
Pokemon Transcendence

An unfortunate accident struck Roy, which started his transmigration. In this world, he was reborn and renewed. Roy was born with a complete family, his father, mother, brother, and sister. Come along the journey with Roy as he Transcendes all obstacles in his way. Will he be a modest person in the world, or will cause mayhem on his way to the top?

GodsDontBleed · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Junior Tournament Part-3!

Roy decided to keep his Magnemite for the next battle since it wasn't revealed, but he had to choose a different Magnemite for reasons. He was escorted to another room to choose two different pokemon.

Roy wasted no time and quickly began to skim through the Poke balls.

Soon after, Roy chose the Poke balls he wanted to use for his next battle. Grinning, Roy was confident in his choice more than ever. This was because of the aura coloration coming from a particular Poke ball.

"Are these Poke balls your final choice?" The tall man asked.

Roy confirmed that they were his final choice before being able to view the pokemon within. He was completely satisfied with his decision. Apparently, they were still using Pokecup/Littlecup pokemon until the final two battles of this group.

Roy used the machine to check their move sets despite already knowing them and left back to the battlegrounds. When he returned, he found that the first battle for the second round was coming to a close.

That Ron kid was on the losing end, at least that was how it looked.

Roy was instructed to wait off to the side where everyone else was. The Purple groups were split and the winner within each group would have to battle. Once the winner of either of these groups won, they would be placed in the top 8 automatically!

"Hey, boy, if you face me you should admit defeat. If you do that I can promise you many benefits." As Roy was contemplating himself, he heard a demanding tone speaking his way from his side.

Roy turned to see a boy around his age, more than likely to be; staring at him with a grin. He had blonde hair and green eyes with fair skin. He was dressed well in casual clothes, he wore gold and expensive-looking accessories.

"Are you talking to me?" Roy frowned. This was especially so when he heard what the boy had said.

"Of course, you're the only one in this direction. You should surrender if you run into me; this is for the best. If you need money, I can get it for you, all you need to do is forfeit the match if you come across me."

"Surrender? No, if you can't win then you can't win." Roy immediately rejected the notion without much thought.

"Kid this isn't up for debate, you forfeit the match, lest you get yourself into trouble." The blonde-headed boy's eyes and tone turned cold.

"We'll see." Roy didn't feel like arguing with this spoiled-looking brat. He had a feeling that this was just some spoiled rich kid who didn't know what was good for him.

"Kid, you better make the right decision when the time comes, or whatever happens happens, hehe!" The Blonde-head boy sneered as he spoke some threatening words.

"Quiet! You better watch your mouth around here, if I hear any more threats from you, I will have you disqualified!" Mrs. Linen turned her head and glared at the Blonde-headed boy, she clearly heard his threats.

"S-sorry, Mrs. Linen, it won't happen again!" The Blonde-headed boy was frightened out of his wits.

"Good! Now await your turn quietly." Mrs. Linen turned away back to the battlefield. By this point, the second battle was already underway.

The blonde-headed boy glared at Roy with gritted teeth and hatred in his eyes. Roy only turned to the kid for a second, but he could see a black aura around him that he hadn't seen before.

Roy's expression darkened, he knew exactly what this aura around people meant. This aura indicated killing intent or will. Roy made sure to remember this boy's face, and if tried anything along the lines of attempted murder—he had no qualms in secretly getting rid of him.

This was the pokemon world and he had many things to do. Roy wouldn't allow such a character to obstruct him on his journey to transcendence. His vision focused back on the battlefield, these battles ended relatively fast.

He could hear many cheers from the audience, they could view all the battlefields. Roy could roughly see what was going on on the other battlefields, but he saw no traces of his sister and brother.

He could only hope they succeeded. Despite having come to this world with a sole goal, he still cared about his family's well-being and future. Roy gazed at battlefield number two where Purple team two was located.

They were moving on to their fourth battle while the second battle over here was ending. Ron had sadly, he was furious and started to throw temper tantrums. He was quickly removed by the staff members soon after.

"Next, Luke vs Aaron!" Mrs. Linen turned and said.

Two people had already been eliminated, two more would be eliminated in the next battles to follow. Of course, the losers were sad and even crying due to their loss, this battle was a big deal to every last one of them.

But who wouldn't after seeing the rewards?

The two winners went elsewhere to grab a new set of pokemon. The upcoming battle would use Great Cup Class pokemon. These would be the semi-final battles and the final battle coming soon.

"Hmph!" Luke was that arrogant kid from before who told Roy to throw the match. He was up against another kid, who was also dressed in a high-profile manner.

While this was all going on, Roy silently thought to himself. There were quite a number of changes in this world. This included a small island located west of Cherrygrove City. One would need to take a boat to reach this place, but it wasn't far.

In fact, the island could be seen from Cherrygrove City. Roy wanted to check the place out by taking a boat. At least Roy wanted to when his journey started, he wanted to make sure he filled up his Pokedex and explored as many places as possible.

Roy would have to be careful during his travels. Though Johto didn't have as many Danger Zones as Kanto, there were still enough that he had to beware of.

The battle was quite intense, it was a Growlithe vs Cyndaquil. The pokemon in the second round, despite being from the same cup as before—had vicious and powerful move sets this time around.

Growlithe was now packing the TM Fire Blast, while Cyndaquil could use Overheat! The Mr. Mimes were here to contain the situation by preventing any dangerous attacks from going out of control.

Unfortunately, Cyndaquil Sp. Atk was lowered so the trainer was contemplating whether to switch or not. Using Overheat was big mistake on Aaron's part, as this only served to help Growlithe due to its ability Flash Fire.

Roy turned his attention to another battlefield where purple group two was located. Their battle was intense. Much to Roy's surprise, it was raining over there—a pokemon summoned clouds of water.

It was indeed Rain Dance!

Fortunately, it didn't reach the area and stayed in that location. Rain Dance, depending on the pokemon's level; only extended to a certain range. Roy stared at the dark clouds in surprise, the pokemon that summoned these clouds and rain was a Poliwag with its hidden ability Swift Swim.

An explosion suddenly went off where Roy's battleground was. The battle in his area was concluding, with Aaron being left with one pokemon; an Oddish. Unfortunately, Luke's Growlithe knew Dig, giving it a competitive advantage over Aaron's Cyndaquil.

With only his Oddish left against the opposing Growlithe, there was only one inevitable outcome. Oddish did best, at least under the instruction of its trainer but to no avail. It used Stun spore to slow Growlithe down, but it simply dug underground to evade it with ease.

Eventually, it took a devastating Fire Blast that came in the shape of a humanoid. Once Oddish was hit, it was engulfed in a pillar of fire.

It was a one-hitter quitter!

"Oddish is unable to battle, the winner is Luke!" The referee said dramatically.

"No fair! He got better pokemon than mine, if I hadn't gotten an Oddish I could have won." Aaron's voice was filled with whiny reluctance.

"That's life, you lose, you win, unfortunately for you, you lost this time." The referee dismissed him.

However, Luke scoffed at him because he told this guy to also forfeit but he still challenged him. If this was a real competitive match and they were using their own pokemon, he would have beaten his pokemon to the edge of their life. Luke thought with a gruesome grin.

Meanwhile, Luke turned and went out back to grab a new set of pokemon. The next match's winner will bring the count of this group down to four.

"Next match, Lisa vs Roy!" Mrs. Linen spoke right away, she wanted to quickly move this along.

Lisa stood up before looking at Roy, then she went over toward the battlefield. Roy came over as well and got into position.

"Let the match begin!" The referee said while waving his flag.

At the same time, Lisa and Roy tossed their Poke balls to the battlefield.

Lisa's Poke ball revealed a Marill and Roy's Poke ball summoned a Magnemite.


<Species: Marill♀

<Type: Water + Fairy

<Level: 5

<Nature: Timid

<Aptitude: Red 🔴

<Ability: Huge Power

<Moves: Play Rough, Rollout, Defense Curl, Rain Dance[TM], Aqua Tail[TM]


Roy was a bit worried, this pokemon could prove to be threatening if it wasn't dealt with. One of his pokemon absolute didn't appreciate this pokemon's presence.

Roy had a new Magnemite, its move pool was better than the last one he had. Much to Roy's surprise, Lisa didn't switch like he was expecting her to. He was expecting her to switch in order to force him to switch, so she could scout his team.

When she saw Magnemite, she gritted her teeth. It was only for a second, but Roy caught it. From his eyes, he could also see her worry.

What was she so afraid of? Was it Magnemite?

Roy grinned, he think he may have realized why she was so worried.

"Let's go! Thunderbolt!"