Poison Jab.

"Haunt~!" With a strange call; a large shadow was cast over Gan and his group of Pokemon. But this strange and large shadow revealed what it really was, it couldn't hide under the [Silph Scope].

|Name: Haunter♀

|Type: Ghost + Poison

|Level: 25

|Ability: Levitate

|Potential: ★★★

|Nature: Sassy

|Moves: Hypnosis| Spite| Meanlook| Curse| Night Shade| Confuse Ray| SuckerPunch|

"Haunt, Haunt, Haunt~!!" Haunter bounced back from the attacks and broke out into laughter. As it was laughing, more roars of laughter were heard and several other Pokemon appeared.

|Name: Gastly♂

|Type: Ghost + Poison

|Level: 22

|Ability: Levitate

|Potential: ★★

|Nature: Jolly

|Moves: Hypnosis| Spite| Meanlook| Curse| Night Shade| Confuse Ray| SuckerPunch|

The highest Pokemon in terms of talent was a 2-star Gastly, it was accompanied by two more Gastly. Right as they appeared, a ray of light flashed from one of their eyes and hit Pidgeotto. Once Pidgeotto was hit, it seemed dizzy and drowsy as if it couldn't tell what was what.

"Confuse Ray!" Gan didn't stress and acted quickly, he pulled out a full heal and sprayed Pidgeotto. The medicine sunk into its skin and healed it right away from its confusion.

"Attack the one in the middle, it was the one that launched the Confuse Ray!" Pidgeotto didn't wait for Gan to finish before rushing to attack the opposing Gastly.

Koffing floated over to help Pidgeotto while the Grimer and Geodude confronted Haunter. Just as Pidgeotto had the intent to attack; a blackened fist quickly came out of the void and punched it across the face.

This attack seemed to have appeared out of the void—as if it had torn through space itself.

Pidgeotto was sent spiraling toward the ground in surprise, but before it could hit the ground, it caught itself mid-fall. Koffing didn't stop, it shot the Gastly that seemed to have performed the strange attack on Pidgeotto.

Gastly tried to drift away, but Koffing torched the whole area. One of the Gastly turned and flew through a wall and disappeared. Ghost attacks didn't work on Pidgeotto due to its normal typing, so Gan surmised that Gastly had used Sucker Punch on Pidgeotto.

While this was going on, Geodude used Rock Slide, but Haunter was just too fast. It moved away and appeared next to Geodude and gave him a strange stare. Its eyes suddenly turned into swirls similar to the Rinnegan from Naruto, then a strange Purple and Magenta transparent wave came upon Geodude.

Geodude dropped to the ground and started to snore!

"Don't look into its eyes!" Gan's expression darkened a bit.

Grimer came over and sent a Poison Jab toward Haunter, but it quickly descended through the floors before Grimer could hit it.

"Careful, keep watch!" Gan looked around in swift succession. Just when he wanted to summon more Pokemon to aid him, he felt a chill run down his back.

"Haunterrrr~!" Haunter appeared behind him!

Gan tried to back away, but Haunter's huge tongue licked him from his waist to his face!

Gan gasped in shock! His body felt like a jolt of static was running through it as he fell to the ground in a cold sweat.

He had heard stories about getting licked by Haunter, it was said that your life force would drain from you over time and you would die!

"Haunt, Haunt, Haunt~!" Haunter started to laugh as usual but not before being attacked by Koffing and Pidgeotto... this had given it a sense of danger. Gan could still move, what he was suffering from now was a paralyzing effect.

Gan hoped that the life force story wasn't true or he could be in trouble!

Haunter wasn't smiling anymore after taking a hit from Koffing, it had been hurt by this attack. Pidgeotto also came over to attack, it was the best at dealing with Ghost-type. Haunter used Nightshade on Pidgeotto but nothing happened.

Haunter was surprised and tried to withdraw by going through a wall.

"Don't let it run, Wing Attack it!" Gan wiped the sweat from his forehead and pulled out a Paralyze Heal to spray himself.

Haunter saw that it didn't have a chance to escape, so it used a Sucker Punch on Pidgeotto, but Pidgeotto wouldn't be fooled by this attack again. It dodged the punch that came out of the void and rocketed toward Haunter with Wings Of Light!

On any given day, Haunter could easily run circles around Pidgeotto in terms of speed. Unfortunately, Pidgeotto had a speedy nature while Haunter didn't have a relevant nature to speak of.


Haunter was hit over its head by the Wing Attack!

"Hau..." Haunter grabbed its head with its floating claw-like hands and fell out of the sky.

Gan turned toward the Gastly that were defeated and tossed two Pokeballs at them, then he tossed a Luxury ball at the Haunter that had fainted. He only had three regular Pokeballs left, he forgot to head toward the Pokemart to load them back up.

Either or, he managed to catch Haunter after being humiliated by it three times!

"F**k!" Gan cursed and took a seat near a gravestone. One of the Gastly from before had managed to escape, but he still caught a big fish, nonetheless.

Gan checked himself, but he didn't feel anything off. He didn't feel like something was draining from his body.

"I'm not cursed, right?" Haunter and Gastly had the move Curse, it was a good thing they didn't use it, he hoped.

"Nicely done, you manage to defeat that gang of Ghost, very well played!" Suddenly, Gan heard a voice through the purple mist.

He looked over and saw a man wearing a purple headband over his forehead. His chestnut hair was slightly spikey, and he wore a smile across his face. There was also a purple scarf around his neck, as he wore a long black open jacket and a black undershirt with gray pants.

Gan looked at the man's features closely, but he was surprised once he realized who he was.

"Morty!" Gan said unconsciously.